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KATERYNA is our DAUGHTER!!!! Wanna celebrate with me?

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Congratulations Cindy. How exciting for your family. We have friends who just returned last week from Odessa WITHOUT the two children they hoped to adopt. However we are praying that the problems will be resolved and that they can go back soon.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!



We had court this morning and it went amazingly well. Katya readily and boldly affirmed that she wants to adopted into our family. Tonight, dh and I begin the journey back across the big pond. I will get a couple of weeks with the other six during the waiting period (10 business days) and then I'll fly back to pick up Katya, get her passport, birth certificate, etc. and then bring her HOME! What a journey this has been!



Thanks for all your support, encouragement, and prayers!

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