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Twins anyone?

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Just bumping for you :) I'm a twin but I wasn't homeschooled ;)


there are several people here with twins, but this board moves threads off so quickly, they might miss it. I know Amy in Orlando and maybe Osmosis Mom - I think Desiree? I'm trying to remember - and maybe they haven't made the switch to the new boards yet.

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We have 13 year old triplets that are identical boys and a girl. Their big sis is 14, big brother in college. When the four little ones were younger everyone thought I had two sets of twins.


I think homeschooling multiples is easy- everyone in the same class, not as many lessons to plan.

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Hi. Adopted girls here, both 9yo and 5 months apart. Not much different than twins. As different as salt and pepper and from what I hear, even identical twins can be that different.


With birthdays in different parts of the year, jealousy was big in the early years, so now both of the girls have 2 birthdays a year. How lucky can ya get??? Two birthdays a year! I hope it's tradition they keep throughout thier lives.


Good luck on your hs endeavors.

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Almost 19-yr old boy/girl twins here. We homeschooled them all the way through. They are now freshmen in college (different schools, but only 20 minutes away from each other - they are still best friends and talk daily!). Our other boys are 15, 13, 12, and 11. Have fun!!



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Twin dd age 13 here. As opposite as absolutely possible. Also the absolute best of friends. Older dd age 15; younger ds age 11 in a very, very short while. I'm another who gets the are they triplets question. Many times people will ask if two are twins. THey almost ALWAYS choose the wrong two to make the set. THe oldest doesn't like that a whole lot, but she and twin 2 have the same build (and height). Before the girls "blossomed" I was getting quadruplet questions. I'm sure that is going to come back in another year or two when ds catches up with the girls.


Twins are great! I would wish them on my best friend. My enemies, I would wish they would get stuck in the first few months of twins...

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If I'm reading it correctly, there are TWO sets of 13 year old triplets and several twins the same age as my girls. I think I saw 7 total?


I'm sure many were looking at ages their twins line up with.


I guess I'm not too surprised that there are many twins. It's a large board with a lot of traffic. I was just stunned at the number the same age as my own and the many triplets, which are more rare.


Gee, we can all swap stories of the foolish things said to us through the years. :D

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