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This is a stinger...

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I saw that hunting around today, too! (Actually, I was seeing if there was another way I could confuse my computer to let me on to the boards, but that's another story...) At first, I was :confused:, and then when I was done reading it, I was kind of laughing because that was someone who was obviously burnt that she/he couldn't come back on. Just goes to show you how great these forums are :D.

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Never EVER look up names on the Urban Dictionary unless you really need to know what they mean. Seriously. That's like googling symptoms.

It comes up fairly high on the first page in a search for either "well trained mind forum" or "classical homeschool forum" (I forget which).

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I saw that today, too! I googled the WTM forums to see if I could find out why I couldn't get on here today (or on SWB's blog either, BTW) and I found that link.



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Guest Cindie2dds
I say fppbbbblllllttttt :001_tt2: and :boxing_smiley: bring it on buddy and :nopity: sounds like someone couldn't hold their own. What a joke...I've never looked at that site before, but I can see I'll never let my kids use it as a reference.



I was very surprised to see this! It's amazing how just plain mean people can be when they post something anonymously. Oh, well, *I* love this place and am so grateful for all the advice I've gotten from everyone here!

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What's really sad about it is someone is so angry, so venomous, so vengeful that they took the time to do that. What a miserable life they must lead.How much energy do they expel every day being that nasty? What are their kids like? Are they nasty and angry, too? What a sad legacy to leave.

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Wow. You'de have to be pretty bad to get banned permanently. I am glad I never saw any posts from the person.


I got banned from kellymom for 6 months. It is easy over there. Very difficult here. These boards tolerate a lot.


You were bannned!!!!? What is kellymom? Are you going to force me to go look it up?

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You were bannned!!!!? What is kellymom? Are you going to force me to go look it up?
It is a breastfeeding support website and forum. I recommended a couple of gentle "no-cry" baby whisperer moves for helping babies sleep for longer stretches. They called it promoting "sleep training".:glare: (wake them up before their normal time and they will get used to you being the one to wake them, 5 minutes before their normal wake time, startle them a little, just enough to make them move, but not wake and it will reset their sleep cycle for a twice as long nap)


I got sick of mom's who were desperate for sleep getting told that there is no hope, so I stopped posting regularly there.

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Well, I went and read it. LOL - sounds like it was written pretty recently. I remember the joke someone made about their eyes burning if they saw a fat person in a bikini (it was a JOKE though) - and that was just this summer.


Parts of it sound like we do when we poke fun at ourselves though - like the recent thread about what gets thread closed. :)


Oh, and I am totally ordering the mug! :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Hey, guys, I tried to pop over and read the definition and I can't find it. When I searched for Well Trained Mind I got two very flattering definitions.


Welll Trained Mind


When I searched for Well Trained Mind Forums it said it hadn't been defined yet.


Did they change it already????


ETA: Scratch that. I found it. You have to search for Well-Trained Mind Forums. Greeeaaat search feature. Like leaving out one hyphen should mean I get absolutely no results :rolleyes:

Edited by CookieMonster
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