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Dear Lord God...........

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Ok, Dude. I want to start out by saying I do love you. And I know you love me.


And I do realize and remember that I didn't talk to you for a while after the whole custody/child "support" thing started. Ok, yes, it was over a year.


But I do talk to you now, almost daily.


Look, I don't want to question your plan, your wisdom, your decisions or anything. And I know for an absolute fact I am not worthy of your love and grace.




I could give you a list, God, of the "stuff". I could probably even choose my favorites of what I'd have you make better.


But, instead, I'll just ask in a whiny, pathetic, lamenting Psalms kind of voice:


Please, Lord. I could use a break. More importantly, though, your other children you've gathered with me in this home could use one from the effects my life has on them.


Thank you. That's all the time I'll take right now. I know you are busy.

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Ok, Dude. I want to start out by saying I do love you. And I know you love me.


And I do realize and remember that I didn't talk to you for a while after the whole custody/child "support" thing started. Ok, yes, it was over a year.


But I do talk to you now, almost daily.


Look, I don't want to question your plan, your wisdom, your decisions or anything. And I know for an absolute fact I am not worthy of your love and grace.




I could give you a list, God, of the "stuff". I could probably even choose my favorites of what I'd have you make better.


But, instead, I'll just ask in a whiny, pathetic, lamenting Psalms kind of voice:


Please, Lord. I could use a break. More importantly, though, your other children you've gathered with me in this home could use one from the effects my life has on them.


Thank you. That's all the time I'll take right now. I know you are busy.




What is going on Joanne? Can you share?

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Refreshing to see someone so honest in their prayer! And GOOD FOR YOU in knowing you need to speak with Him and also knowing He'll accept you as you are! He will indeed give you rest (yes, and a break). Look for the opportunity and don't be afraid or too proud to ask for help from your human friends, as well. We've all been there, chica. We love you and are praying for you!



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After all, He already knows. And it's better if He hears it from you.


He is not busy.


He wraps us in love even when we don't feel it.


"In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loves us."


(II Cor. 4, IIRC)


Time, I think, to pray for strategies, too. What would God have you do?


Joanne, I am so sorry for all that you have been going through. It has just been one thing after another, hasn't it, for a long, long time. I pray for you, that God will show you His love and that it will be strong enough to dominate everything else. I pray that you will find grace in this situation. I pray that an opening in the storm clouds will appear now.



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:grouphug: Praying with you. It is hard at times to keep our spirits up. I have personally faced a Jobean year so I know how hard it can be. Please keep asking for prayers when you need them. I found that knowing that others were supporting me was a great help and others gave me verses that helped too. Forgive me for not doing that right now since I have too little time but I encourage others to do so.

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A friend sent me this on FB, just a few minutes ago. I thought I'd share. I don't know where she got it, it appears to be a blog post of some sort.



The Lord is my Portion


‘I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of his wrath. He hath led me, and brought me into darkness, but not into light. Surely against me is he turned; he turneth his hand against me all the day. My flesh and my skin hath he made old; he hath broken my bones. He hath builded against me, and compassed me with gall and travail. He hath set me in dark places, as they be dead of old. He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out; he hath made my chain heavy. Also when I cry and shout, he shutteth out my prayer. He hath inclosed my ways with hewn stone, he hath made my paths crooked. He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places. He hath turned aside my ways, and pulled me in pieces; he hath made me desolate.’ Lamentations 3:1-11


This morning I had no thought of writing. I read chapter 3 of the book of Lamentations which seemed to describe me to a ‘T’ then I felt compelled to write. If the verses in Lamentations Chapter 3 are one of the experiences of the child of God, then I am one!


How then can I encourage anyone when my own soul feels as though it is languishing in my boots? Well, if nothing else, I am learning that no matter what I write, there is always some other brother or sister ‘feeling’ or going through, a similar experience. I often thought that the experiences that I was going through were, as it were ‘unique’ to me, however I have been shown differently. It has always been my desire to help and encourage my brothers and sisters along the way. We all need encouragement, not just now and again, but every single day.


I started to write down the first verse to use as my heading for this piece, yet when I read the next verse it seemed just as applicable to my condition. As I read I felt the words describing exactly how I felt. Can these words reflect the life and feelings of a child of God? Well they are written in the Bible for a reason. If Jeremiah experienced this then why can’t I? It is certainly not the place that I want to be in, neither do I like ‘feeling’ like this, but it seems as though the heavens are as brass to my prayers at present.


It seems that no matter what I try to do, I fail! ‘I’ just keep getting in His way and I do not know how to avoid this. I feel more than broken in spirit! I shake my head and wonder, ‘what on earth is going on?’ There is no rhyme or reason to anything that is happening, there is simply disappointment after disappointment, and heartache following heartache.


What then is the point in going on? What hope do I have? Will things ever change? Will life eventually get better?


Thankfully I did not stop reading half way through this Chapter. The same man that penned the first 20 verses also penned the following 15!


‘It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:22-26


God is in control, of this I am certain. My problem lies with my restricted vision. He knows the end from the beginning, He also knows the way that I take. His thoughts towards me are thoughts of peace and not evil. He will give me an expected end. He does all things well even though I often fail to acknowledge this.


The just shall live by faith, yet whenever things go wrong I resort to feelings! If my way is hedged in then I try to climb over and escape. Little do I understand what it means to wait upon the Lord. I am impatient and my impatience leads to frustration and frustration to fear and disappointment.


I have to remember that I am but clay and I will get nowhere fast if I continue to argue my case with the Potter. This reading this morning has encouraged me, it has revived my hope and my expectation of better days. I hope they come soon, no I hope they begin today! Just like Jeremiah, my HOPE is in HIM.

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You would think only so much can go wrong

Calamity only strikes once

And you assume that this one has suffered her share

Life will be kinder from here


Sometimes the sun stays hidden for years

Sometimes the sky rains night after night

When will it clear

But our hope endures the worst of conditions

It's more than our optimism

Let the earth quake

Our hope is unchanged


Dear, honest Joanne (a girl after my own heart...)

My lament of late is this Natalie Grant song....and I sing the 'Our Hope Is Unchanged' part as loud as I am able, often with tears.....because this is the truth. It's not optimism..this is Faith, our Faith. Instigated, sustained and completed by the God who will answer to 'Dude' :001_smile:

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You would think only so much can go wrong

Calamity only strikes once

And you assume that this one has suffered her share

Life will be kinder from here


Sometimes the sun stays hidden for years

Sometimes the sky rains night after night

When will it clear

But our hope endures the worst of conditions

It's more than our optimism

Let the earth quake

Our hope is unchanged


Dear, honest Joanne (a girl after my own heart...)

My lament of late is this Natalie Grant song....and I sing the 'Our Hope Is Unchanged' part as loud as I am able, often with tears.....because this is the truth. It's not optimism..this is Faith, our Faith. Instigated, sustained and completed by the God who will answer to 'Dude' :001_smile:


:grouphug: :grouphug:

When I am in times of strife, I remember Joseph. Remember Job. Remember Eden and how her way changed the course of humanity. I remember David. But by the Grace of God you go, Joanne. May he bring some refreshment your way.

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