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iPhone/iPod users...should I bother?

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Money is an issue so I am not running out to buy one right now. But I am thinking about it. How much do you guys love your device?


Here is the thing, I live off of my Macbook. I would love to have it with me wherever I go but it's too big and I can't charge it on the go. I don't text or have loads of music and have tons of people to call. I would like visit important websites like this one, a Classical Liberal Arts one which has Latin and Greek lessons online, news, and watch TV while I am waiting for kids and stuff like that. Plus, I would like to have a smaller device to review some websites while I jot down notes. It's a bit bulky to do that with my Macbook.


Just ideas, I am not committed to anything.

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I am kicking myself that I didn't spring for the iphone this upgrade. I was in a Zen Save The Money Mode that day. Kicking myself. I am not a gadget person, but that thing rocks. Imo, it's better than a Crack, um... I mean, Blackberry. (I don't like the BB keyboard myself). I do have Internet on my phone, and I will never again not have it and I would prefer the iphone for that. The whole deal of it is very $$, but if you have the money, you will enjoy it.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Having one devise in my purse is awesome. Better for dh than for me though.


It does the things you mentioned. If you get the phone it also texts and calls. :-) I don't text or call or have a ton of music either. But I do love my iPhone! Dh was saying something several weeks ago about cutting expenses and maybe not renewing the contract when it's up. But we still have most of a year so it's cheaper to stay with it. I was ready to pout! No you can't have my phone!


It's the games I like! I have 2 or 3 games on there that I play, even when at home. :blushing:


But you do have to have the money first!

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I love my iPhone and use it all the time. Internet, maps (now that it's integrated with google, I type in a business name in the maps and it will give me directions from my current location!), camera (and with the new iPhone, the video camera, both of which are really good quality), games (good for kids if we get stuck waiting somewhere boring without a book too), music and videos, e-mail, alarm clock, calendar, address book, texting, phone... There are tons of apps for the iPhone, too, so whatever you want it to do, there is probably an application for it.


I prefer the iPhone over the iPod because I have internet access everywhere; I'm not relying on finding a Wifi hotspot. But that access does come at a huge price. I think it is $20 extra a month on your cell phone bill just for the iPhone.

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I love my iPhone. LOOOOOOOOOVE it! Seriously, did I mention that I love it?


I use it ALL the time. I use the calendar to put events/appointments. I use the camera/video camera for all those cute moments when I don't have my big camera. I use the internet when I'm bored, when I want to look up reviews on something I'm about to purchase, when I need information, movie times, pretty much anything. I use the Facebook app to keep up with friends/family. I use the weather channel app all the time to keep track of the weather.


I even use it for school quite a bit. There's a voice recorder on there and we are learning about the five senses with my 5 year old DD. I'm recording lots of different sounds using the recorder, and when it comes time for our lesson on hearing, I will play a sound and she will try to guess what it is.


I use my occasions app to remember birthdays/anniveraries. I use the notes app to jot down everything from grocery items to pick up, to birthday lists for the kids, to things I need to do around the house.


When I need to do something, I let the kids have the phone to entertain themselves.


Seriously, I love my iPhone LOL.

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Okay, Apple support assures me that my experience is a complete and total fluke. BUT, my iphone broke at 11 mo. old, completely out of the blue. Apple sent me a new one. Last night, I plugged it in to my MacBook Pro to sync and update. It went bonkers. Two hours later, the senior Apple support rep tells me it can't possibly be anything else but a faulty phone. Again. It was 45 DAYS old. They are sending me yet another new iphone. I should have it Monday afternoon, Tues. at the latest. They are very, very sorry for my continued inconvenience, etc, etc.


I'm beginning to rethink my choice.

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Firstly, I must state that my ipod was a gift for my birthday from my father. So the expense was not on my radar. With that said it is the one device, besides a computer that I can't imagine life without. I love being able to have musical accompaniment at any time of the day...on a walk, sitting on the sofa while my DH studies, on the deck watching the weather and birds. I love my ipod very much...I know that I managed just fine with a stereo and radio, but I love that it makes everything your own music video!:)

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I have an ipod and I am kicking myself I didn't just go for the iphone. I didnt because I felt dh would be upset with me spending the money. He was a bit negative about me getting such expensive toys. So what happened? After the kids and I all get an ipod each....he goes and buys himself an iphone.


We love them here.

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I can't imagine life without mine. I LOVE it! If I get out of my car, I will leave my purse sitting in it but be sure to take my PHONE out. I would be devastated if I lost it.


It just makes life easier, plus, it gives me something to do (think apps/games/checking the bank account, etc.) when I am sitting in a Dr's office or in traffic - there is just always something I can piddle with on my phone.


And of course there is the music. I LOVE having the music. I also love videoing the grandbaby and watching the little clips whenever I'm missing him!


