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Mothers of BOYS

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Please list everything that you now consider NORMAL that you would have thought CRAZY before you had boys!


I need a perspective adjustment. Maybe this will help.


Boys like boogers and think farts are funny. They can be very lovey dovey one minute and karate chopping ninjas the next. Boys are like puppies...they will even chew shoes and poop on the floor occasionally. Boys love their mommy.

~~Faithe (Mom to 4 boys...2 Big 18 & 15, and 2 little 5 & 7)

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1. Turning anything and everything into a weapon.

2. Never using items for their intended purpose.

3. Inability to regulate the strength of their grip. Oh, I need to squeeze this tube of toothpaste ONTO THE CEILING.

4. Inability to prevent oneself from pushing a button.

5. Inability to multi-task (I understand my husband so much more now).

6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.

7. No sense of gross factor or maybe they embrace the gross factor. I dont have that figured out yet.




hahaha...my boys to a tee....add in:


Playing guitars really loud

vrrrroooooommmming the car when starting it up

childproof meaning greater challenge

sharing ice cream cones with the dog....eeeeewwwww

cuddling into my lap after a long day (YUP, even the 18 y/o....)

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This has been a great thread to read!! I feel a little bit better that my boys aren't exceptionally wild, but somewhat normal.


Mine are like almost everything already posted, especially with the weapons and breaking of everything, and how practically every "game" involves some sort of "fighting and destruction".


Mine are also big climbers, especially ds1. He can and will climb anything and everything. He'll even just randomly start climbing up a door frame just because he was standing next to one and the urge to do so comes over him.

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Lets see my list.


I am the mother of 2 boys. My oldest son is not the typical boy. He has never torn anything up and he was always were he was suppose to be. He did play with guns and all that.


My youngest now he is 100% lovely boy trouble.


It started around age 15 months. He decided he could fly. He jumped off the back of the couch and busted out his 2 front teeth.


Around age 2 he decide after his morning BM, that it would be fun to use for finger paint. Yeah, BM all over walls, toys, carpet. This occurred several mornings in a row. We started duck taping his diaper on.


Around age 3 he decide that he would go out to play before we got up. We found him outside playing with his dump truck at 6:00 am. Our solution was to reverse his door knob and lock him in at night.


I could go on and on. He seems to of finally matured and controls his impulses and has grown up. He is now 12.


But at age 10, he decide to check the physics of a gun shot. My jeep has a couple of crack/holes in the front windshield from rocks. Well my dear boy thought that a bee bee would make the same size hole. Yeah! the whole glass shattered. He also shot out the glass in the barn. He worked 2 summers cutting grass to pay dad back.


The good older son loved it because grass cutting was his job:D


Both of my boys are wonderful the younger one has just been a surprise.


But this is the same son that brings me flower everyday and writes little notes. I love you mom.


My older one hugs me all the time but just not as sanguine as the younger

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Boys need to be reminded to GO POTTY instead of standing there talking to me while holding themselves. And then told to FLUSH the toilet and WASH YOUR HANDS. WITH SOAP.


I was reading most of these aloud to dh and when I got to this one my 2yo (3 next month) yells, "EWWW, SOAP IS NASTY!"

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+ Wearing socks, or pants, many, many days in a row (stealthily) just because. Apparently enjoying the idea/smell/feeling of dirty nasty clothes.


+ Putting on yesterday's dirty clothes again the following morning (after changing into PJs as ordered for the night).


+ Eating a worm gladly on a dare, but vomiting at the idea of eating the baked pasta served for dinner.

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Tazzie once announced to me, "I gots to go pee!" then ran out the back door and 'watered' the tree.


We knew he could unlock the deadbolt after one winter am, I had to chase him, barefoot through the snow, with the Princess, who had been nursing up to that point, tucked inside my mostly unbuttoned shirt.


We knew that the baby gate no longer worked to keep him in his room at night when he woke Wolf up at 3am, announcing, "Yucky apple!" and dropped an onion with a bite out of it right on his crotch.

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[quote name=StephanieZ;1345575


+ Eating a worm gladly on a dare' date=' but vomiting at the idea of eating the baked pasta served for dinner.


OMW!!! My son ate a fried grasshopper (ala Lonesome Dove) but won't eat a string bean without gagging violently and doing the full-body-shivers.


We're doing the bag with duct tape, scotch tape, magnets, etc for Christmas, too. DD suggested saving toilet paper rolls also!:lol: Thanks for the wire idea. =)


Loving this thread!

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All these are hysterical! And true!




The amount of tape, esp duct tape, the child uses.


I once heard of someone putting rolls of tape into their kids' Christmas stockings. This year I'm planning to put together a basket as one of their Christmas presents. I'll put in duct tape, masking tape, rope, string,.....and um, I'm not sure what else. Should I put in empty toilet paper tubes for good measure?


We put tape in their stockings last year. I think MIL thought I was nuts, but they loved it--and I could find MY tape for 3 or 4 months straight!

