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Week 1, Diet/Health Challenge...sign in and tell us your goals!

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This challenge is open to everyone. I posted yesterday asking if anyone wanted to do a specific challenge and there were quite of number of people that wanted to join in. Awesome!


If you want to lose weight, I encourage you, for your own records, to record your measurements (arm, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves) and to take before photos. Also write down an attainable goal that you'd like to achieve in the next 3 months. This will be a 13 week challenge, so the ending date will be Monday, April, 5.


Introduce yourself this week and let us know what you would like to accomplish. Every week thereafter check in with a weight loss, exercise count, and/or whatever else you're doing to become more healthy in 2010.


Some examples of things you could be doing to change your lifestyle:

-exercise (cardio & strength training)

-lose weight (gain weight!)

-eliminate certain things from your diet (even if it's just one thing like pop)

-train for something specific, such as a 5k, 10k, or even a triathlon

-drink more water

-record everything you eat!


I've read that a healthy body is 80% diet, 10% exercise and 10% genetics. Wow, that diet number is pretty big! I read this quote from someone that's had a body transformation recently, "What goes into your mouth can make or break my outlook on myself and my life. My body is a result of nutrition."


If you want to read more on diet and exercise, I like Tosca Reno's books as well as Oxygen magazine. Other's may have some good suggestions, too, so feel free to include that in your introduction.


Here's to the new you!!!

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I guess I'll go first with the intro!


My name is Caralyn and I'm 36 and have four children. I ran a 1/2 marathon in May last year, but since hurt my foot and lost motivation to exercise. Though I didn't lose any weight running because I didn't change my eating habits, I definitely had improved my cardio. Tonight my 10k running clinic starts and I'm looking forward to getting back into the running groove, even though it's -13c here right now. I'm starting P90X today, too, for my strength training. I didn't do much of that when I was running last year and I realize that strength training is incredibly important to building muscle (and thus looking better and burning more calories!).


Diet wise in the next 13 weeks I'd like to lose 20 lbs (ultimately I'd like to lose 30lbs and gain muscle), which I think is completely do-able.


Food wise (this will sound extreme) I'm cutting all sugar, gluten, and dairy as well as a few other things. I've got major candida problems (from my head to my toes!!!), and my food intolerances are creating havoc in my body. Tosca Reno has a clean eating program, so I'll follow that (six small meals in a day) along with my candida diet. THIS WILL BE TOUGH and I know I'll be writing in needing encouragement, especially for the first few weeks. I also will be drinking a lot more water and recording what I eat!


Ultimately I'd like to do another 1/2 marathon in the fall, which I know I can be ready for. I'd like to beat my previous time, which I know I can do since I've got a longer time to train and hopefully I'll be 25lbs lighter than my last 1/2 marathon.


That's all...looking forward to getting to know everyone else!

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I'm really glad it's only 10% exercise! :lol:


For myself this year, I've decided to improve my cooking skills & recipe repertoire. I am going to try a new recipe at least once weekly (I'm hoping for more like 3-4 new recipes a week).


I need to get back to being closer to the Eat to Live way of eating that worked so well for me last year (lost 30 lbs in four months). I'd really like to lose 15 - 20 more.


My biggest problem is being patient with myself and learning to maintain. I know how to lose--I've done it before. It's keeping up with it and not getting bored that's hard. This is a big part of my reasoning with the new recipe challenge.


Oh, and I do need to 30 minutes 4x a week of some kind of exercise. Can vacuuming vigorously count? :tongue_smilie:

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I'm going to bump this because I know there are other posters that want to join in. I'll bump it every once in a while today to make sure everyone can check in that wants to be a part of it. :)

Edited by 4kids4me
grammar mistake...maybe there are many!
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Posted my goals on your other thread. Briefly, want to lose 10 pounds, tone up and exercise at least 5 times a week.


This morning I did a high intensity strength and cardio video for lower body for 20 minutes. I should feel it tomorrow (hopefully!). I will try to get a walk in at some point today too.


Have a great day!

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I'm Deanna. I'm 34 and have 4 children. Truly I simply haven't been able to get back into a consistent exercise routine since our youngest was born (currently 18mo). I'd like to lose at least 10 pounds in the next 12 weeks. Exercise wise- I'd like to exercise at least 5 times a week with a combo of aerobics and toning.


Eating wise, my goals are to increase my water intake while decreasing my coffee and diet soda intake. I want to increase the amount of fruits and veggies that I eat daily. I'm working on cooking more from scratch which helps me eliminate soy and keep my dairy intake at a minimum.

