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kids and Singulair?

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My son's pulmonologist put him on Singulair 2 years ago, along with some other medication changes. He started having bedwetting episodes and eventually developed a HORRIBLE attitude. A month ago I talked the pulmonologist into taking him off the Singulair to see how it goes. He's had trouble sleeping (I think maybe withdrawal?) but he's had no more accidents and his attitude has vastly improved. However, he's also started coughing at night sometimes. Anyone have any experience with this medication? Did you try something else for allergies? With the coughing, I know he's going to need to be on something but are there good options other than Singulair?

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My dd was also on Singulair for about 18 months and had horrible mood changes. We took her off and she now takes Allegra for allergies and Flovent as a preventative asthma med. So far we've had no problems. The Allegra she's been on for about 12 months and its caused no problems. The Flovent is somewhat new (just a few months) so we'll have to wait to say for sure on that one. Hope you find something that works!

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My dd was also on Singulair for about 18 months and had horrible mood changes. We took her off and she now takes Allegra for allergies and Flovent as a preventative asthma med. So far we've had no problems. The Allegra she's been on for about 12 months and its caused no problems. The Flovent is somewhat new (just a few months) so we'll have to wait to say for sure on that one. Hope you find something that works!


My son is on Advair currently, as an preventative asthma med, they tried him on Flovent but the Advair works better for him. He also takes Nasonex to help his sinuses. Maybe I'll see if they can switch him to Allegra, thanks. :)

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My son's pulmonologist put him on Singulair 2 years ago, along with some other medication changes. He started having bedwetting episodes and eventually developed a HORRIBLE attitude.


This sounds like my ds5. Hmmm...I never thought about it being his Singulair! I'll have to look into this and ask his doc. Thanks for the heads-up!

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Try an antihistamine: Zyrtec, Allegra (rx only), Claritin, Benadryl (try just a dose before bed as long as it doesn't wind him up, or Clorphenarimine.


I have heard a lot about people having problems on Singulair. It can be a great drug for some people but seemingly toxic to others.

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I found zyrtec to be a godsend for me plus plain mucinex. Ask your doctor if you can trial them to see if they help:) I had a severe, 3 month long, exacerbation of asthma and these 2 drugs helped me to get back to minimal amount of asthma meds.


Has he seen an allergist as well?


Yes, he's seen an allergist. He was last tested almost 3 years ago. We moved to Hawaii 2 years ago, I imagine he may have developed new allergies in the last two years. It might be time for another trip back to the allergist. I haven't tried him on Zyrtec because it made my middle dd so groggy and cranky. Maybe it would work for him. Hm.


I started Singulair myself about a week ago. I have had an awful week. I just want to be alone and do nothing. I have so much to do but just can't get my head in the game. I am typically quite organized and motivated.


I'm telling you, he has improved 500% in the last month he's been off of Singulair.


Try an antihistamine: Zyrtec, Allegra (rx only), Claritin, Benadryl (try just a dose before bed as long as it doesn't wind him up, or Clorphenarimine.


I might just try Claritin first, it has worked okay for him in the past.


I have heard a lot about people having problems on Singulair. It can be a great drug for some people but seemingly toxic to others.


The more I read online, the more parents I see who describe similar problems.

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I remember reading something about a possible link between Singulair and depression/suicidal thoughts not too long ago. That would seem to indicate that there's at least a possibility of Singulair causing those mood and behavior changes. We had already pretty much dropped it for ds3 (using pulmicort now), and that possible link made me glad we did.


I found an article--here's a link:


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Mrs. Mungo, there was a thread about this, perhaps last year, or within the last 18 months? I am so tech un-savvy, I couldn't link a search if I managed to find it, but you probably know how to look for it.


Many then reported mood changes in their children using singulair.


Anyway, I think there was a study released a while back indicating mood disorders in Singulair users, predominantly adolescents. It was enough for dh and I to choose not to have ds's rx reissued by our new doc. However, for many years when we lived elsewhere (cross country, different allergies), it was like a miracle drug for ds, so I understand how many still want their kids to use it (I mean, *breathing* is a necessary function!).

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Mrs. Mungo, there was a thread about this, perhaps last year, or within the last 18 months? I am so tech un-savvy, I couldn't link a search if I managed to find it, but you probably know how to look for it.


Many then reported mood changes in their children using singulair.


Anyway, I think there was a study released a while back indicating mood disorders in Singulair users, predominantly adolescents. It was enough for dh and I to choose not to have ds's rx reissued by our new doc. However, for many years when we lived elsewhere (cross country, different allergies), it was like a miracle drug for ds, so I understand how many still want their kids to use it (I mean, *breathing* is a necessary function!).


Was it this thread? I also see there are complaints of kids having poor growth while on it. My kids are all small but Aaron is actually smaller than my girls were when they were his age.


I feel sort of like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I definitely feel these issues were due to the Singulair. Like I said, he's vastly improved but as you point out, he also has to breathe.

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Yes, that's it. I also thought there was a news item released about the same time. I thought it was linked in the other thread but I probably just googled it.


FWIW, this one of our sons was a bit more moody naturally (before singulair), so we did not want to exacerbate that issue. Seems like the effects can vary by child.

