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I always see the same people posting to these threads....


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Especially the long controversial ones.


I have to ask, how do you all have time to homeschool?


Am I missing something? Is there some trick?


It takes me almost ALL day to homeschool my children, keep my home clean and cook meals.


How does everyone have so much time to be on the computer? I would really love to know this. I want to get all my stuff done and play on the computer too.


Any tips would be great!

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Wow. LOL, I'm wondering if YOU have tips for US! I'd love to complete it all... I think that's what us regular posters are doing wrong, we're sucked into this black hole of internet for far too long and avoiding some of our responsibilities IRL. I for one, use the internet as a break, or a treat of some sort... or just to escape responsibility. :tongue_smilie: Not good. Keep your good ways, my friend. Do not let us tarnish you! Turn around and RUN from here before it's too late and your house looks like mine, complete with 7 piles of dirty laundry and no homecooked meals in 3 days! :lol:

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My kids work mostly independantly. My computer is next to the kitchen table where dd does her work. I sit here a lot to help keep her on task. This week I have been able to get other house work done too, but that isn't always the case. I'm hoping that this is a major turn in her attitude. She has done much better staying on task this week. I told dh they deserve something fun this weekend.:hurray:

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Especially the long controversial ones.


I have to ask, how do you all have time to homeschool?


Am I missing something? Is there some trick?


It takes me almost ALL day to homeschool my children, keep my home clean and cook meals.


How does everyone have so much time to be on the computer? I would really love to know this. I want to get all my stuff done and play on the computer too.


Any tips would be great!


I've often wondered the same thing. :)


I think the most reasonable answer is that we are all over the globe and most folks check on threads they've posted to before school, during lunch and other breaks, and after school.


So, while it's lunch time for me, it may be after dinner for someone else.



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Skip the cleaning part. It saves a lot of time. :lol:

That's what I was going to say. Having your husband cook the meals helps too.

Also...having your desk right across from your oldest, so he can do his independent work while you play...uh, research. That's right...it's research!

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That's what I was going to say. Having your husband cook the meals helps too.

Also...having your desk right across from your oldest, so he can do his independent work while you play...uh, research. That's right...it's research!

I use my laptop on my kitchen table. Lunch is cooking right now...dd5 is playing a computer game on another laptop at the table...dd3 is watching her...we all have colds to some degree, so I don't feel like doing much "schooling" today, although they're just pre-K and K, so there isn't much to do anyway.

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Especially the long controversial ones.


It takes me almost ALL day to homeschool my children, keep my home clean and cook meals.



Any tips would be great!



Cleaning and cooking infringe on my sanity. And my family wants a sane Mommy.


I cook dinner every night, but I make enough that we eat it for lunch, and I clean when I have to. When I die no one will put on my gravestone how clean my house was. And my kids were just watching a NOVA movie for science. Cool microscopic buggies!

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Oooookay, I'll bite, even though your "question" comes across as a put-down. I'll choose to assume you didn't mean it that way.


I do spend many of my homeschooling hours on the computer. My children are in 9th and 5th grade. They need me to be available to answer questions, help with problems, grade their work, and help organize their materials. It is really, really hard for me to sit still in one place; I'd much rather be up doing a thousand different things, but I've found that the girls focus much better if I am physically in the room with them while they work. Having interesting things to read and do on the computer keeps me from losing my mind as I stay in one place.


I do a lot of work on the computer (lesson planning, searching for neat things to add to our notebooks and timelines, researching materials and asking for help in my own planning, usually on the high school board). I try to offer help, if possible, to other homeschoolers. So, I consider my time on homeschooling forums as part of my homeschooling, not something I do for fun (although I do enjoy it).


As far as reading and sometimes posting on controversial threads, well, I am an adult with interests beyond homeschooling and children. I find the opinions of other adults interesting and sometimes enjoy engaging in a conversation about something beyond algebra and beginning composition. This usually happens during school hours, because, as mentioned above, I am committed to being physically present and available to my girls during school hours.


My house is clean, and we have healthy meals. I also teach piano twelve hours a week and work in a friend's store for about six hours a week.


