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No insurance and pregnancy?

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If you will be able to use the same dr, they would probably work out a cash price with you for prenatal and delivery. You'd have to do the same with the hospital. They do have negotiating room and so do you. Look at what the allowed amount was on prior deliveries and see if you can get to a reasonable rate with them.

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I had to go to paying a home birth midwife for a vbac.

But I was no where near high risk.

The ob who delivered my previous 3 dumped me.

If your high risk I doubt you will find anyone who will give you a vbac.


Call your previous ob and see what they will do for and go from there.

:grouphug:I know that it's very stressful.


Eta: do it soon. ESP if you are high risk. Some obs will not take you later that would have eariler. The ob should be able to give suggestion for hospital. But usually the money you owe the hospital will have to be worked out separate.

Edited by Martha
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I had to go to paying a home birth midwife for a vbac.

But I was no where near high risk.

The ob who delivered my previous 3 dumped me.

If your high risk I doubt you will find anyone who will give you a vbac.


Call your previous ob and see what they will do for and go from there.

:grouphug:I know that it's very stressful.


I am VBAC but delivered vaginally two years ago with this OB. I am pretty sure everyone else would do a c-section. BTW then that delivery was totally painfree and quite amazing...

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So, who should I talk to? Should I wait till late in pregnancy in order to safe money or would the negotiated deal be a standard one?


Call the office separate from talking to the hospital later?


My best friend found out she was pregnant with #3 when she took a pg test to prove she wasn't pg to get insurance. She simply called her OB and explained the situation to the insurance office there. She'd delivered both of her sons with him and had a history with them. They agreed on a price and she made payments throughout her pg and was done by the time the baby was due. I would guess the dr. office could tell you who to contact at the hospital.


I would call the dr. office immediately - if you feel it's going to be high risk I wouldn't take any chances.


Good luck! I hope you have an understanding dr. and he will work with you.

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There may be a low cost clinic near you. We have one that does prenatal check ups for $35. I think you go once a month until the last month of pregnancy then you go every week. High risk patients see an OB who specializes in high risk pregnancies on some of the visits and the fee is for those visits is still $35. The OB will schedule a C-section if necessary.


The expensive part is the ultrasound and lab work. Around here ultrasounds are $300 and the lab work for the blood work/pap smear is...I forget, but it is a lot. Many doctors and clinics HATE when you don't get the ultrasound, but they don't feed you or pay your bills so if you can't swing it, you just can't.


Before you deliver the hospital will want a deposit of some hundreds of dollars. They will want money the day you leave the hosptial. If you don't have the money, you just don't. They will still take care of you. Stay at the hospital as little as you can. I have signed my baby and myself out against medical advice. The longer you stay, the bigger your bill.


You can make payments to the hosptial every month. If you do not make payments they will sent your bill to a collection agency and you will get bad credit.

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I don't have any technical advice for you.

I just want to say I am so sorry.

Noone should ever face what you are right now. It is truly inhumane.

I am sorry that you can't fully enjoy this new life inside of you because of worry.

I am sorry for the stress that is added to the rush of hormones and morning sickness, etc. YOU DESERVE BETTER!

Just so sorry for you.


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Well, I wasn't high risk or VBAC, but I did find myself unexpectedly preggers with no insurance. I was quite upfront with the doc. I happened to have saved up for my annual pap and during the exam she said, "could you be pregnant?" After I said no about three times, she said, let's just get a quick test to make sure. Then she took me into her office for a sit-down. I told her I could not be pregnant because I didn't have insurance. She said she thought I was about 3 months along regardless of insurance. She gave me the price she would ordinarily get from a Medicaid patient. The price included all prenatal visits and her delivery charge. She gave me the name of the person to talk to at the hospital. That person gave me a cash price. Broke it all down into price for pit, price for stadol, etc. I left at exactly 23 hours, so as not to be charged for another day. Once the baby was born, we were able to get it covered through our state's low-cost subsidised children's insurance plan.

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I told her I could not be pregnant because I didn't have insurance. She said she thought I was about 3 months along regardless of insurance.


:smilielol5: Too funny. Reminds me of my mom's friend who delivered a baby in the ICU...no one,including her, knew she was pregnant..the doc came out just before delivery to tell the dad a baby was coming NOW...Dad says, 'That can't be I've had a V.' LOL...Doc says, 'Regardless, a baby is coming NOW.'

