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If I could be so bold as to ask for MORE prayers...

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I can't go into detail because of the husband-talk issues, but PLEASE pray for my family again. I know a lot of what is going on is major stress related due to the other issues I've asked for advice about, and prayer for.


In addition to all the stress, some of you may remember a discussion some time ago about my husband's problem with Borderline Personality Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (with some narcissism thrown in just for kicks).


Well, suffice it to say that the combination of the stress along with all the other issues are making it tough around here.


I'm just in a state of depression. This is SO not what I ever wanted for my life to be like. I've always had this image of the perfect little harmonious family and my life is SO.FAR.FROM.THAT. I am just heartbroken. And, to top it off, I don't know if I can physically take the stress any longer. It is just making me ill.


PLEASE pray for our family!

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the problem is that dh really doesn't believe there is anything wrong with him. That makes it quite difficult. He was diagnosed some years back, before we met, but he is just in total denial most of the time. He has been on meds for a while now, and they have adjusted the dosage, but it really doesn't seem to help.


He is like a POLAR opposite person when he is out on the golf course. It truly is like a bi-polar personality. He is relaxed, fun-loving, and everyone out there seems to love him (I mean they think he's obsessive, but he's bearable). At home though, he has gotten unbearable.


I really have no clue where to get support. I am all about commitment and don't want to give up on him ever, but I'm just not sure at what point my sanity, and survival, become too important to neglect. I'm really at a wits' end, and can't really talk to any family members at this time because it will just start "talk," and I can't deal with "talk."

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I agree with the others - get some support for yourself - you need to be strong for your kids, and you need to be strong to make good decisions about what to do next. When you are stressed out and emotionally exhausted, it is sooo hard to make good decisions!


:grouphug: Stacey :grouphug:



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And that he feels like a ticking time bomb all the time. He is taking meds for depression/anxiety (zoloft). Anyone have suggestions of something else that might help? He will go to the dr asap but I'm just wondering if anyone has ideas...


Well, that is a first step away from "doesn't think anything is wrong with him".


Mood stabilizers (valproic acid, trileptal etc) might help while he gets some counseling on how to break his undesirable behavioral habits.


:grouphug: You do have a full plate, don't you.

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I am all about commitment and don't want to give up on him ever, but I'm just not sure at what point my sanity, and survival, become too important to neglect.


I'm going to be the voice of dissent here. I stayed in an extremely abusive relationship FAAARRRR too long because I was all about commitment. It was my Christian duty, you know? That's what I told myself, so breaking away was not only hard mentally, but spiritually. I felt like I was disappointing God by leaving. I'm NOT saying you are being abused, but really look at what you truly have commitment to. Only YOU know that. Do you actually have a relationship still that you can salvage?


And that he feels like a ticking time bomb all the time. He is taking meds for depression/anxiety (zoloft). Anyone have suggestions of something else that might help? He will go to the dr asap but I'm just wondering if anyone has ideas...


I'm not a Dr, nor do I play one on TV, so I have no idea. But I would hustle his rear into a Psychologist AND psychiatrist.


Forgot to add :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm betting your strong in ways you don't want to be and that you'll make t through this.

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