When my children were younger, it required more physical time and energy to teach and maintain housekeeping. Now that they are older, life looks very different: they do a lot of chores, and help with laundry and cooking.


I'm a big girl who has learned how to multi-task. That's how I get all my stuff done and play on the computer, too. If your children are really young, you'll just have to take my word for it. I certainly didn't have this sort of life when my children were both under the age of ten.


As far as tips? Teach your kids to be independent. For example, I haven't made breakfast since my older dd turned three. I haven't made a child's bed in, oh, about ten years. I don't "teach" materials that are well-presented in interesting books or textbooks. Once my children learn to read, they work independently. I become the facilitator and administrator, and let my carefully chosen materials do the teaching. (I don't like teaching, ymmv.) I'm there to answer questions and provide accountability, and keep everyone on task.

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I'm only schooling one at the moment, and she's only 7. Right now I'm waiting for them to pack up their things for the zoo. Sometimes I'm working and am between projects or taking mental break. Sometimes I just want to engage in some online conversation. Sometimes I just can't help myself! Occasionally, break time for the overextended mommy is more important than cleaning. It's a whole host of factors. I'd much rather read, but it's very frustrating for me to read in short snippets, so I check in here instead *shrug*

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Skip the cleaning part. It saves a lot of time. :lol:


Ooh. I agree. You have no idea how much more time I have when I have a mountain of laundry piled up. It is liberating. ;)


Just kidding. I really need to cut the cord in regards to this board because it is taking up too much of my time. Run away before you are hooked. Run as fast as you can! :D

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You all are making me laugh! :D


I will say, having a laptop probably does help. You can go and sit almost anywhere, and be with your children while they work on things. I can see that.


Honestly, I think having the house clean and organized actually saves me time though. Everything is in its place and there is no need to search for things. I find when things are less chaotic it is less stressful too. But it does require staying on top of it daily during the week. My husband and I have also decided that the children need to step up a bit with chores and helping out.


I will heed the warnings about being sucked into the internet. ;) I know it can be addicting and literally take the day away from you!

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I used to post quite a bit when I was homeschooling, and primarily with questions regarding homeschooling through high school. Since then, I occasionally pop in to read certain threads, especially those pertaining to high school education and getting children ready for college.


I believe there are a fair amount of people whose primary interest is not homeschooling, but getting involved with discussions about politics and other socio-economic issues of the day.

Edited by Michelle in MO
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Oooookay, I'll bite, even though your "question" comes across as a put-down. I'll choose to assume you didn't mean it that way.




I don't typically participate in the heated discussions/debates, and often times don't have time to read a lot of them, BUT I do enjoy reading them occasionally and also value the opinions of others. Your question though, doesn't sound like an honest question, but more of a condemnation. :chillpill:

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I have a bad habit of plopping down at the computer every time I get 5 minutes. So I might teach a lesson and then assign work, run over to the computer and check my mail. If the kids are busy on their assignment and I have more time, but not enough to say, clean the kitchen, I check the forums.


I also get on the computer after dinner or after the youngest goes to bed.


I have a love/hate relationship with the internet. I love all the information I have access to but I hate how it keeps drawing me back all the time. A good workout would be far more beneficial to my life.

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If your children are really young, you'll just have to take my word for it. I certainly didn't have this sort of life when my children were both under the age of ten.


As far as tips? Teach your kids to be independent. For example, I haven't made breakfast since my older dd turned three. I haven't made a child's bed in, oh, about ten years. I don't "teach" materials that are well-presented in interesting books or textbooks. Once my children learn to read, they work independently. I become the facilitator and administrator, and let my carefully chosen materials do the teaching. (I don't like teaching, ymmv.) I'm there to answer questions and provide accountability, and keep everyone on task.



This makes sense. I can see how that would work.

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I don't typically participate in the heated discussions/debates, and often times don't have time to read a lot of them, BUT I do enjoy reading them occasionally and also value the opinions of others. Your question though, doesn't sound like an honest question, but more of a condemnation. :chillpill:


Yes it comes across as either passive aggressive or a concern troll.


As in, "I'd loooove to be able to waste my life on this web site, but some of us have, you know, actual home schooling to do."