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I'm dealing with the same situation - not qualified for medicaid due to lack of citizenship and no insurance. I haven't called my dr. yet, but this happened with our last child as well and I waited as long as I could and found out a couple of things we didn't know to start with:


- waiting won't change the doctor's prices. As far as I can tell, they charge a certain fee for the whole process. The doctor I ended up going to was very willing to work with us and even extended his normal deadline to allow us time to pay him. I asked him if his fee would be reduced because I was only going to be seeing him for the last 10 weeks, and that was when he explained that it's not broken down into what he charges for the routine visits, what he charges for the delivery, etc., but is all lumped in together.


- I was 30 weeks along and not high risk, but only two doctors in our city would take me because I had waited so long. Because of the lack of prior care I was considered 'high risk' and no one wanted to deal with that. The second doctor demanded full payment on the spot or they wouldn't see me at all.


You might want to check with your doctor or midwife before you wait very long, they may not take you if you wait! And if you do check, you might want to ask about what they include in their price. My doctor included a full ultrasound in his price where the other doctor was going to charge extra for that.


Also, in the state we live in, medicaid does cover the hospital stay. I think you'd need to apply for emergency services or something like that. Here this also covers an epidural :) if I happen to want one. You might want to check with medicaid, but I was told to apply for emergency coverage within 90 days of the baby's due date (does not cover dr. fees in the hospital other than the epidural).


Last time we didn't know about the emergency coverage and ended up going all cash. But, our hospital of choice is a Catholic hospital and they have a financial program of their own that we qualified for, thus eliminating any hospital charges (dr. fees in hospital are separate so this was just for the stay). If you had this option, you might want to check around!


Our last baby - with a doctor, delivered in a hospital where we stayed for two full days - ended up costing a lot less than the midwife here charges.


I'm still not sure what will happen with this baby, we're waiting for the official denial before we start the doctor visit process. :)


Hope you're able to work something out!

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No insurance and medicaid is out (no citizenship and rules have changed). So, what do people do? Prenatal care and safe delivery? This would be for a high risk, VBAC.....


Are you "high risk" other than being a VBAC? If not, you should look into home-based midwifery care. Many practice on a sliding scale.

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You can do a lot of basic care yourself, too. I provided all my own prenatal care with my third baby. While you don't have to go to those lengths, you are perfectly capable of monitoring your own blood pressure (rent or buy an electric cuff, making sure it's the right size for your weight, as too small or too large a cuff gives inaccurate readings) and your own urine (you can buy the same strips used by doctors and midwives at inhishands.com). Since avoiding things like vaginal exams is actually much safer for a normally progressing pregnancy, there are few things a care provider does in a routine visit that you can't replicate.

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I had two home deliveries with a midwife. We made that decision because we also didn't have insurance. I wasn't high-risk though. Make sure you ask lots of questions and make sure the midwife is experienced in VBAC cases. You could check to see if there is a birthing center nearby. A birthing center might be more equipped if something were to happen and are sometimes located close to a hospital. Or like others have said, talk to you OB and the billing department. When I talked to doctors, they all had payment plans so you had the delivery paid for by the time you had the baby. Many of them also offered cash discounts.

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My doctor had a fee for all prenatal care and delivery, it included quite a bit, 2 ultrasounds, urinalysis, all of my checkups and I had to go every 2 weeks, gestational diabetes testing, etc. I think it was around 4,000. We had to put a certain amount down and then make payments on the rest. I had to pay extra for testing and treatment outside of the norm. (extra ultrasound, urinalysis, treatment for dehydration) We are still making payments on the extras. If you go to a state hospital rather than a private one (I don't know how to determine the difference) then they have to take payments. Very small payments. :o We are still paying them as well. You need to get this taken care of ASAP. You will need to find a doctor who gives the cash discount and find out if the hospital they practice at is one that takes payments as well (that will be hard, b/c likely they will all tell you that you need to pay upfront, but when it comes down to it, you don't).

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I am VBAC but delivered vaginally two years ago with this OB. I am pretty sure everyone else would do a c-section. BTW then that delivery was totally painfree and quite amazing...


My ob had deliveried 3 of my vbacs but could no longer afford to continue doing it. so she dropped me unless I was willing to have an unneccessary c/s. keep in mind I'd had 1 non emergency c/s and then FIVE VBACs . Didn't matter.


I had to go to a midwife to avoid c/s.


I hope your ob will work with you and give you a great VBAC.


