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Dh will lose his job at the end of the mo--

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unless his numbers get 4x better by then, lol, & his other job offer was rescinded because the non-compete contract w/ current co basically states that he can't work in the industry *at all* for 2yrs after he leaves this co, no matter why he leaves.


The co that wants to hire him says he could call a lawyer & get out of the contract because it's too...I forget the word. But the new job isn't that great, either, & neither of them pays enought to (hahahaha) call a lawyer.


Anyway...I'm looking for great ideas for jobhunting, updating resume, etc. Dh isn't very good at those things, & I'm only good enough at it to know he's not. :001_huh: He's planning to do some online computer certification through to have paperwork to support some of the stuff he already knows (& to learn new stuff).


Otherwise? He'll go back to delivery for the time being & I guess I'll substitute. Blech.


(I could at least make something teaching at the local community college IF I'd gotten my master's in English instead of Education. (My BA is in English.) Why didn't somebody slap me & tell me that years ago? Otoh, I wouldn't need much to get the English degree--I could use a lot of my Ed classes as electives. If I hadn't been pg w/ #2 at the time, I'd thought about just staying an extra yr & doing a double major.) :rant: :D

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unless his numbers get 4x better by then, lol, & his other job offer was rescinded because the non-compete contract w/ current co basically states that he can't work in the industry *at all* for 2yrs after he leaves this co, no matter why he leaves.


The co that wants to hire him says he could call a lawyer & get out of the contract because it's too...I forget the word. But the new job isn't that great, either, & neither of them pays enought to (hahahaha) call a lawyer.


Anyway...I'm looking for great ideas for jobhunting, updating resume, etc. Dh isn't very good at those things, & I'm only good enough at it to know he's not. :001_huh: He's planning to do some online computer certification through to have paperwork to support some of the stuff he already knows (& to learn new stuff).


Otherwise? He'll go back to delivery for the time being & I guess I'll substitute. Blech.


(I could at least make something teaching at the local community college IF I'd gotten my master's in English instead of Education. (My BA is in English.) Why didn't somebody slap me & tell me that years ago? Otoh, I wouldn't need much to get the English degree--I could use a lot of my Ed classes as electives. If I hadn't been pg w/ #2 at the time, I'd thought about just staying an extra yr & doing a double major.) :rant: :D




If he's not in a position to have proprietary information, I'd ask to be let out of the non-compete. I've only ever enforced one once when one of my software developers wanted to go to a competitor. I even let salespeople out of the contract as long as their territory or named accounts were different.


Aubrey and Rosie: :grouphug: I'll be saying prayers for your families.

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I don't know anything about resumes and such, but I do have something to whisper in your ear. (Whispering because I believe that the owner of this business might also be a member of our hive community...) I have a friend who is a homeschooling mom and is also a writer. As you know, sweet Aubrey, writing books does not always pay the bills. She is also a songwriter, but you know, that doesn't necessarily bring in the big bucks either. Recently she told me that she works for [deleted because I am embarrased, but it is a VERY popular online writing homeschool business] I don't know how much it pays, but you wouldn't have to leave the house!


Just another idea to add to the mix.....



P.S. The initials of the business are: WAH. Heh, probably a sound that many of us make after a long day of homeschooling!

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They went ahead & let him go today instead of at the end of the month. And the non-compete contract? They said no way, no how were they letting him out of it.


So that's that.


:grouphug: Hugs and prayers to you and your dh.


There are so many words I would like to say about a company that would let someone go during the holiday season. I shall refrain. :confused::confused: I'm sorry.

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That stinks, I'm so sorry:grouphug:. You might check with the unemployment office for options on the contract.



They went ahead & let him go today instead of at the end of the month. And the non-compete contract? They said no way, no how were they letting him out of it.


So that's that.

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They went ahead & let him go today instead of at the end of the month. And the non-compete contract? They said no way, no how were they letting him out of it.


So that's that.


I am sorry, Aubrey. Any legal aid offices in your area? Do you personally know a lawyer who might be willing to write a letter for you? My mom went through a similar situation many years ago. Her previous employer lost because the contract was too restrictive.

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They went ahead & let him go today instead of at the end of the month. And the non-compete contract? They said no way, no how were they letting him out of it.


So that's that.


That sucks. Today is the one year anniversary of my dh's layoff as well. There's something about right before Christmas that I don't understand. :grouphug:

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I know many community colleges have an office where there are people who help with resumes and job applications. Perhaps if your Dh was able to enroll in a class, even a class for next term and an online class he would be able to go to the resource office now and get help with updating his resume and preparing for the job hunting process. Just a suggestion.

Best of luck, so sorry this is happening.


a usual lurker

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We were unemployed for 7 months and I'll tell you how we finally got a job - we had my husband's resume professionally written, he posted his resume with several recruiting companies online and we NETWORKED like there was no tomorrow. He was shamelessly calling everybody he knew that had a job and asked if there were positions available at their company. Even our RELATIVES were "networking" for us. :001_smile: My husband even called the Vice President of a company and asked if he could have a job. He ended up getting two job offers (one from a recruiter who saw his resume online) and the big offer came from a company where one of his previous co-workers transferred to...they went to their boss and said, "You gotta hire this guy!"


Good luck! Now we have a job, but are tackling our homeless situation. :confused: At least we have a job, though.


If you end up getting a pro resume service, I think we paid about $200 - don't pay any more than that.

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Good idea.


I am sorry, Aubrey. Any legal aid offices in your area? Do you personally know a lawyer who might be willing to write a letter for you? My mom went through a similar situation many years ago. Her previous employer lost because the contract was too restrictive.
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