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Oooookay, I'll bite, even though your "question" comes across as a put-down.



I'm sorry you feel that way! I didnt mean to insult you.


I find one of the biggest problems with the internet is that people really read into what you type!

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Yes it comes across as either passive aggressive or a concern troll.


As in, "I'd loooove to be able to waste my life on this web site, but some of us have, you know, actual home schooling to do."



Oh wow. I'm sorry.


Why are you being so unkind?

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I always wonder too who the people are who have thousands of posts and I have never heard of them!!!!! Seriously, I try to get here once or twice a day and I may or not post...so how do I miss people who have posted 3, 4 or 5 thousands times and never heard of them?????


They're on the curriculum board :D :lol:

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I don't typically participate in the heated discussions/debates, and often times don't have time to read a lot of them, BUT I do enjoy reading them occasionally and also value the opinions of others. Your question though, doesn't sound like an honest question, but more of a condemnation. :chillpill:



I saw it that way too, but decided to ignore that part.

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Oh wow. I'm sorry.


Why are you being so unkind?


This might not be your intention, and I might be misreading it, due to the poor quality of my public school education. ;)


It gave me that immediate impression, however. To answer the question, I think you'll see that most boards are dominated by a smallish percentage of posters. I have no idea how long people spend on the boards. A good deal of time, no doubt.


Why do I post a lot some days and not so much other days? Some days, I don't have a lot going on. Right now, my wife is off on a field trip with two of the kids. The older one is at PS junior high. I'm at home with the little guy, but he's taking his nap right now. I'm manning the phones (we own an inn), but it's quiet at the moment.


There will be other times, however, when you won't see me for days or even weeks at a time. That's why I've averaged about two posts per day since I joined a year ago.

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I didn't take it as unkind at all. It's a legitimate question and maybe some consciences need to be pricked anyhow. I know that whenever someone posts that they are taking a board break from the forums I visit that it causes me to re-evaluate sometimes. :)



thank you

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Not only to I homeschool, read aloud even to the teens, and post here, but I knit, and I painted our playroom this week. I also drove the kids to ballet, soccer, band, and track practice. Oh, and I cook from scratch, even on soccer night...and, don't be mad, but I am ahead (46) in the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge.


Dang! I almost forgot, we also raise meat birds and layers. That means daily barn work.


I am woman hear me roar. :cheers2:


PS I also have a Word Poker (Neopets) addiction. And My Farmville farm is adorable.


Some of us pack a lot into our days, I can't tell you how or why, but some of us do.


The owner of this site writes books...and I mean Mad Tomes! Plus has four kids, chickens (I think) and horses...


PS My blog has been ignored for a bit. That bothers me, as I enjoy Wordless Wednesday.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Thank you for clarifying King M. I appreciate your words.


Thanks for everyone's replies.


Christy B's post made me realize what I had been sensing a little before, that I need to maybe get my children a bit more independent in their work. That maybe I hold their hand too much through every thing. And that in turn would give me more free time throughout the day.


Someone else also mentioned to me about quiet times for children in the afternoon as well. Maybe making that a requirement with a set time...


You really do learn alot on this board, there is a wealth of information. But I get frustrated that I dont have time to read it!

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My children are little, so we do not do much "seatwork." A few times a week for the older, about 45 minutes or less, and the toddler twins like their "seatwork," too ;). But it's nothing urgent at this point. Sometimes, it seems better to focus my teaching efforts on daily living skills -- how to help me make dinner (peel a carrot, scrub the potatoes), how to make their little beds, how to clean up and put away their toys/art supplies, how to dress & groom themselves, how to help me clean the house (dust the bottom rungs on chairs, sweep the kitchen with little brooms), how to fold laundry (sort socks, fold wash cloths). Or, they can play. :D


My children are little, so we do lots of read alouds, art, music, and outdoor play, water/sand play, and dramatic play. This is nice for them, but at times it drains me. When we do these activities, I put a lot of energy into it -- probably because there are three children under the age of 5, and the twins are INTENSE, let me tell you! They like to be hands-on with everything, and they really are learning, but, wow, it's exhausting to do "projects" with them. After these types of times, I feel as though I need to think about something beyond the level of "Fox in Socks" or glue and glitter (all over the floor). So I get on here for a bit, and I become an adult again. (Sort of). Well, at least a bit less frazzled.... What? You spilled the paint all over the living room carpet? That's okay! What? You let the hamsters out of their cages? That's okay!


