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What is your favorite curric. for 1st - 3rd?


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1. Singapore Math- I love this math program!! It teaches your child to think math, it's fun and colorful. It's worked beautifully for us.

2. Story of the World-This is so well written and we have thoroughly enjoyed history because of it!

3. Elemental Science-I wrote this for my dd, so of course she loves it :). I love the fact that WTM science is already planned and there for me to use.


So far these are the only curriculum's that we have stuck with for both 1st and 2nd. However we are really enjoying Writing With Ease and I'm sure that we are going to use this again next year! So I guess that can be added to the list also.

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My dd(1st grade) cried thru OPGTR for over a year, I didn't ever think she would read. This year we are doing the MFW first grade program, and she is excited, engaged, happy, and it seems as if someone turned a light switch on to her reading. She has learned so much, so far this year in bible, reading, science, and writing with that program. :001_smile::001_smile:


My ds(2nd grade) is doing VERY well in FLL 3 and WWE 2. I didn't think he would like it, and I just didn't get it "on the surface" but once we started doing the lessons, I saw the "rhyme and reason" of it all, and I have come to see that WWE is AWESOME!! And my ds asks to do these two subjects first because he enjoys them.

Edited by Cornerstone Classical
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WWE is a hit here as well. I have been amazed at the progression of the narrations by my 3rd grader.


I am also a huge fan of CLE Math & Language Arts. To tie this in to a thread about buying in advance - this is one curriculum I don't think I'd be wasting money on if I purchased ahead.

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Abeka Lang arts: phonics, grammar, and spelling, are my fav's! We tried switching some of our grammar to a cheaper program this year, but just went right back to Abeka. I know some people don't like them, but I love them! They are so far great for the learning styles in my house and great for my teaching style. I love their math too!

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Writing With Ease

Rod & Staff Grammar -- for some reason I was reluctant to use it -- now I wish I'd used it with my oldest!

Mapping the World with Art -- actually, the author recommends it for older kids, and I'll admit that my little one (2nd/3rd grader) probably doesn't really "get" all of the more mathematical explanations for measuring the earth and latitude and longitude, etc, but she *is* enjoying the projects and *absolutely* developing a better understanding of the geography of the world as we draw each map. She's participating in a co-op class with older kids, but it's certainly very useable at home. I've bought several geography programs over the years that claimed to teach kids to draw maps from memory. This is the first one I've found that really *does* without requiring that the teacher reinvent the wheel at every step.

So You Really Want to Learn Science Junior from Galore Park. Simple, clear, engaging... And really gets done.

Discover and Do science dvds (+ the 1 nonconsumable kit for all levels and the kit for appropriate level) from Sonlight -- these are basically just a fun supplement, a "rainy day" science program that the kids can do on their own. It's like having your slightly goofy but very enthusiastic baby brother come over to "do science" with the kids. Satisfies their desire to do "real experiments", but really takes the pressure off mom.

Living Memory -- Wonderful memory work for any grade level.

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First Language Lessons - an excellent grammar base for future years to build on


Story of the World - the reason my oldest two love history


A Reason For Spelling - comfortable, gentle introduction to spelling


Phonics Pathways - no bells, whistles or frills, but it's effective and a great resource to have on the shelf for the first few years

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Miquon - No one fights math (we started with Singapore, which I loved, but brought my oldest to tears; I think it was visually over-stimulating to him).


All About Spelling - I cannot say enough good things about this program!


Hooked on Phonics - It might be cheesy ;) (I can't stand the comercials), but between it and AAS, my oldest can read and my middle son is well on his way.


And it may be premature as we just started this week, but thus far I'm very impressed with Classical Writing: Primer.

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Singapore Math


First Language Lessons/Primary Language Lessons


CLAA reading (Latin)



(I would consider these the core of our K-3 and my favorites.)


This might be a really dense question, because I can usually figure out abbreviations. But, what does CLAA stand for?:confused: Thanks!


I used MFW 1st with my oldest dd, and she loved it. I am also really liking The Phonics Road to Reading and Spelling.

Edited by momofabcd
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Hi Lady ~ I'll pm you too. I bought sing, spell, read and write and wasn't impressed at all. . . for the price. It's very expensive.


Out of all of it, I somewhat liked the workbooks. But the little books that the kids learn to read in? My sons hated the fact that there was no real plot in them and sized them up immediately as "learning tools" rather than real books.


So we practice reading on real books. Dr. Suess etc. Then I started Writing with Ease and paired that w/ Spelling Workout which gives week by week lessons and is very easy and fun to follow. The two work well together and the boys like both.


I was very disappointed in sing, spell, read and write. I really love singing as a way to remember stuff and the singing in this program is lame and barely audible. I felt duped. Plus the video that they send to help instruct the parents is a VHS. Not dvd. So I felt ripped off in that too. For the price it's just not worth it.



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Well Trained Mind, the book, is my favorite:001_smile: But for individual subjects, we have loved just about everything from Rod and Staff. We have used from the ABC preschool workbooks up to the phonics 1&2nd grades, the English 2nd grade, and 1st-3rd in the maths so far. We also use their music and I have supplemented w/chapters from the 2nd grade Science. I also did the 1st grade reading w/my Odd, and we enjoyed that time together. I felt the Old Testament stories fit right into our year in the ancients w/SOTW.


Also Story of the World vols. 1& 2 so far. So for us, Rod and Staff and Story of the World are the core of our curriculum (besides the Well Trained Mind book...)

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We are turning into big fans of WWE, I tried it last year and it just wasn't clicking but my son was 9 and had no interest in reading or writing. This year that all has changed. I'm using WWE 2 for him ( I know you asked for K-3 and he's actually in 5th, but it's still working great and I'll use it for 3rd for my dd) and WWE 1 for my dd. My dd is not reading much beyond basic words yet, but is loving WWE and can narrate pretty well.


We've turned into real fans of McRuffy LA and Math, she loves both of those and even though she's age wise 2nd grade we're using Math 1 and LA K, but she's moving at a pretty fast pace through them. She's already about to start Lesson 100 in LA and is on lesson 48 of math although she could move faster if I let her, but I wanted to work a little more on addition facts so we've slowed down to 1 lesson a day. I'm also using OPGTR with her as a back up and review, although the lessons don't match up exactly so it's really not review. She enjoys it though as it challenges her to read something different than the books from her McRuffy lessons.


My last favorite is the About Three series of workbooks and the R&S ABC preschool series. My dd love the R&S books and my youngest is really enjoying the About Three workbooks.

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Our favorites:


1. Singapore Math (I can practially see dd's brain growing when she is thinking through some of the problems)


2. All About Spelling (dd's current favorite)


3. Song School Latin (very quick and the songs are fun and easy to memorize)


4. FLL (Dd loves the memory work in FLL and the lessons are very effective)


5. Better Chinese: My First Chinese Words (this is such a great program, I am amazed at how many Chinese characters dd can read!)


6. WWE (easy to use and it gets the job done quickly and easily :001_smile:)

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