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I'm Alison and I am 33 with 3 children. Over the past year I have put on 10 lbs due to stress of looking for a home. We are currently in the last stages of buying and have already started packing so all my equipment is put away. And thinking about a new diet plan makes my head hurt. SO baby steps for me, I will start by drinking only 2 cups of coffee in the morning, along with one 8oz glass of V8 Fusion. The rest of the day will be H2O. I would really love to lose about 40lbs this year and hopefully after we move I can start taking care of myself again.

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What a great idea, friend. :)


I'm 35 with 3 boys. I've put on weight this past year, and it NEEDS TO COME OFF!! I started walking/running 4-5 mornings a week in October and have kept up with that, but the scale isn't budging due to my eating habits.


I'd like to make some ambitious goals here, but I know myself too well. :) I want to continue with the morning walks, increasing time and running distance, and hopefully add in some Pilates. I'm quitting my Dr. Pepper habit (talk about impossible), drinking more water and green tea, and decreasing snacks and portion size for meals. I'll be doing amazing to lose even 10 pounds (my body doesn't lose weight easily), but I'd really love to make it 15-20 pounds by the end of the year.

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Hey- I am Earlene- just turned 35 with 4 kids ages 12-3. I was a lifetime WW member before my youngest and have to get back to it! I started back yesterday to both WW and the gym. My ultimate goal is to lose a little over 60lbs and i know I can do it. I lost 48 the last time. my goal is to workout 5-6 days a week and stick to the WW points! 2010 is my year!

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I'm Cheryl. I run. But after the last marathon in March, I must have done some weird thing cause I gained about 15 pounds throughout the rest of the year.


I need to eat better. Drink more water. Eat more fruits and veggies. Cut out soda. I'd like to lose 27 pounds, 37 would be even better.


I already plan on running at least one tri this year.


I'm not starting yet though! We cruise next week. I'll start when we come back! I do plan on working out while on the boat though. If dh works out, it will actually happen.

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I'm Holly, 47 with 3 children. I also have PCOS and the issues of being in perimenopause. My goals are overall good health. In the past, as in last Jan 1 2009, it was "lose weight!!!! NOW!!!" I would like to drop 5-10lbs. I know that does not sound like much, but it is not moving. It has not moved in over 6 months.


My immediate goal is to get back on my healthy diet. No more holiday feasting. I did not gain weight over the holidays, but neither did I eat as well as I normally do. Next is to get back into my pilates to increase strength and flexibility.


I want a balance. Reasonable goals and reasonable ways to get them based on my age, hormonal status and abilities.

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I'm Jen, and I'm 36 with 2 boys. Since the birth of my 2nd child, I'm the heaviest I've ever been (aside from pregnancy weight), and I hate it. I'm tired of being flabby and without energy. My recently yearly physical also showed that my cholesterol is 1 pt. below borderline. This is frightening to me.


I truly LOVE food, so this will be a challenge for me. I'd like to lose 30 lbs. as my ultimate goal, but I'm going to aim for 15 during this challenge. I'd like to take it off the right way in order to keep it off.


So, I'm going to start using a salad plate as my dinner plate, drinking more water & cutting out the sweet tea to maybe once a week (this could kill me), going out for a walk at least 3x/week as well as push-ups and sit-ups at home the other days, and beefing up the fruits and vegetables.


I definitely need support in this since losing weight is mentally hard for me (and harder physically now that I'm older). Food has been a comfort to me for years, so to be honest, I'm a little scared about this challenge despite knowing it needs to be done.

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Glad to see so many signing in. Thirteen weeks is a manageable time-frame and the goals everyone are posting are completely attainable! I'm especially looking forward to next week's update to see how it went for everyone.

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I'm Diane, I am 38 years old with 2 children. I am 5'1 and am at my heaviest non-pregnancy weight of 124 pounds. I feel and look my best at about 110-112. My goal this 13 week period is to lose 10lbs by drinking more water (no softdrinks), eating less bread and minimize my treats. I went hogwild over the holidays :glare: and now I really need to get back on track.


My exercise goal is 45 minutes of aerobics 4-5 times weekly.


I am looking forward to participating in this challenge and getting some accountability!



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My personal goal had been to lose 10 lbs by my birthday at the end of May, but I'll bump that up to early April for the accountability and companionship. :001_smile:


I am exercising everyday (can I say how happy I am that we got a Wii... makes exercise and accountability fun).