Yeah, the iPhone ROCKS!

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I have an iPod Touch and it is an amazing thing. It is so convenient and useful. It is like a pocket computer, and the Apps that are available are wonderful.


Dh had an iPhone through work, but since we live where we do in the country, he couldn't get a good signal. It was fun while he had it though.


iPhones and iPod Touches are almost the same thing, except the iPhone is a phone and has a camera. I think there is a more sophisticated GPS system in the iPhone as well. My iPod basically just has a location finder type thing.


I highly recommend them. Btw, I have the 8 Gig iPod Touch and it is plenty big enough for me.

Edited by Tracy in Ky
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I wasn't crazed to get the iPhone for the family, but I decided to when my old phone broke. We switched from Verizon to AT&T to get it.


Now, after having it 7 months I can not imagine not having it. And my dh is obsessed with his and he did not want one either. I loooove being able to jump on the internet if I want to check a website, look up a phone number, check prices somewhere, remember something from a website, or we google facts all the time when we are out and no one can remember or figure something out. I also always use the GPS. Oh, and I love being able to email when I have time out waiting.


I think it is totally fabulous and would never turn one down. And I do not use mine for music at all. Anyway, that is my glowing review! If you have the money to put into it right now, I am all for it! :001_smile:


Oh, one bad thing for us that AT&T is not nearly as good service as Verizon.

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Oh, one bad thing for us that AT&T is not nearly as good service as Verizon.


That was our problem. AT&T just doesn't have enough towers near us I guess. Our other cell phone carrier does just fine out here, but AT&T was horrible. Dh's iPhone worked fine in town, but he didn't want to keep a phone that was unusable at home.

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If you are on Verizon, they you should probably get a Droid. Then you don't have to change carriers and will have a device with a bigger screen and many other benefits over the iPhone. If you want a cost-effective smartphone solution, any of the Android phones on T-Mobile are much cheaper than the iPhone is on AT&T. The main drawback for OP would be due to the fact that since you are already on a Mac, your connectivity to email, etc. will likely be better on an iPhone. For those of us on PCs, particularly those who already use gmail, Android provides the better integration.

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I have had my iPod Touch for a year now, and I LOVE IT! I have music, games, ebooks, audiobooks, files (so I can check my list of books for school when I'm at the library or bookstore), my calendar, contacts....When I'm in a wi-fi spot, I can check my email and surf the web. Or buy more music, games, and books!


I would love an iPhone, but the only people I know with iPhones here in my city have issues with the AT&T service (dropped calls, spots with no service).


Now that the Droid is out, I'm considering it. (I have Verizon.) But I really love the iPod/iPhone!!



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Slight related thread jack....Can someone tell me how much their bill is TOTAL and what sort of plan that involves? For just one line, one user is what I would be doing.


For Droid and/or IPhone.

T-Mobile: Unlimited voice and data for an Android (or any) smartphone is $75/mo. I also have a 300-text package for $5/mo. AAA discount is about $11/mo. for a total of $69/mo.
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Slight related thread jack....Can someone tell me how much their bill is TOTAL and what sort of plan that involves? For just one line, one user is what I would be doing.


For Droid and/or IPhone.


Scarlett, I have the minimum AT&T iPhone plan which is $40 voice plus $30 data. I also have a $5 text plan (for 200 messages). With taxes, I think I pay a total of $78/month.


I love it and now couldn't live without it. For years I carried a $10/month phone that was basically for emergencies only. It was such a splurge to get the iPhone. But it almost takes the place of a laptop which I used to carry with me at almost all times. I take my kids to so many classes & events at which I have to sit and wait, and I used to have to find a Starbucks or library to get online and do anything. Now, with my phone, I can:


read & send e-mail

do online banking (I have apps for USAA and BofA; with USAA I can even take a picture of a check and upload it - they will instantly credit my account!)

take pictures

read & update Facebook

surf the internet (although not as easily as with a laptop, of course)

get directions and check traffic

get a weather update

watch movies

listen to music

play games (almost never)

create/update a shopping list

buy stuff from Amazon


And of course, make phone calls. :001_smile:

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Okay, Apple support assures me that my experience is a complete and total fluke. BUT, my iphone broke at 11 mo. old, completely out of the blue. Apple sent me a new one. Last night, I plugged it in to my MacBook Pro to sync and update. It went bonkers. Two hours later, the senior Apple support rep tells me it can't possibly be anything else but a faulty phone. Again. It was 45 DAYS old. They are sending me yet another new iphone. I should have it Monday afternoon, Tues. at the latest. They are very, very sorry for my continued inconvenience, etc, etc.


I'm beginning to rethink my choice.


I had problems with their headphones. I was so mad that they crapped out on me when brand new. I couldn't use my shuffle without them. Apple support was really good and sent me a new pair straight away. The new set has been working just fine so far.


