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I fell down the stairs today

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Elevate your feet higher than your heart.

Put ice on those ankles and don't let up.

Take some Motrin, right now.


Those actions will reduce the liklihood that inflammation will form.


I twisted my ankle on Christmas Eve. The bruise is still magnificent. It is spreading out from the original wound site, little by little. Today is is at the base of my toes, looking like a big purple ring. The ice and motrin helped a lot. I was told by the advice nurse that these kinds of injuries should be iced for at least 48 hours (intermittently, of course). Switching to heat isn't good until the 3rd or 4th day.

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Elevate your feet higher than your heart.

Put ice on those ankles and don't let up.

Take some Motrin, right now.


Those actions will reduce the liklihood that inflammation will form.


I twisted my ankle on Christmas Eve. The bruise is still magnificent. It is spreading out from the original wound site, little by little. Today is is at the base of my toes, looking like a big purple ring. The ice and motrin helped a lot. I was told by the advice nurse that these kinds of injuries should be iced for at least 48 hours (intermittently, of course). Switching to heat isn't good until the 3rd or 4th day.


Dh (an RN) has bullied me (out of love) into putting my feet into a bucket of ice water. Cold really hurts me. I don't manage my body temperature well and once my feet get cold, it is really hard to warm them up again. But I'm being a martyr and doing it because I know that you both are right. :nopity::nopity::nopity: (But I get to play the pity violin a lot more!)

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I wouldn't worry about icing them. I have only iced my foot twice and that was because the swelling was making it feel hot. Right now it feels like ice is already on it! I know of another natural remedy for injuries if you want to get some... it is Wujisan.


Keep those feet up and rested!:grouphug: Are you sure nothing is broken? I am still on 10,000 Vit D daily and broke my foot by tripping while coming out of the bathroom.:glare:

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Jean! That's awful!!! Ice your ankles and REST!!! I don't think I could soak my feet!


I pray for healing!!!


For some reason when I first read this I saw, "Jean! That's awful!!!! Ice skate and REST!!!" :001_huh:



Feel better Jean. I will be praying for you.:grouphug:

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It is painful but actually not much more painful than my daily painful. There's the upside to having chronic pain!


Well Jean, there's finding the silver lining. :D


When I was five months pregnant with Zee, we drove 12 hours to visit my sil. On the day we were leaving her house to return home, I fell down her flight of hardwood stairs. I had a HUGE bruise on my backside, and I had to sit on it in the car for a 12 hour drive home.


Stairs are not my friend. I'm rather clumsy in my non-pregnant state; pregnancy certainly didn't help. :tongue_smilie:

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Oooo. After a good night's sleep (and I did sleep most of the night) it is my entire back and hips that hurt more than my ankles. . . I'm calling the chiropractor tomorrow.


I hope it's just tenderness on the outside, no damage on the inside. How awful! I'm sorry!


Praying that God will heal you soon!!!


Jean, have you ever heard of 5-HTP? I read somewhere that it was good for Fibromyalgia. Also, I'm taking SAM-e right now and supposedly it helps with joint pain. Do you take herbs for your fibromyalgia? Or have you researched diet for it?


My dr is questioning whether or not I have this. Before I start to look into it, I want to start my juicing again and eating all whole foods. I won't even question fibro until I'm taking better care of myself again.


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Denise- I take a whole boatload of supplements. I do have some 5-HTP that dh just brought home. I'm going to try it soon. I haven't tried SAM-e since I thought that was more for the depression that some people have with it and I don't have that. Even though I've had this for 20 years, I'm still researching all the time!


Right now I'm taking very high doses of probiotics and that seems to be helping with some things. I don't want to but I'm actually considering a Candida diet.

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