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Can ya'll pray for my nephew who is in Afghanistan right now? He found out on

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Facebook that his girlfriend is seeing somebody else. He really loves this girl and is so broken hearted over this. He is such a sweet guy, like a big teddy bear, I just hate for him to be over there fighting a war and having to deal with this emotionally. He was so upset about it that he broke down and cried when he was on the phone with his mom today. I know that tore my sister's heart to pieces. She could hear guns going off in the background, so I know that didn't help either of them. He's so ready to come home. I'm glad he's finding out about her before he proposed to her though.


Thanks for praying!



Edited by MJN
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I'll be praying for him too.


This happens a lot. Many of the gals who latch onto young servicemen are fluff brains. I don't think anyone should marry before the first deployment, because that's the big test of her ability to love an absent man. Many can't, and not all of them are bad. Some just need more day to day interaction with their mates to be well-adjusted.


The gal who let her new relationship be advertised all over face-book is a fluff-brain or worse - that is, if it's true. Often it's not.


Any way, his fellow soldiers are very good at putting their buddies back together emotionally after these break-ups. Chances are he'll return a warier, wiser soldier, who has a better idea of what kind of woman he's looking for.


He is much, much better off without this girl in his life. It's a good thing he found out before they had a marriage and children together.

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My heart goes out to him. Please try to encourage him to talk with his unit's counselor about this....the last thing he needs right now is to have his head/heart somewhere other than on his duty. Distraction can be extremely dangerous. I know the guys tend to think that emotions are something they don't want to talk about with their military friends/leaders but it's important that he does for his own safety as well as those depending on him.


As for the reporting of troop movement.....troops are coming and going every week.....the information that OP posted is not sufficient to help anyone wishing to do harm. We get more details in our local newspaper than "March". While I agree that you don't want to give DETAILS, a month is not detail. Had she said he's coming home on March 5 at XYZ airport that is detailed enough that it shouldn't be discussed. Fact is most families don't get true details until a very short time before arrival....they may know "in the next week" but not that it's Monday until a day or two before....and the newspapers have even less. I'm not bashing you for the warning, it is a good reminder anytime, just trying to make sure that OP doesn't worry that she's put her nephew in danger by her comment. She has enough to worry about.

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My heart goes out to him. Please try to encourage him to talk with his unit's counselor about this....the last thing he needs right now is to have his head/heart somewhere other than on his duty. Distraction can be extremely dangerous. I know the guys tend to think that emotions are something they don't want to talk about with their military friends/leaders but it's important that he does for his own safety as well as those depending on him.


As for the reporting of troop movement.....troops are coming and going every week.....the information that OP posted is not sufficient to help anyone wishing to do harm. We get more details in our local newspaper than "X". While I agree that you don't want to give DETAILS, a month is not detail. Had she said he's coming home on Y at XYZ airport that is detailed enough that it shouldn't be discussed. Fact is most families don't get true details until a very short time before arrival....they may know "in the next week" but not that it's Monday until a day or two before....and the newspapers have even less. I'm not bashing you for the warning, it is a good reminder anytime, just trying to make sure that OP doesn't worry that she's put her nephew in danger by her comment. She has enough to worry about.


You'd be amazed what gets pieced together.




Edited by asta
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