My children are little, so they take a nap every day -- from around 3:00 pm to maybe 4:30 or so. That's my "down time." :D


My children are little, so my brain is fried with answering so many questions and responding to so many "Look at me's" and "I bumped my ---------- (insert body part here)." Sometimes I really DO just have to ignore them, as per my mother's wise advice. I get on here -- WTM Boards -- and the children roll around throwing their little temper tantrums for a bit, but they eventually get the message that Mommy is NOT the Cruise Director today -- and they go somewhere and play! Imagine that.


That's what they're doing now, in fact. But I do need to get off and feed them lunch and put them down for a nap.... so I can get back on here. :lol:

Edited by Sahamamama
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Oooookay, I'll bite, even though your "question" comes across as a put-down. I'll choose to assume you didn't mean it that way.






Your question though, doesn't sound like an honest question, but more of a condemnation. :chillpill:


Yes it comes across as either passive aggressive or a concern troll.


As in, "I'd loooove to be able to waste my life on this web site, but some of us have, you know, actual home schooling to do."


I saw it that way too, but decided to ignore that part.



:confused: I don't think that was the OP intention at all. I think it was more of a "I'd love to have time to play with y'all, how can I do that?" kind of question.


I took the mention of the heated discussions type thread to mean that most of those threads have responses that are rather thought provoking and require some time and effort from the participants....esp when they have links and other supporting documentation.


I know that while I'd love to participate in those types of threads, I simply don't have the time necessary to articulate my thoughts properly.


Heck, it's taken me nearly 10 minutes to type this response! :lol:

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Not only to I homeschool, read aloud even to the teens, and post here, but I knit, and I painted our playroom this week. I also drove the kids to ballet, soccer, band, and track practice. Oh, and I cook from scratch, even on soccer night...and, don't be mad, but I am ahead (46) in the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge.


Dang! I almost forgot, we also raise meat birds and layers. That means daily barn work.


I am woman hear me roar. :cheers2:


PS I also have a Word Poker (Neopets) addiction. And My Farmville farm is adorable.


Some of us pack a lot into our days, I can't tell you how or why, but some of us do.


The owner of this site writes books...and I mean Mad Tomes! Plus has four kids, chickens (I think) and horses...


PS My blog has been ignored for a bit. That bothers me, as I enjoy Wordless Wednesday.



I think your right. Some people are just born with more energy than others. - Please tell me thats true or I am going to feel like a total lazy person after reading your post! I would have to stop sleeping if I did all the things you do, just to fit it in.


This is what I am talking about. I want to know how you do it? Is it really just having lots of energy? Is it because my children are so young (8 and under)? Or do you not sleep?

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I think your right. Some people are just born with more energy than others. - Please tell me thats true or I am going to feel like a total lazy person after reading your post! I would have to stop sleeping if I did all the things you do, just to fit it in.


This is what I am talking about. I want to know how you do it? Is it really just having lots of energy? Is it because my children are so young (8 and under)? Or do you not sleep?



I am a Gemini?


Not that I believe in the power of the Zodiac. ;)


I am a very fast reader, and a pretty fast typist.


I also have 4 children...I would like to hide in my closet sometimes, but they won't let me. lol

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:confused: I don't think that was the OP intention at all. I think it was more of a "I'd love to have time to play with y'all, how can I do that?" kind of question.


I took the mention of the heated discussions type thread to mean that most of those threads have responses that are rather thought provoking and require some time and effort from the participants....esp when they have links and other supporting documentation.


I know that while I'd love to participate in those types of threads, I simply don't have the time necessary to articulate my thoughts properly.


Heck, it's taken me nearly 10 minutes to type this response! :lol:



Exactly! I think you should have asked the question. Your words are much better articulated than mine!

