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Thanksgiving update with "possible flu" relative...

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should this change anything?


Dh's cousin swears she doesn't have the flu and that her mother was mistaken on the facts. She had a cough on Saturday morning that woke her up. She didn't cough much the rest of the day, but she started feeling crummy that night. She went to the urgent care clinic on Sunday and by then she also had a runny nose and fever. The doctor checked her over and told her he didn't think it was the swine flu and that she could go back to work (in a SCHOOL) on Monday. She went to work Monday, flew here yesterday, and today was out chasing my pigs when they got out of the lot. She has a very mild cough still and said she feels like she has an elephant sitting on her chest - but she said that feeling was there when she went to the doctor and the doctor said she was fine. I think the chances are just as good as anything that she has a mild case of H1N1, but I have no proof and Dh thinks it is "fine" because she is on day 5 of the illness and will be on day 6 tomorrow. I am not totally comfortable with it, but when I try to argue, he makes me feel like a crazy hypochondriac (which I am). :( And maybe I am being one. I just keep telling myself that people get sick with things other than the stupid flu and that of the 100 flu like illness samples they send in, only like 20% are actually the flu. To look at her (Dh's cousin), she doesn't really seem sick at all. She was up chasing pigs in the cold for an hour...not exactly your average flu patient. BUT STILL! :(


ETA: At this point, I have talked to her (standing about 10 feet from her in my MILs house and then again standing out in the yard after the pig chasing incident. My kids have NOT been in contact with her at all. They waved to her from the window.

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Let's interrupt this moment for a gentle reminder...




In with the good air....


Out with the bad air...


All will be as it will be....


In with the good air....


Out with the bad air....


Thanksgiving is almost over....








And this too shall pass.

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Does she still have a fever? Also, I don't like the "elephant on the chest" thing.


Is Thanksgiving at your MIL house, or yours? If it was yours, I'd be worried, but then again, if she's staying at you MIL and your family is going there, her germs will be everywhere. Hmmm... I'm a worrier myself, so I would be the same as you. Maybe you all could wear masks and not touch anything?:D I'm actually serious-except you couldn't eat with the masks on, could you?:lol:


I'm sorry, I'm just trying to cheer you up, because I think your dh is probably like mine, and he wouldn't let us not go.

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Dinner is at MILs house. We are taking hand sanitizer and only eating and then leaving. I told her not to touch my kids at all and that we would be keeping a distance of about 6-10 feet the entire time!


You are right...my dh is hell-bent on going and I feel terrible and crazy because I don't want to go. I don't want the kids to go! This is not about me!!!! This is about my kids. :(


I guess I feel better that she is up and around, doesn't seem terribly sick, and is on day 6 of the illness.

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I'm not a bit hypochondriatic (probably not a word :)), but "elephant sitting on my chest" -- wow! That doesn't sound like nothing. Doesn't sound like a cold or allergies. That sounds like pneumonia!


She said she has had pneumonia before and that this was not the same. No fever according to her (I'd love to get a thermpmeter though and take it myself! LOL)

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could be pneumonia, acute asthma, or heart trouble. Of course, pneumonia is triggered by colds and flu sometimes, but on day 6 I would not think that a cold would be contagious. I don't know how long a flu stays contagious, though.


Any of those should get medical attention, though. They could turn south pretty fast and pretty badly, I think.


By tomorrow, I would be more worried about the SIL not getting to a doctor than about the kids catching something. I think my inclination would be to go over there and try to figure out how bad it is.


My DH once had pneumonia and didn't realize it until he tried to take a deep breath and almost passed out. His lungs were 1/3 full of fluid at that point. He had to take at least one, maybe two rounds of strong antibiotics, and missed 3 weeks of work. Once it caught up to him, it knocked him right down. Nothing to fool with!

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Effect Measure has a good post on pneumococcal vaccine:




There is a different vax for children & adults.


Looks like they are recommending it for kids and adults who have underlying conditions. My kids had theirs with their routine vaccines...does that cover them then? Or is this a seperate vaccine.

