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Babies and Top Ten Names

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Add me to the list of expectant moms struggling to find a name for this little one. We're expecting number 4 in November and dh and I rarely find names we can agree on anymore. My dilemma is this - I would really like to stay away from anything popular (top 10) or trendy, but right now our top boy name (Ethan) and one of the few girl names we can even agree on (Isabella) are both top 10.


He thinks it's crazy to worry about if the name is popular or not, esp. since we homeschool. I think we still intereact with lots of other people and it's annoying when you and three of your friends have the same name. However, I don't think we know any Ethans at all and have only heard of a few Isabellas in our circles. We know TONS of Aidens and Sophias, and Hannahs - and Aiden isn't even top 25.


So, what do you think? I'm more concerned with Ethan than Isabella right now (I don't know if Isabella is our top girl pick or not), but am wondering what you think about top 10 names in general. And do you actually know lots of kids with top 10 names?



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Well, one thing to note is that a "top ten" is not what it once was. People are using so many more names now than generation or two back, that being a "top ten" name no longer guarantees that there will be 3 of that name in every classroom. The pool is just a lot more diluted with a variety of names.


That said, *I* would avoid Isabella (Isabelle, Isabela, Isabel, Belle, Bella, etc), because I *have* been surrounded by them for ten years or so, and because of the popularity of the Twilight books (with movies set to continue coming out for the next several years). The books are giving a boost to an already popular name... And I wouldn't want people to assume that a pop culture phenomenon was where my child had gotten his / her name.

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How about Lorelai? That's my eldest daughter's name. You can also spell it Lorelei, but I chose to spell it the Gilmore Girls way.


My second daughter's name is Caitlyn, WAY common and popular (DH chose it!) and my youngest is Bethany. I love the meaning of Bethany (daughter of the Lord). Meanings are important too! Lorelai does mean alluring, lol, but her middle name is Elizabeth, so she's beautiful but consecrated to God! =)

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One of mine has a top 10 name. I knew it was popular at the time but it is a family name. I have to admit that it does bug me now. Yes, we know many others with this name. He goes by a nickname for it and even though I think it is a little babyish he likes that it sets him apart.


I might do that one over if I had a chance. Everyone is different. A friend of mine that grew up with an unusual name was determined to give her dd a top ten name.


I know a lot of Ethans and just a couple Isabellas.


I think you just have to decide whether or not it bugs you.

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Here's a link to the Social Security Administration's lost of the top 1,000 most popular baby names. You can see how popular a name is and what it's popularity trend has been since the late 1800s. I just looked at the top 10 names for boys and girls, and I know at least one child with each of the names, and for a lot of the names, I know multiple kids with that name. We wanted a name that was not in the top 1,000, and we wanted a name that would mean our child to the people who said the name, not multiple children they knew who had the same name.



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My grandmother was Emma Belle (isn't that beautiful?!) and I planned for *years* on using that for my first daughter, and then Rachel on Friends had to go and use Emma [frown]. Needless to say, I have no Emma, because it got too popular. Especially with girls, I don't like to use popular names ... I don't know how many Jennifers I went to school with, it seemed like half of the girls in my class of 400 was named Jennifer (which is a lovely name, it just gets confusing when there are 100!).

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DH and I wanted to avoid popular names. (His name is very, very popular and has been for at least the last hundred years.) However, we also didn't want made-up names.


So of course we ended up with popular names for all four of our kids. :glare:


Among other things, let's just say it would have been nice to have read abbeyej's post about 10 years ago. Clearly, we were not the only ones who thought that was a good name.


The trouble with looking at the kids you know is that you might move. Even among popular names, there is a regional bias.

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I don't have a name for baby number 5, partly because I don't want a name that is even on the top 100 list.


The names NOT on that list feel too obscure and strange to Dh. I guess he is just going to trust me that they will become popular in 10 or 15 years.


You should have heard the comments I got from naming Ds Henry. Now everyone is copying me!