I am dramatically increasing my fruit and veggie intake.


I am cutting dessert to once per week.


I am getting completely ruthless about cutting out HFCS... we cut most of it out last year, but backslid over the holidays. No more.


Thanks for the reminder on the measurements and before pic. I need to do that. I think that seeing the changes in print will be a great motivator later on.

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I'm adding in exercise to my weekly routine. I'm guessing I need to lose at least 20-25 pounds over-all. Right now though I'm working on exercise without worrying about the weight so much. In another month or so, I will weigh myself and see where I need to go then.


My goals


Exercise 4 times a week.


No more candy and extra junky snack food.


So far this week--I'v exercised once. am meeting a friend tomorrow to walk.

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Hello, I'm 30 years old with 2 young kids. I've been battling weight for 10 years or more. As a teenager I was never fat but I thought I was. I was bulimic for about 5 years (between 16 and 21). When I got control over the purging I put weight on really quick because I was still binge eating. I'm 245 lbs. right now and I'm hoping to be under 200 in 13 weeks. I want to get healthy once and for all.


My plan:

~Cardio 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week

~Stretching/Yoga 15 minutes daily.

~Add more fruits and vegatables to my diet and cut out sugary snacks.

~Limit calories to 1600 daily.

~Drink at least 80 oz. of water daily and cut out all soda.

~Stop eating 2 hours before bed.

~Start eating breakfast everyday.

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I am also joined up for a challenge through fatsecret.com, but I will try this too.


I am 38, turning 39 Jan. 6. I have 3 children. I tend to eat too much because food is so available, being home most of the time, and because I just love food! I am about 20 pounds overweight, but am aiming to lose just 10 pounds-being realistic about my age and our lifestyle.

I cannot afford to go to the gym or to get a Wii or equipment. It is way too cold here to walk outside (high in the 20's with a fierce wind). So if I exercise it is because I got up before the kids and exercised to a video in the living room. It is a risky thing, since the living room is where they sleep! So I am lucky if I get the whole video done.

I actually like to go to gyms-not being able to go is one of the things I loath about how my life has changed since getting married, moving, etc.

Today I did 1/2 of a Leslie Sansone video. But I ate way too much.

I hope to drink more water and exercise 30 minutes 4x/week. I would say I'll eat better, but I doubt it!;) OK, if you guys are trying, I guess I can.



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Hello everyone. Accountability is my hardest challange. Other than eating whatever is in sight. I have been working on incorporating exercise into my day. Running on our treadmill and then alternating jillian michael's 30 day shred with the biggest loser cardio workout. They are both tough. Its the food changes that are killing me. Usually if I start my day on the right track I end up okay. for me I need to restrict down to about 1300 calories. I will drink my minimum of 3 16 oz bottles of water. (just for measurements sake---I'm not a water bottle junky) eat more veggies and lean protein. Keep my carbs to a minimum and remember to have a reward on Sunday. If I do this the weight will drop. But consistency has always been the key. And darn it if you can eat 1000 calories in 5 minutes and have to put in 5 hrs. of exercise to get it off. I need to remember that when I eat too much. I'm rambling now so good luck ladies. Ruby

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Another foodie here... I *LOVE* to eat and fix food, so dieting is really tough. I'm Sarah, by the way, with two children ages 7 and 4 (and a half - that 1/2 year is crucial!). I'm 27 but will be 28 in April, so I'm loving the goal date lol. I want to lose my last 15 pounds. I started losing weight in 2007 when I was 180 pounds, and I'm now down to 150. I want to be 135. I'm 5'8"-5'9", so this is a really good weight for me, especially if I can also mix in some exercise and get in shape.


I started the South Beach Diet on Monday and have already lost 3.2 pounds. In two days, I have lost 3.2 pounds. I haven't been on the low side of 150 for... well, let's just say that weight predates my kids. I am ecstatic!


For exercise, I am using some exercise videos that my cable company has on their FreeZone including Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred, which completely kicks my butt every single time.


I am now off to drink a cup o' tea and deal with Jillian since I haven't faced her yet this week.


Dinner tonight is: Slow-cooker pot roast with mushrooms and onions (the rest of the family also gets potatoes, carrots, and bread and butter)


Can't wait to see how we all progress!

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I've made myself a little sheet on Word that has all of your names and goals. At this moment we have a confirmed 21 people participating and possibly four more. Wow!


