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s/o of bedroom arrangement


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The bedroom arrangement thread made me wonder. Does everyone have "assigned spaces" in your bed? Is your side always your side? Is it possible to switch from time to time?


Dh and I always have slept in the same place. I can't even imagine sleeping on the other side. In fact, if he's out of town, I may move a tad toward the middle, but don't even think of sleeping elsewhere in the bed.


Switching places is so unthinkable that it almost seems impossible.


So what say you - has anyone done this, or can you even imagine doing it?

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The bedroom arrangement thread made me wonder. Does everyone have "assigned spaces" in your bed? Is your side always your side? Is it possible to switch from time to time?


Dh and I always have slept in the same place. I can't even imagine sleeping on the other side. In fact, if he's out of town, I may move a tad toward the middle, but don't even think of sleeping elsewhere in the bed.


Switching places is so unthinkable that it almost seems impossible.


So what say you - has anyone done this, or can you even imagine doing it?


Don't do it, can't do it, cannot even imagine it. Makes me all twitchy to just think about it.

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Dh and I have slept on our prescribed sides of the bed since we got married 18 years ago. I am a left-side sleeper, so I need to be on the left side of the bed (for optimal snuggling, plus clear airway for a lifelong allergy sufferer.)

The only time we ever consider changing is when we are traveling. In hotels, we take the bed closest to the door. I often like to read before going to sleep so I might actually end up on the right side depending on where the lamp is available.

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Dh typically likes sleeping closest to the door (and yes, I've considered the subconcious issues that might imply :glare:), but he also likes to read before bed, so if we are somewhere that has a lamp on the side away from the door he will choose that side. I don't care which side I sleep on. :001_smile:

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and my side is the middle of the bed! :lol: Not really


Funny story - I have friends who decied early in their marriage they were not going to have your side/my side of the bed. So without any word to the kids they would just switch. There was one time their son (I htink he was 5 at the time) came in looking for mommy in the middle of the night. He came to the side that was hers last time he checked and found daddy. Instead of going to the other side of the bed, he cried loudly "Where's Mommy!?" I don't think they ever switched sides of the bed again!

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In 16 years we have switched sides once. This switch happened when I was first pregnant and had to lay on my right side. Up to this point I had the right side but I didn't want to face the middle so we switched so I could have it my way! :o What a sweet honey I have. It took us about a week to get used to it and we haven't ever switched back.

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We've switched a few times over the years (maybe 6 or so times in 17 years.) I would love to switch randomly, whenever we felt like it...but dh doesn't really like to switch sides. He just sighs, rolls his eyes, and starts moving his stuff (from the side table) to the other side of the bed when I say I'd like to switch again.


And one time, when we felt we didn't have enough room, we slept sideways on the bed. We're both not very tall, so our feet only hung out a little. I would have loved to keep that up, but he got tired of sleeping sideways pretty quick.

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