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My youngest son's name is Matthew, and it's always in the top 10!


But we haven't met that many boys his age with the name Matthew, so it's not like he hears the name every time he turns around.


For example, there are close to 100 children in our homeschool group and I think there are only 2 other boys named Matthew in the group.


So if you love one name in particular, go for it!!!!

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Well my boys both have popular names and we know no one with those names. Now my DD also has a popular name and I can think of 2 other girls in our HS group with her name.


Also remember when looking at the SS list, every spelling counts separately. I'm a Katherine and it never makes the top 10. However, when you add number of girls being named any spelling of Cathryn, it soars up near #1 every year. I think that is more common among girl names and potentially an issue for Isabelle. Good Luck!

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This may be too long to post, but I just sent this list to Dh to see if he could find any names on it that he would agree to.



Girls Names:



Adelaide *

Adeline *



Amelia *










Camille *

Cecilia *



Charlotte *

Clara *

Clarinda *

Clarissa *

Claudia *







Daphne *






Elise *

Eliza *






Emmeline *










Felicity *




Georgia *


Gillian *









Iris *















Lydia *



Martha *





Meredith *
























Sylvia *





Viola *

Violet *







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Here you can type in the names that you like and it will come up with bunches of names with similar styles. It's great if you want siblings to have a similar style of name, or if you want to find some less popular names in the style of Isabella and Ethan.


Here is what it came up with for Isabella and Ethan for girls:











and for boys:










Now you can take that list, eliminate the ones you don't like, add names you do like to the inspirations, and continue generating lists that are fine-tuned to your tastes.


Watch out, it's quite addicting!


ETA: Being an Amy, I avoided highly ranked names, because I always had a few other Amy's and it drove me nuts.


Here is a great little toy that let's you look at name trends over the past century:


Name Voyager

Edited by Amy loves Bud
answering original question
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Wow, Amy... Nymbler is really cool, I hadn't come across that sight before. Thanks! When I put in the names of my other boys, it pulled up a few of the names we have been talking about.


It's interesting that a few of you said popularity matters more with girls names than with boys. Maybe that's why it bugs me more than it bugs dh. That and Kelly was pretty popular in the late 70's, while Todd has never been...


Someone else recently pointed out the whole Isabella/Twilight thing to me, and that has the name just about crossed off for me. I keep hanging on to it just because it is something we had agreed on.

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About unusual names, I gave both my sons what I though were strong male names, older more romantic names that in another country would be considered normal, but not here in the states. They both disliked their names as preteens--too feminine. However, when they became teenagers girls loved their names, and in fact the discussion of their names became an invitation to conversation. Their father wanted to name them a more common names such as Joe--too plain for me. After the two boy names I was fired from the naming staff and he named the two girls flower names.


When I thought about naming my kids I thought about how that name would sound when they were 3, 30 and 60. Is it a name a person can grow into? What is the name's meaning and cultural connotation? Does the name fit the little person just born? As for naming from the top 10 list, I'd never do that. If I called my Isabella and six kids came running toward me thinking I called them, that warm, fuzzy feeling of having my child run to me would be lost. I guess I would want my kid to be as individual as thier name.

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We never worry whether our favorite name is on a top list somewhere. Generally, we do not like to name our children after anyone we know, including family, with the exception of dd # 3 that was named after my grandmother & dh's grandmother. We also have the "a" thing going on w/ our kids names. They all ended up w/ names that start w/ "A," but not on purpose. But now w/ baby #6 coming in November, we cannot change it now. He would be the odd ball, so to speak. So we have chosen Aiden for his name (not sure about the spelling yet). I know it is a very popular name, and we even have an Aiden in our homeschool group, but it's a name that we like, and that's all that matters to us. Hope you find a name that fits for you.


* I think Ethan and Isabella are both wonderful names!

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Three of my six ended up with top ten names for their time periods even though I made an extreme effort to avoid that with the girls.


My son's name is Michael which has been a top ten at least since Biblical times but it was a family name and that was more important to me.