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My son was on it and became extremely moody and even told me he had suicidal thoughts. He became almost impossible to live with. We stopped the pills and discovered it was from them! He has had a complete turn around and is back to his old self again.


He now used 2 drops of Oregano oil daily to help with asthma. He has a rescue inhaler also but has only used it twice in 5 months. He is "normal" once again. I do NOT advice anyone to take singulair.

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Hmm. My son (6 yrs old) has been on Singulair for asthma (not wheezing, but coughing-up-a-lung type of asthma, it's allergy induced). He's always been pretty high strung and I would't say I've noticed a change in attitude, but I"m wondering what would happen to his attitude if we took him off. I'm seeing his allergist tomorrow and I'll bring this up. He has a horrible attitude - he literally falls apart if you ask him to do the slightest thing - set the table, etc. I'm so glad I saw this thread.

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My son's pulmonologist put him on Singulair 2 years ago, along with some other medication changes. He started having bedwetting episodes and eventually developed a HORRIBLE attitude. A month ago I talked the pulmonologist into taking him off the Singulair to see how it goes. He's had trouble sleeping (I think maybe withdrawal?) but he's had no more accidents and his attitude has vastly improved. However, he's also started coughing at night sometimes. Anyone have any experience with this medication? Did you try something else for allergies? With the coughing, I know he's going to need to be on something but are there good options other than Singulair?


Are you aware of the link between Singulair and depression and anxiety? My DH1 had a bad reaction to it -- it made him very anxious, led to some compulsive physical tics, and when his dosage was increased from 4 to 5mg, he started having very black thoughts ("Like will never be happy again.") We went straight off the Singulair and started using Zyrtec instead, to better results.

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All three of my children are on Singulair. I haven't noticed changes in them, but they have each been on it a long time. This thread makes me wonder if I would see any positive changes if they were off Singulair. I don't know that the allergist would agree b/c he seems quite fond of it and the mix of meds is finally controlling their asthma. I want to find out more about the oil of oregano someone mentioned and see if that would work.

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My dd was on Singulair for the first time this fall, along with the pulmacort she was already on and prednisone, albuterol and an antibiotic (this was her yearly "I'd really like to get pnemonia now" episode - they threw everything but the kitchen sink at her, it seems). I didn't notice any changes in mood, but then she's already a moody 11yo. But I think she was only on it 2-3 weeks. If she ever has to be on it again, I'll watch more closely... that's a bit scary.

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Another thing to consider with the doctor's ok and if child can tolerate it is Sinucleanse. They have a product for kids. Some say at the first sign of a cold to use nasal rinses and gargle with mouthwash twice a day for several days till signs of cold are gone. I recently was able to fight off a cold that almost went to my chest with this technique:) I am afraid of colds since I have been hammered 3 times in the past 2 years with severe pneumonia or bronchitis to the point of air hunger:( The nasal rinses are not meant to replace asthma meds, but they may help with allergies, sinus problems, and cold prevention:)



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No problems with Singulair here. Ds9 has been on it for 7 yrs. Ds6 has been on it for 4. I tried to take my youngest off for monetary reasons and his asthma came back stronger than ever. In fact, we had to add Advair to his regime in addition to OTC zyrtec.

My oldest is now off Singulair because he seems to be outgrowing his asthma. He's doing just fine on just zyrtec.

Singulair has been wonderful for us. It really controls asthma well for us. But if it isn't working for your son, I'd try just zyrtec. ITA, he might be restless due to the coughing. My oldest didn't show any signs of withdrawl.

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My youngest was on Singulair a couple years ago and it did not make her suicidal but it certainly did me. She was impossible to live with. For her, it made her hyper beyond belief and she had a lot of trouble sleeping. The docs told me it was not the Singulair but the symptoms started when she began taking it, got worse while on it, and went away when she quit taking it. She is now on Flovent which has manifested no side effects. We control her allergy symptoms with children's Benadryl as needed. I am planning to get a second opinion on all of it from a pulmonologist after our insurance changes and we get the wrinkles ironed out but I know we will not go back to Singulair.

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My son's pulmonologist put him on Singulair 2 years ago, along with some other medication changes. He started having bedwetting episodes and eventually developed a HORRIBLE attitude. A month ago I talked the pulmonologist into taking him off the Singulair to see how it goes. He's had trouble sleeping (I think maybe withdrawal?) but he's had no more accidents and his attitude has vastly improved. However, he's also started coughing at night sometimes. Anyone have any experience with this medication?


This happened to my friend's DD7 also (the really bad attitude and tantrums), when she was taking Singulair for her asthma. My friend is a nurse practitioner by training, so she put two and two together after about 3 weeks. Her DD was her usual self after they stopped the medication. So, your son is not alone in experiencing those side effects...


I hope that your doctors will be able to find a medication that will help your son.

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Wow, interesting. My son, who just turned eight, was on Singulair for a year or two (not sure, I can't recall now) and has been off it for several months since he's improved so much. He was moody on it ... but he was like that before, and still can be ... he probably gets it from me (I have anxiety issues). So in our case I'd say the medicine was beneficial. But it might explain why he sure seemed to grow up this year!


Anyway, as someone said, breathing is essential, and everyone reacts differently to different meds. (I have the most atypical reactions to the most common things my doc prescribes me... sigh...)

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