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The pneumonia vaccine does not prevent all forms of pneumonia. My littlest had the pneumonia vaccine recommended for children but has since had pneumonia. With our pediatrician at least, it was on the schedule of recommended vaccinations.


I am so sorry that your holiday will be tainted by this. Try to have a good holiday with your kids anyway.

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Our family has had bronchitis for the last 6 wks (2 people going down at a time every 2 wks). I would describe our symptoms as an elephant sitting on my chest, but we had no fever and felt generally okay other than the persistent cough. I still wouldn't want to have the chest cold especially if you are at risk for other issues.

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Looks like they are recommending it for kids and adults who have underlying conditions. My kids had theirs with their routine vaccines...does that cover them then? Or is this a seperate vaccine.


No. The pnuemonia shot is a separate shot and is optional like the seasonal flu shot. Ds10 received the pneumonia shot this year. He's a special needs kid with respiratory issues. He gets it to protect him but my other kids have not received it. The pneumonia shot is not yearly-I think every 3-4 years you can get it.

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Rebecca, I'm so sorry. I know this is an issue for you, and if you watch the news, I'm sure this flu season is really worrying you. HOWEVER, an elephant on her chest? How can that not be something? But if she covers her mouth (NOT WITH HER hand) when she coughs and doesn't have a fever, and you wash, wash, wash yours and the hands kids, and pray and pray while you breathe and breathe ;) I think you'll be fine.


If she was out running around in the cold chasing your pigs, she will likely be coughing harder and more frequently tomorrow, so don't be alarmed if she is.


You have pigs? For meat or pets? I have 3 potbellies and 2 heritage breed pigs to help us clear some land. I've ALWAYS love pigs! My potbellies are just like dogs. They are too cute! I don't have the heart to raise anything but eggs to eat. I am not strong enough to eat something that I've pet.

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Rebecca, I'm so sorry. I know this is an issue for you, and if you watch the news, I'm sure this flu season is really worrying you. HOWEVER, an elephant on her chest? How can that not be something? But if she covers her mouth (NOT WITH HER hand) when she coughs and doesn't have a fever, and you wash, wash, wash yours and the hands kids, and pray and pray while you breathe and breathe ;) I think you'll be fine.


If she was out running around in the cold chasing your pigs, she will likely be coughing harder and more frequently tomorrow, so don't be alarmed if she is.


You have pigs? For meat or pets? I have 3 potbellies and 2 heritage breed pigs to help us clear some land. I've ALWAYS love pigs! My potbellies are just like dogs. They are too cute! I don't have the heart to raise anything but eggs to eat. I am not strong enough to eat something that I've pet.



I know. I felt like the "elephant on her chest" was the most significant thing she mentioned. I know that H1N1 presents differently for everyone too...so it is still in the back of my mind as a concern. If she has it, she obviously has a VERY mild case. THat just doesn't mean that WE would get a very mild case. She has also been with my inlaws since yesterday and I worry that maybe she has passed something on to them and they are going to be in the 1-2 day before getting sick "contagious anyway" period. Blah!


Yes, we do have pigs. :) We have 3 of them. They actually belong to dh's uncle and we just keep them for him because we have the pen. Unfortunately, he does plan to eat them. I can't even really get near them because I know I would fall in love with them and not be able to give them up. I do very little with them. It breaks my heart. We have 25 hens (free range) and one rooster too...we get upwards of 20 eggs a DAY, but I can't bear to let dh kill even one of them to eat. I am a hopeless case for a farm girl!

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should this change anything?


Dh's cousin swears she doesn't have the flu and that her mother was mistaken on the facts. She had a cough on Saturday morning that woke her up. She didn't cough much the rest of the day, but she started feeling crummy that night. She went to the urgent care clinic on Sunday and by then she also had a runny nose and fever. The doctor checked her over and told her he didn't think it was the swine flu and that she could go back to work (in a SCHOOL) on Monday. She went to work Monday, flew here yesterday, and today was out chasing my pigs when they got out of the lot.