We're three days into this challenge...I hope everyone is:

-drinking more water

-decreasing pop

-increasing fruits and veggies

-eating lean protein and complex carbs

-MOVING, moving, moving (or not moving, if you have been exercising and you're incredibly sore!!!!)


Looking forward to next week's sign-in!!!!



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Hi. I'm 31 and have two kids. When we moved 3.5 years ago I was at my ideal weight, but since then I have gained about 25 pounds.


I've joined a gym, and it's possible for me to go work out three times a week. I have started the Couch to 5K program, and my goal is to be able to run a 5K in 30 minutes or less by April. I would also like to lose 25 pounds. I want to begin doing Pilates again for 20 minutes five mornings a week, and use my elliptical trainer for 30 minutes on the days I can't make it to the gym.


Diet is the absolute hardest part for me. I have the hugest sweet tooth possible. Once I get started eating well and exercising and getting into a groove, I can give up sweets, but it's so hard to get there. I don't have a problem with drinks. I don't like soda. So, I drink a lot of water and a little decaffeinated tea. But, even when I eat a salad and fruit for lunch I cave in and eat a brownie afterwards. I really need to just go cold turkey and give up all sugar to break the addiction.

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My name is Chucki and I'm a 43 year-old couch potato. I want to stat out slowly and use the Yoga on the Wii Fit Plus at least once a day. I set up a work out for myself the day after Christmas, got the stomach bug the next day and was out for three days. I have yet to turn the Fit program back on.


This week I'd like to make time to do the workout 4 times.

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I'm 36, have three dd's 4, 7, and 10. Dh sprung a ski trip on me for my Christmas gift so I'm finally motivated to do what I need to so I'll have more fun on the slopes.


I'd like to lose 20 pounds and tone up. Since the day after Christmas I've been running 30 minutes in the morning and riding the exercise bike for 30 min. in the afternoon. Hoping to increase but cautious b/c of my bad knees. Also doing push-ups and crunches, increasing the number as my soreness decreases. I take a day off from the cardio every 4 days to rest my knees. Should probably walk or swim on those off days, but it hasn't worked out yet.


I like to exercise, but my diet can be bad. I have a serious sweet tooth so it's better for me to avoid sweets altogether. I don't stop at just a little. I had a lapse on New Year's Eve, but have done fine since then. The week of Christmas I decided to give up caffeine b/c I was having a lot of headaches. Got through a couple of rough days and have done really well since then. No more headaches! Now I'm sticking strictly to water and herbal tea. I've increased fruits and veggies and find that I'm not hungry even though I'm eating much less than I used to. I think some of that is due to cutting out all the sugar.

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Forgot to say who I am. 34 years old. Married almost 15 years. DD 14 does gymnastics 5 days a week. dd12 draws non-stop and is constantly in battle with her 8 year old brother. He loves to antagonize both of them. I am hammering down on him when I catch him. Besides homeschooling, participating in a co-op once a week I also help my husband with his side business. This can take us out of the house a few nights a week. I feel like I am constantly juggling and trying to hit the priorities first. That means the house is messy about 75% of the time. I have about 40 lbs to lose. Ruby

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I am Kim and I have 4 kids. I just had my last the week of Christmas. I will be taking it slow the first few weeks as I am not going to be able to do much in the way of exercise.


My goals are to do Pilates MWF (buns and thighs only for now) and strength training on TTH (arms only for now). Once I have a clear check at my six week appointment I will start in with pilates full body sculpting and hopefully start walking outside each day. My goal is to run a 5K in May.


My eating habits are going to change too. I will be cutting out sugar and taking a carb break. :) I want to loose all my pregnancy weight by the end of this challange which is about 20ish lbs at my last weigh in (some of this is still water weight and such)


Good luck everyone!

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I forgot to say who I am too. I'm Kathy, married with one 5 yo daughter. I'll turn 40 in May and would really love to be tightened and toned by then. I do medical transcription from home which means LOTS of sitting (which doesn't help my rear end much!). I would like to lose about 10-15 pounds by my birthday and a size or two from my jeans.


I also love to eat and have a major sweet tooth. One of my hardest times is in the evening when I'm working after my daughter has gone to bed and hubby is at work. Very easy to keep snacking just to help me stay awake to work.


It's very inspiring to read about everyone's goals! Glad to be a part of this :)

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I'm back! After a motivated start...I probably set the record for the quickest fade! :) Actually, I got busy trying to get school/work/house all back together after the holidays and couldn't fit it all in. But I have been so disgusted with myself the last few days that I am starting again. (I didn't actually quit I just waned a bit.)