I was blind-sided by the idea that after 5 VBACs, 3 with my current OB, that my OB wouldn't give a VBAC to me.


I wouldn't wait to go in. OBs tend to view that as added risk and it might make them hesitant to take you on.


Prayers for the care you need and are comfortable with.:grouphug:

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I don't have any technical advice for you.

I just want to say I am so sorry.

Noone should ever face what you are right now. It is truly inhumane.

I am sorry that you can't fully enjoy this new life inside of you because of worry.

I am sorry for the stress that is added to the rush of hormones and morning sickness, etc. YOU DESERVE BETTER!

Just so sorry for you.



Thank you. I haven't cried in ages, but am now. It is funny how quickly the tables can be turned...Nobody should have to worry about the health care of themselves or their children.

Edited by Osmosis Mom
spelling mistake
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Are you "high risk" other than being a VBAC? If not, you should look into home-based midwifery care. Many practice on a sliding scale.


No, nobody here in MA or even worse NH would take me on. The local hospitals here -except for where I delivered 2 years ago- all don't do VBACs. I was very lucky with my choice last time.

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Thank you. I haven't cried in ages, but am now. It is funny how quickly the tables can be turned...Nobody should have to worry about the health care of themselves or their children.


Oh Nadia, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. :grouphug:


I don't have any good advice either. I guess I just ignorantly assumed that there were 'programs' that covered these things. I'll readily admit I have no idea; I've had private insurace all of my adult life. I've never had to worry about it, and am finding myself just now feeling very blessed because of it. I'm sure you've checked into your state's available plans.


It just totally stinks that you have to worry about how to *afford to birth your child, instead of just worrying about growing a healthy baby. :grouphug:

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Congratulations on your impending baby! I didn't know.


On the other issues, I am very sorry you are dealing with this. I made a couple calls to some NH agencies about lowcost prenatal care. They will call me back, I hope. Most of them didn't have a clue, which is sad to say.


I did not know that the rules changed with Medicaid. However, I do know that most state Medicaid are required to pay for your care in an emergency regardless of status of citizenship. I am pretty sure NH Medicaid has that rule. So if there is an emergency, please go to the ER.


VBAC - it's a liability issue more than anything and the OBs have one of the highest rates of malpractice insurance. That's why doctors are reluctant to take you on for a VBAC.


I don't have any advice about finding a doctor. I would just ask many doctors. :grouphug:


Email me if you want to talk.



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Hugs! I'm going through the same thing - I'm 26 weeks now, no insurance, and the stress is driving me nuts! Definitely talk to the doctor now. Mine requires a down payment and then a portion of the fee each month. It sucks to have to go through this. I just keep praying that the baby will be born healthy and I won't have any complications, because we certainly can't afford that. Just wanted to let you know you aren't alone.

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No, nobody here in MA or even worse NH would take me on. The local hospitals here -except for where I delivered 2 years ago- all don't do VBACs. I was very lucky with my choice last time.


I know a NH midwife who has a birth center and also does HB. I can get you her contact info if you want. She delivered my 4th ( in a hospital) and was my MW with my 9th.

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Congratulations on your impending baby! I didn't know.


On the other issues, I am very sorry you are dealing with this. I made a couple calls to some NH agencies about lowcost prenatal care. They will call me back, I hope. Most of them didn't have a clue, which is sad to say.


I did not know that the rules changed with Medicaid. However, I do know that most state Medicaid are required to pay for your care in an emergency regardless of status of citizenship. I am pretty sure NH Medicaid has that rule. So if there is an emergency, please go to the ER.


VBAC - it's a liability issue more than anything and the OBs have one of the highest rates of malpractice insurance. That's why doctors are reluctant to take you on for a VBAC.


I don't have any advice about finding a doctor. I would just ask many doctors. :grouphug:


Email me if you want to talk.




Thanks for calling around for me. I prtty much do not have that much energy. It feels quite defeating.


I did muster the courage and stopped by my last OB's office (in MA). Was lucky to find the girl in charge of billing in and she was a very caring person. Nice change from the snub who almost made fun of me over the phone when she told me of my denial.


She told me that prenatal care (and basically the guarantee to have one of their OBs at my delivery) would be $1800. Not bad, but also not covering any ultrasound. My thing is that I get low amniotic fluid that usually needs monitoring and each ultrasound would be paid by us separately. But that would be through the hospital and not immediate billing (as I assume). I'd need to talk to the hospital separately about billing.