I went from annoyed to impressed. I hope you do, too.

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I got my iPod Touch free, when I bought my iMac 1 1/2 years ago. I never would have bought it, and it took awhile for me to learn that I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IT! :D After a year, being frustrated at not being able to use it's features due to lack of free wifi in my area, I decided I needed an iPhone. I got it last summer, and dislike AT&T's poor coverage in my rural area, but I've never been sorry I had my iPhone. I have MobileMe, which links my home calendar, address book, and e-mails with my iPhone. I'm never without all my information. I use the map and the internet all the time to find addresses in unfamiliar areas of the city. I have all my contacts phone numbers and addresses at my fingertips. My calendar is always up to date, whether I enter the information at home (on my computer) or on my iPhone/iPod. Then, there are the Apps! So many apps! We have a dozen or so games that keep the kids busy. My 12yods plays more with my iPod/iPhone than he does with his PSP, and the games cost a fraction of what PSP games cost (all under $5, most only 99c).


I LOVE my iPod Touch and my iPhone. I wouldn't want to part with either one!

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I had problems with their headphones. I was so mad that they crapped out on me when brand new. I couldn't use my shuffle without them. Apple support was really good and sent me a new pair straight away. The new set has been working just fine so far.


I went from annoyed to impressed. I hope you do, too.


Yes, every time I've had to call Apple, their phone service reps have been outstanding. I just wish I didn't have to call, KWIM? I've come to sort of depend on my phone, putting a lot of important info into my apps, using the calendar for appts., etc. Having 2 of them break on me in 13 mos. is such a downer. I'm totally afraid to update my phone now when I plug it into my Macbook. That was where the last phone went berzerk.


I'm crossing my fingers that the "3rd phone's the charm" here. I really need it to just work the way it's supposed to!

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My dh and I both have an iPod Touch. Mine came as part of our August computer purchase (dh works at a university so it was part of an educational promotion). I just purchased one for dh as an early Xmas gift. For him we purchased a refurbished one . . . more memory and less expensive. It still comes with a warranty. We have purchased refurbished iPods in the past and have never had problems, so we felt purchasing a refurbished iPod Touch would be just fine and save a little $ as well.


Adrianne in IL

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I've had my iPhone for about a year and a half and cannot imagine not having one. It does everything and more that I need it to do. I use it for my calendar, internet and email all the time... have all my contacts with me (instead of the few I used to plug into the cell phone). Grocery app that scans bar codes, emails lists, etc. Apps for reading, games, tracking my pd, exercising (couch to 5k, itreadmill), history, to do lists, etc. Use the map feature a lot. I've used it to locate nearby restaurants and give directions and find hotel rates for the evening when we were on a trip. My younger two have used it to study.


My husband laughed at me when I got mine and said he wouldn't because of the expense... This summer when his contract ran out with his previous phone, he bought one of the new 3GS iPhones. He loves it and uses it all the time. Lost 30 pounds using LoseIt (free app). Uses the voice recorder all the time. Calendar and email as well.


For those that have Verizon, the latest expectation is the the iPhone will be available on Verizon this year. So, might be worth the wait.



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I have an iPod Classic that I use every day, but only for listening to music, lectures or podcasts. I like the portability, that I can download all kinds of things from the internet onto it, etc. I have mini speakers that I use when I'm cleaning the house or working in the kitchen, and I have an adapter for the car so I can play it through the car stereo. But I don't have any internet connection with it, so I don't know that it would be what you're looking for.


It probably has a lot more capabilities, but I haven't really explored much with it. I bought it used from an acquaintance who bought it new but never used it.

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I had a bare-bones phone before I got my iPhone. I wasn't sure how well I would like it, but I needed and upgrade and dh wanted an iPhone, so he bought us each one. Now - I can't live without it! My most used things on it are the GPS, Facebook, internet (I read news at the table while the kids eat breakfast and watch cartoons:D), check weather forcasts and sometimes games. I also have several kid games for when I am desperate for something to entertain the kids. There are apps for my 2yo!:tongue_smilie:

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Money is an issue so I am not running out to buy one right now. But I am thinking about it. How much do you guys love your device?


Here is the thing, I live off of my Macbook. I would love to have it with me wherever I go but it's too big and I can't charge it on the go. I don't text or have loads of music and have tons of people to call. I would like visit important websites like this one, a Classical Liberal Arts one which has Latin and Greek lessons online, news, and watch TV while I am waiting for kids and stuff like that. Plus, I would like to have a smaller device to review some websites while I jot down notes. It's a bit bulky to do that with my Macbook.


Just ideas, I am not committed to anything.


We bought an iPhone for our dd a few months ago before she had to have major surgery. It was the best investment we ever made. It was her life line to the outside world. She uses it all the time. She *very* rarely uses her notebook pc any longer. She really doesn't feel the need for it.

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