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Peeing outside (we live in the woods) until they are HOW old!




We also live in the woods, but our church is right beside our house. One Sunday my 6 year old son decided he could not wait until I got to the door to unlock it, so went by a tree, in the FRONT YARD (which faces the church parking lot, which was full of people !):blush: I wanted to die!!

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I've got nuthin'. Either my guys aren't that out-of-this-world (compared to me;)) or I had no preconceived notions or...I dunno. But fwiw, I have a posse of boys and can't think of a thing. A lot of what has been said here either doesn't resonate with me, or just doesn't seem like a big deal.:tongue_smilie:

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Lets see my list.


I am the mother of 2 boys. My oldest son is not the typical boy. He has never torn anything up and he was always were he was suppose to be. He did play with guns and all that.


My youngest now he is 100% lovely boy trouble.


It started around age 15 months. He decided he could fly. He jumped off the back of the couch and busted out his 2 front teeth.


Around age 2 he decide after his morning BM, that it would be fun to use for finger paint. Yeah, BM all over walls, toys, carpet. This occurred several mornings in a row. We started duck taping his diaper on.


Around age 3 he decide that he would go out to play before we got up. We found him outside playing with his dump truck at 6:00 am. Our solution was to reverse his door knob and lock him in at night.


I could go on and on. He seems to of finally matured and controls his impulses and has grown up. He is now 12.


But at age 10, he decide to check the physics of a gun shot. My jeep has a couple of crack/holes in the front windshield from rocks. Well my dear boy thought that a bee bee would make the same size hole. Yeah! the whole glass shattered. He also shot out the glass in the barn. He worked 2 summers cutting grass to pay dad back.


The good older son loved it because grass cutting was his job:D


Both of my boys are wonderful the younger one has just been a surprise.


But this is the same son that brings me flower everyday and writes little notes. I love you mom.


My older one hugs me all the time but just not as sanguine as the younger


:lol: LOVE this. thank you, thank you for making me laugh so hard! the part about duck taping your ds diaper is too much!

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When you ask your 14yo to please hold the baby, he somehow confuses her with a 2-liter of soda that needs vigorous shaking in preparation for a massive volcanic explosion. ("...but she stopped crying" :001_huh:)


He also wrote a moderately psychotic-sounding poem when he was twelve - The Doom poem. I thought it was reminiscent of something from LoTR, but grandma and grandpa were a little concerned and started reading Scripture to him. ;)

Edited by Susan in TN
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Please list everything that you now consider NORMAL that you would have thought CRAZY before you had boys!


I need a perspective adjustment. Maybe this will help.


Sorry, I haven't read through all the other pages of replies. But the first thing that popped into my head was "peeing on stuff, even each other.":001_huh:


My oldets 2 are boys, and when they were about 3-something and 2, I went to put the 2yo down for a nap and noticed that his hair was wet. I happened to smell it, and it was URINE.:ack2:


I don't have any brothers, and girls just DON'T do this sort of thing LOL. So I was totally and completely appalled.


My dh was out of town at the time (of course!), and I called him - I had no idea what to do with these heathen maniacs! That man had the nerve to LAUGH. I almost fainted. He thought it was hysterical. I said, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????" ("people" meaning "males" LOL!) He said, "Boys just like to pee on stuff."


A few years later, I was talking to another mom with boys, and she was telling me how one of her boys was up in a tree and had to go really bad, so he just started going there in the tree...at the same time his sister was walking below. I laughed. She said, "I can tell right there that you have boys. Moms of girls would be horrified.":iagree:

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+ Putting on yesterday's dirty clothes again the following morning (after changing into PJs as ordered for the night).



I am so glad my boy is not the only one who does this. Even worse, I got him some gilette body wash that he LOVES. SO he will go have a nice long shower. HE will scrub his body very well with this body wash because he says he wants to smell like a man. Then what does he do, gets out and puts back on the stinky smelly clothes he wore for 2 days and nights already(I catch him putting his dirty clothes back on to go to sleep, says they are comfier than the clean jammies).


He claims he just got the clothes to feel the way he wants so he doesn't want to change. I don't care if they feel just right, they are stinky, have ketchup spilled on them, a grass stain and a pcoket full of dirt, it is time for clean clothes.

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My son will use soap in the shower - and put it everywhere EXCEPT his armpits, privates, and head. I just want to scream, "Hello! What do you think the soap is for????"


And the sound effects. Ugh. Why use words when a weird sound will work wonders?


Another thing - not caring if the clothing he has on fits, matches, coordinates, or even belongs out of the rag box. Recently he came out with an orange sock and a blue sock on. Both new and from a 6 pack we just bought. I pointed out they didn't "go together" and ds looked at me shocked. His reply, "But they were in the same package." :001_huh:


I also don't understand his need to show other boys the half chewed food in his mouth. Or why they find it interesting enough to look....

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