I did feel better about the affair after talking to her. She did mention that the prenatal care price is a one-time deal so I'm happy I went in now.

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I'm so sorry you're in this situation. My dh lost his job 3 months ago. I found out I was pregnant two days after he lost his job.... I also told the doctor, "But, no, my dh just lost his job- I can't be pregnant." Oh my, I do know the stress.... I haven't sleep more than a few hours each night for 3 months. I have applied for medicaid but I can't seem to get any answers and it is really hard to know what to do. We moved here (to TX) just 2 yrs ago so I don't have any history with my OB and I live 40 miles from the hospital so I am scared to try for a home birth in case there is a complication....


Just want you to know that I'll be thinking of you and you're not alone.




dd 8

dd 6

ds 4

baby due in April

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Congratulations, Nadia, and I wish you and the baby all the best. :)


I thought Medicaid did cover the delivery but not prenatal for non-citizens, but obviously I was wrong about that. The midwife for my first son had a cash plan of about $2300 or something, and if it ended up being a c-section, it was with a dr in an affiliated practice, and was only about $800ish more. Obviously you have health concerns that make this more complicated, including wanting another VBAC. From what I've heard, some of the practices for the very poor may be somewhat not so great, so keep your eyes open before you decide.


Wishing you all the best.

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I am so sorry you are going through this. I was in the same situation 15 years ago( no isurance, no citizenship, a student and alone 'coz dh was in Canada doing his Masters). I was lucky though because this was my first baby and I have an uncle who is an Ob-Gyn and everything worked out well. But I still remember the stress and the fear. I think it took us about 5 years to pay the hospital bill, I didn't have to pay my uncle. Look into your state's Medicaid program, they should cover some form of prenatal care even if you are not a citizen. All the best with your pregnancy and hope it is as stress- free as possible.

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I don't know all of your personal details, but I thought that a legal immigrant could get coverage after being here for 5 years (referring to Medicaid).


It seems that it is up to the state if the immigrant entered the country before 1996. I googled MA and came up with info where they are changing the healthcare for those in the country less than 5 years, but it isn't ended. I was pretty sure that OM has been here longer than 5 years. If not, it looks like you could still be covered under a different plan set to start in Jan.


Have you actually applied Nadia and they turned you down? Something else to look into is something called "presumption of eligibility" where they cover any pregnant woman with Medicaid for 2 months. If you apply right before delivery, it may cover you. In NC, this is how illegal immigrants who were pregnant were receiving care (PLEASE don't shoot the messenger here, OK?:D)

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I don't know all of your personal details, but I thought that a legal immigrant could get coverage after being here for 5 years (referring to Medicaid).


Ha! When we just got to the States 12 years ago I got Medicaid. Since then we have been paying taxes (and of course we are legal, that's why we are being punished now....). Rules have gotten changed due to the economic times so now people are doomed...Got GC 2 years ago, but who cares about that!

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It seems that it is up to the state if the immigrant entered the country before 1996. I googled MA and came up with info where they are changing the healthcare for those in the country less than 5 years, but it isn't ended. I was pretty sure that OM has been here longer than 5 years. If not, it looks like you could still be covered under a different plan set to start in Jan.


Have you actually applied Nadia and they turned you down? Something else to look into is something called "presumption of eligibility" where they cover any pregnant woman with Medicaid for 2 months. If you apply right before delivery, it may cover you. In NC, this is how illegal immigrants who were pregnant were receiving care (PLEASE don't shoot the messenger here, OK?:D)


I'll be talking to the people at WIC next week. They seem caring and might know.


I don't see myself living on the edge like that plus I am not that gutsy. Going to the ER for delivery....Plus I get tons of false contractions and always have 16+ hours of labor, not always progressing in the way that you'd then know you'd be ready for delivery (meaning I'll be ready and not in pain). I have never ever wanted to even think about delivering in the car....


Jean, thanks for the congrats. I actualy did see that bc in Peterborough and it looks fabulous, but I am several hours from there. It actually looks amazing plus affordable.


Everyone, your heartfelt congrats and wishes mean so much to me and is making me feel lighter.


My plan right now is to see if WIC can suggest anything. Otherwise I'll probably sell some thngs I have and make the payment for the initial dr. care. I feel I have a few more weeks. I know I'll want the 18 week ultrasound for reassurance so I'll need to have spoken with the hospital by then since that billing is through them.

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