The other two girls were picked from obscure sources only to find that apparently everyone else was doing the same thing. They might as well have been named Jennifer and Hannah.


My oldest dd's name is Asia given the fact that she was born there. At the time, I had never heard of anyone named Asia but it turns out to not be that uncommon epsecially in children younger than her.


I scored with two of the girls though. One I have only heard of the name used once before and never with the same spelling. The other, I have never heard of another girl with the same name.


Even if you pick names that are not in the top ten right now. There is no telling if they will be in the top ten when you are due or a year after or two years after. Try to go with something that sounds similar (especially the ending) but is totally different. For instance someting like Michaela and Ayden.

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as much as a "top ten" name that isn't also classic. William and Elizabeth are classic names - they are usually on the top ten list, but when you meet an Elizabeth, I don't think you can guess what decade she was born in.


Madison is a top ten that isn't really "classic" sounding to me. I think it's very trendy (though lovely) and I think you can pretty much tell when you see the names, "Madison" "McKenzie" "Brittany" "Dakota" or "Sierra" what decade they were born in (or what era, anyway). That's not a bad thing for some people, but if you don't like 'top ten' names, I wonder if that's what you don't like about them.


I don't know about Isabella or Ethan. I think maybe those would both be really classic sounding, even though they are also very trendy. They weren't used as much for a while, and now they are popular again, but if I write the name, "Ethan Smith" on a piece of paper, you probably don't know what century that person was born in, because it's more classic. Isabella is popular, but I think it has a timeless sound to it.

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We try to avoid very popular names as well. I like the babycenter.com baby name site for gauging popularity. They list babycenter & US popularity rankings, along with a graph showing rise/fall in popularity. :) If our baby had been a girl, we would have named her Silvia Beatrice (or possibly Sophie Catherine, although Sophia is a bit too popular for our tastes right now. We'd probably have gone with Silvia.)

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Vivien Jackson


We had already agreed on the middle name Jackson after my grandfather who was named after Stonewall Jackson.


We are going to watch Gone with the Wind with Vivien Leigh to celebrate!



I really like that! Congrats on picking a name! It took us forever to figure out our 7th child's name!

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Even if you pick names that are not in the top ten right now. There is no telling if they will be in the top ten when you are due or a year after or two years after. QUOTE]


Boy will I attest to that! The names of my oldest 2 were ranked 75 and 92 when they were born! (Look at 'em now:tongue_smilie:) Then, when I was pregnant with my son Charles, I thought of using the name Ava. I loved that name so much that I tried talking several of my friends into using it after we learned we were having a boy. (I thought we were done having kids.) Fast forward 7 years to my next pregnancy, I was looking up names on the name voyager site with my daughter Sophia next to me when I saw that Ava was in the top 10. I groaned out loud. I said, "Well, that axes that name!" My daughter, 9 at the time, reprimanded me, "Mom, you raised us to like what we like regardless of what anyone else likes." What could I say to that? We named our next daugher Ava!


So I now I have mixed feelings on the top 10 names. :D

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Here's a link to the Social Security Administration's lost of the top 1,000 most popular baby names. You can see how popular a name is and what it's popularity trend has been since the late 1800s. I just looked at the top 10 names for boys and girls, and I know at least one child with each of the names, and for a lot of the names, I know multiple kids with that name. We wanted a name that was not in the top 1,000, and we wanted a name that would mean our child to the people who said the name, not multiple children they knew who had the same name.




My daughters name was in the top 10 at the turn of last century! It's really low on the list now!!

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2 of mine have top 10ish names. Austin is a 5th generation name in our family so I didn't care how popular it was that year his name was set in stone the minute I knew I was having a boy. We now know tons of Austin's but that is the way it goes. Isabelle is not specifically a top 10 name but everyone seems to call her Isabella which is of course not her actual name.


If I had more kids I have chosen the girl to be named Ariana, and a boy to be named Tristan.

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