IMHO it sounds like a bad cold that has settled in her chest, maybe an upper respiratory infection at this point. In my experience flu really knocks someone on their a**. Many people confuse severe colds, etc with the flu. I had a bad flu quite a few years ago, and I could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom. Working would have been impossible!

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I think there is a lot of hysteria out there. I wouldn't add to it.


My entire family is descending upon our home tomorrow, knowing full well my oldest has pneumonia complications from NI1H1....well, recovering...but I can't think of a single family that hasn't had someone with something.


Folks from toddlerhood to age 73 are having dinner with us tomorrow, knowing full well the deal. You could catch it from a shopping cart handle.

Edited by LibraryLover
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IMHO it sounds like a bad cold that has settled in her chest, maybe an upper respiratory infection at this point. In my experience flu really knocks someone on their a**. Many people confuse severe colds, etc with the flu. I had a bad flu quite a few years ago, and I could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom. Working would have been impossible!


Flu really knocks you out - this sounds like a cold.



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You could catch it from a shopping cart handle.



My entire family had the flu back at the beginning of Nov. It took all of us at least 2 weeks to feel back to "normal". We were not around ANYONE that had been sick or even knew of anyone that had the flu or been sick at all. I was the first one to come down with it so I definitely must have picked it up from a shopping cart handle or somewhere in a public place. I wipe down the cart handles, use my own pen, keep sanitizer in the van etc... There is just not avoiding it sometimes. Also, a Dr. told me a few years ago that people are still contagious even if they have not had a fever for 24 hrs. If they have stuff coming out their noses or coughing, they are spreading their germs around.

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Yes, we do have pigs. :) We have 3 of them. They actually belong to dh's uncle and we just keep them for him because we have the pen. Unfortunately, he does plan to eat them. I can't even really get near them because I know I would fall in love with them and not be able to give them up. I do very little with them. It breaks my heart. We have 25 hens (free range) and one rooster too...we get upwards of 20 eggs a DAY, but I can't bear to let dh kill even one of them to eat. I am a hopeless case for a farm girl!


we can be hopeless cases together. :D I love my pigs, they are REAL sweet. Except at feeding time. :001_smile: What do you do with that many chickens? I MISS my chickens. All mine got killed/eaten by predators. I wish I could keep them in the field with my llamas, but the fence wouldn't hold them in.


What do you do with all those eggs? Do you have a customer base?


I hope you have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!!!

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IMHO it sounds like a bad cold that has settled in her chest, maybe an upper respiratory infection at this point. In my experience flu really knocks someone on their a**. Many people confuse severe colds, etc with the flu. I had a bad flu quite a few years ago, and I could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom. Working would have been impossible!



This is how most colds I've ever had (I seem to get one annually - about this time of year in fact [knock on wood]) resolve. One year it did actually become pneumonia, but most of the time it just feels like it should be.

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IMHO it sounds like a bad cold that has settled in her chest, maybe an upper respiratory infection at this point. In my experience flu really knocks someone on their a**. Many people confuse severe colds, etc with the flu. I had a bad flu quite a few years ago, and I could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom. Working would have been impossible!




All five of us have the flu, and we have been down for the count all week. I have spent two days IN BED, and that is not like me at all.


Go eat, spend time with your family, and try your hardest not to worry. :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone for your advice! I gave the kids some extra D3 today with their vitamins and we are not going to visit until dinner time. Once dinner is over, we will be leaving pretty fast. My in laws are older with weakened immune systems (and they had just had their H1N1 vaccine about 12 hours before she came so their immune systems were probably down even more) and they are not sick yet (after 3 days of exposure to her being IN THEIR HOUSE). Even given that, we are taking precautions the whole time. And praying!


Heck, I am roaming out to the stores at 5AM on Friday...I probably have a much better chance of getting sick then than I do at dinner!

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