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Help me help my dd who has trouble falling asleep

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Please, help! My dd has a very hard time falling asleep most nights. She's 7 and can sure use the sleep, especially with all the school work she has to keep up to. :) I do not think she suffers from insomnia as she's usually sleeping before 10pm but usually she's in bed by 8:15 so that's quite some time to fall asleep. I've been giving her a good dose of calcium/magnesium supplement right before bed but that doesn't seem to have much effect despite my hopes that it would. I really do need to do something about this as her school work is starting to be affected by how tired she is some days.


Any tips that you can share with me to help her unwind at the end of the day and help her sleep more easily?

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Is she able to engage in active play and get exercise in the afternoon? I think getting outside to run around, play at a playground, ride a bike, take a walk, or do something else active really helps.


I recently googled soporific foods when trying to ease myself to sleep. I found a list that included herbal teas, honey, bananas, almonds, turkey, oatmeal, and warm milk.


Does she take a bath/shower at night? Very warm water seems to help most people relax and wind down.


Good luck. I know it's really frustrating.

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I have one daughter who has been this way for years. Night owl syndrome! I have it too. That is why I am on the computer at 11:28PM! Our minds are just most active at night. Could your daughter be a night owl?


I have always kept a bedtime for my daughter, but she often will read for 30-45 minutes before turning the lights out. Perhaps your daughter could try reading in bed until 9?


Oh, and it is very important that we don't sleep in or nap for more than 1/2 hour. I will stay awake till 2 or sometimes 3 with a change in routine or even just a small amount of caffeine after noon.

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My son has trouble sometimes falling asleep. He really likes very soothing music playing while he goes to sleep. He also really likes a hot water bottle.

Other possibilities are a foot or back massage, essential oils such as lavender on the pillow or in a burner, carbs for dinner (not so much protein), warm milk before bed (that one works for me), lots of exercise and sunshine during the day..

There also may be something bugging her, or some fear. For my son, he has a fear of "robbers". A non specific fear. We talk about it sometimes and it helps. He also still likes the light on out side the door, and for us to check under his bed sometimes even now.

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What time is she waking up in the morning? My DD7 doesn't usually fall asleep before 9:30 most nights, no matter what time she's in bed, but if she sleeps past 8:15, she can't fall asleep until 10:30.


What about an afternoon nap or quiet time? That won't help her bedtime, obviously, but it might help her catch up if you think she's needing more rest.


Is she taking any medication that might interfere, even if it shouldn't? Allergy or asthma meds, maybe? Vitamins or supplements? There are a few, I think, that can give you a burst of energy. Does she drink tea that might include even a smidge of caffeine?


Otherwise, I like the idea of sunshine and exercise.

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Does she take a bath/shower at night? Very warm water seems to help most people relax and wind down.


I just spotted this. This actually does the opposite for me--it gets my blood flowing and I get all pumped up. It does the same for my DD7. When she was little, she'd have a nightly bath before bed, and it totally relaxed her and helped her to sleep. Then...it didn't anymore! I discovered that the baths were revving her up before bedtime, so we changed that schedule. If your DD IS taking a nightly bath or shower, maybe switch that up and see what happens.

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Books, music, none of these worked for our dd. We finally tried having her listen to a story on cd. This only works with old favorites that she knows by heart. Anything new keeps her awake to hear the end. :tongue_smilie: She started this at 5 and continues at 15. She did reach a point that we didn't have to travel with a cd player. Her favorites are the Narnia stories and the Oz stories. It's worth a try. I wish you well. This is so difficult.

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My oldest dd just turned 8. She has always had an 8:00 bedtime. I refuse to move it later because she is so often still awake at or after 10:00.

She likes to listen to stories at night (after reading for a while), but I have dicovered that she goes to sleep much faster if I put a music CD in for her. I like that better than the radio, because I think she sleeps better without the talking. So she is noty allowed to to listen to anything on school nights except music.

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1. Keep a consistent wake-up and bedtime. Get her up at the same time every day, put her to bed at the same time


2. No napping


3. Make sure she's getting enough physical exercise everyday


4. No eating near bedtime


5. Give her a bath before bedtime


6. Read to her while she's lying in bed


HTH, Stacy

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Thanks ladies. :) It was past midnight last night before she finally fell asleep and she was miserable. She kept telling me she was tired and wanted to sleep but couldn't. Today she is exhausted.


Last night was more the exception than the rule as usually she can get so sleep by 10pm. Still, I find it so late for such a young age and she usually always has dark circles under her eyes- not "shiners" from allergies, but the ones you get when you don't get enough sleep. :( She's up every morning between 7:45 (when she's sleeping around 9pm) and 8:30 (when she falls asleep at or after 10).


She doesn't have any sugar/snacks before bed, no vitamins that would keep her up and she does get quite a bit of exercise outside each day, but not before noon since that's when we get our best school work done.


I have not noticed a difference on nights when I do give her a warm shower but perhaps I'll try the warm cup of tea suggestion. We don't drink milk, so Camomile flowers will have to be our close second.:o I also like the idea of having her listen to music as she falls asleep but since she loves music so much, I need to make sure I can find the right mix that will cause her to relax rather than hum along.:tongue_smilie:

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I wish I could help. My 14 year old dd has been suffering with severe insomnia for over a year now. She has been on numerous sleep medications and none of them worked or caused severe side effects. We've seen numerous specialists and no one has been able to help us. We are getting desperate because her health has really suffered. She rarely gets more than 4 hours of sleep a night and that is in segments. She is depressed and is having a hard time coping with life right now.


We just started seeing a chiropractic neurologist last week. He thinks that the problem may be the firing in a certain part of her brain. Fortunately we may be able to help it with therapy. If you are interested I can tell you more about it. He is also doing some testing to make sure that her body doesn't produce too much cortisol and a few other things. For the first time in a year we actually have hope. I will let you know how it goes.

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I wish I could help. My 14 year old dd has been suffering with severe insomnia for over a year now. She has been on numerous sleep medications and none of them worked or caused severe side effects. We've seen numerous specialists and no one has been able to help us. We are getting desperate because her health has really suffered. She rarely gets more than 4 hours of sleep a night and that is in segments. She is depressed and is having a hard time coping with life right now.


We just started seeing a chiropractic neurologist last week. He thinks that the problem may be the firing in a certain part of her brain. Fortunately we may be able to help it with therapy. If you are interested I can tell you more about it. He is also doing some testing to make sure that her body doesn't produce too much cortisol and a few other things. For the first time in a year we actually have hope. I will let you know how it goes.


Wow. :grouphug: I'm very sorry to read this and I hope that this new doctor will be able to help your dd get some much needed sleep. All this must be terribly stressful for all of you.

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I have one like that. Dh and I took turns reading the child to sleep. Seems the child wanted company & security at night. The parental presence offered the comfort, and the voice of the parent offered the lullaby.



OK, you're a better mom than I. Dd 8 just came down for the 5th time tonight. She's already fallen asleep and was woken by something and can't get back to sleep. My patience grew too thin the last time and I told her it was because she wasn't in BED!


I'm signing off to go lay with her.

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OK, you're a better mom than I. Dd 8 just came down for the 5th time tonight. She's already fallen asleep and was woken by something and can't get back to sleep. My patience grew too thin the last time and I told her it was because she wasn't in BED!


I'm signing off to go lay with her.


LOL Books on tape work sometimes as well. My kids have a joke that Daddy can fall asleep in the middle of the most exciting stories..."And then the giant ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz".

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