I'm 47. At 41 I was at my ideal weight (thanks to an easy stint with the South Beach diet), was feeling good and thought I would probably stay at that size for the rest of my life. My dh had bought me new clothes for Christmas that year. Then along came another dd and although it was a wonderful blessing in spite of the shock, it definitely took a toll on my body and I can't wear anything he bought me that year!


Not only am I 30 pounds more than I want to be, but I am soft and flabby. I need to increase my water dramatically and improve my eating tremendously. I don't plan to give up coffee as I love drinking coffee and just drink a couple cups a day. I also don't plan to give up diet coke right now as I only drink about 1 a day and it is one of those "treats" that gets me through. I am not motivated at the moment to do South Beach phase 1 like I did before, which really gets the weight off fast. I am a sweet lover also and am definitely cutting out most but haven't given up all sugar...yet.


So there's my story. Thank you to 4kids for picking this up and running with it (sorry for the pun.) Anything that helps and motivates us is a welcome addition.


Getting thin in 2010!!!!

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I have a lot of weight to lose, but am beginning with 20 lbs. We received a Wii Fit for Christmas and my 12 yr old dd has inspired me to begin exercising. She is faithful and exercises every day. I began with 10 min last night and am going to add a min each night. It is soooo fun!!! Heading to the store today and am stocking up on fresh fruits and vegs. We have been really bad about junk because of the holidays and are getting back on track!!! We have decided as a family that we are all going to eat less ~we are big eaters around here~ and will drink a glass of water and begin eat meal with fruit. Good luck everyone!!!!!

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I am Amy. I'm 42 and want to be healthier and lose about 25 pounds. I really need to do this because health problems run in my family, and my blood pressure was very slightly elevated at the doctor last week. Here are my plans.


Drinks lots of water. (I've not been doing the last few years)

Eat raw food at every meal.

Eat more fruits/veggies, especially celery and high potassium foods(for the BP).

Eat 3 healthy meals a day.

Be more active. (Wii with the kids, walking, exercise bike and resistance bands)

Enjoy small amount of sweets on the weekends or holidays/birthdays.


I started walking some before Christmas and made it through without gaining, which is saying a lot considering how badly I ate. It is too cold here now to walk outside, but I'm walking inside my house when I can't. We have a church near us with a walking track. I plan on going there some as well.

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hello im melissa, i am 26 with 2 kids 4 and 2 . i am technically at a health weught but i would like to loose 10 pds. i was a star soccer plaer befire kids and i miss the tned body i had, i am on day 3 of the 30 day shred and can barel walk. im eating more frutis and veggis and watching what goes into mu body

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I'm Renee, mother of 7, and I am FREEZING in FL!


I have a LOT of weight to lose. My goal is to lose 10 pounds per month, so 30 total for the 13 weeks.


I am doing the Eat to Live plan for 6 weeks and then we'll see from there. I don't think vegan is doable forever, but I need to break my addictions to certain foods and this is a start.


I will also exercise daily, including strength training 3 times per week.

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I'm a 42 yo couch potato. I work from the couch, we school from the couch, I'm re-watching all of the LOST episodes to get ready for the new season on the couch.


Around Thanksgiving I started doing zumba at my local YMCA on a fairly regular basis. I did not adjust my eating during the holidays. Now that we're on the other side of the holidays and I'm accustomed to the zumba classes, my goal is to zumba (1 hour class) 3x per week. I am also working on portion control, eating better and cutting back (ACK!) on my evening snacking. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE sweets. THIS WILL BE DIFFICULT. I already drink and enjoy water, so that's not a problem. Will also do free weights for arm toning at home while watching LOST.:D


Tomorrow's class is at 6:00 am. I will weigh for the first time since Thanksgiving. I don't expect much change, but am curious to make a note for the start of the year.


I want to be the 75-80 year old woman in my zumba class. She can do it ALL. She may not be the best at all of the moves....but she's still moving!!!

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I noticed one poster mentioning their height and weight and wanting to lost more weight than would be good for her frame. Are we going to do anything to encourage healthy and realistic goals, like referring everyone to a chart link or just leaving everyone to their best judgment? I am not even trying to get into the ideal weight zone because it probably isn't realistic at my age, and given my habits. Not wanting to be a wet blanket for those whose goals are more stringent, just wanting to make sure people keep health in mind and not just those hydroxycut ads where the women look so starved you'd like to stuff a muffin in their mouth!:D


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