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I'm a big girl who has learned how to multi-task. That's how I get all my stuff done and play on the computer, too. If your children are really young, you'll just have to take my word for it. I certainly didn't have this sort of life when my children were both under the age of ten.


My two oldest "kids" are now an 18yo senior who is completely outsourced and a 15yo with outsourced math, SOS Spanish, workboxes and a schedule who needs me for very little.

My youngest is a tenacious 6yo whose work takes around 4hours/ day including nature study/ outside time. Honestly, some days I have to include cleaning, family living, or whatever to get in the required 4 hours.

The older two almost always get their own breakfast. We take turns with other meals. At this point my main meal duty is simply making sure that busy bee 6yo comes to the table and at least puts some food in his mouth.

We work as a family to keep the house clean. The oldest is responsible for all garbage, feeds the dog, does yard work, and details the outside of my vehicle weekly including tires and hubcaps. The second ds does the dishes, picks up dog poop, cleans the inside of my vehicle weekly including vacuuming, and keeps the garage floor clean (yes, this means that he vacuums the garage). The little guy does baseboards, wipes mirrors, is learning to help with the dishes and vehicles, and like everyone else is responsible for any mess he makes. Dh cleans his vehicle inside and outside, is responsible for maintenance on all vehicles, bikes, etc., does yard work, does home repairs, and is responsible for all grocery shopping. I wipe down the kitchen counters and table, keep the inside floors clean, dust, and do all the laundry (Laundry is something that I just can't give to anyone. Everytime I have tried something of mine gets ruined:glare:). Oh, and I also work 3 half days each week at the Kumon Center.


I also organize and lead things like swapping out seasonal clothes and putting out any seasonal/ holiday decorations. Last week I swapped out clothes. Yesterday I put the fall wreath on the door and put out a few Halloween things on the entry table. Last night I asked dh to pick up a new entry mat next time he is at Walmart or Sam's.

However, I see my main responsibility as being the emotional caretaker of the family. I am the communicator who makes sure that everything flows smoothly; whereas, dh is the leader and provider. We back each other up, but honestly I care very little about and trust him implicitly regarding things like major purchases (TVĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s, mattresses, washing machines, etc) and vehicle maintenance and he cares little about the details of and trusts me implicitly regarding things like education, child care, and the daily running of the home. Our clearly defined roles and ability to trust the other with their roll allow our home to run fairly smoothly. Have I mentioned that I love my family!

We work together and we take care of each other; therefore, we all (including the kids) have lots of free time. Recently I have been spending some of my free time here.

Probably more than you wanted to know-


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Thank you for clarifying King M. I appreciate your words.



Well, I was a bit snarky in my original response. It sounded meaner than I meant it. It's that darn internet communication again. I misread the snark-factor of your post and simultaneously made my response a little more cutting than I meant it to.


And I've had those questions too, not so much on this board, but on another board that I go to, where the subject seems trivial. Well, okay, it's a skiing board and I sometimes go to get information about skis or about various resorts or trails. There's one guy who has been there two years and has close to 20,000 posts. Most are silly little one or two sentence things that don't add much to the conversation or take much time to compose, but still. And he apparently skis 4-5 days a week in the season as well.


And I think, "Dude, you should get a girlfriend or something." ;)

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My two oldest "kids" are now an 18yo senior who is completely outsourced and a 15yo with outsourced math, SOS Spanish, workboxes and a schedule who needs me for very little.


My youngest is a tenacious 6yo whose work takes around 4hours/ day including nature study/ outside time. Honestly, some days I have to include cleaning, family living, or whatever to get in the required 4 hours.


The older two almost always get their own breakfast. We take turns with other meals. At this point my main meal duty is simply making sure that busy bee 6yo comes to the table and at least puts some food in his mouth.


We work as a family to keep the house clean. The oldest is responsible for all garbage, feeds the dog, does yard work, and details the outside of my vehicle weekly including tires and hubcaps. The second ds does the dishes, picks up dog poop, cleans the inside of my vehicle weekly including vacuuming, and keeps the garage floor clean (yes, this means that he vacuums the garage). The little guy does baseboards, wipes mirrors, is learning to help with the dishes and vehicles, and like everyone else is responsible for any mess he makes. Dh cleans his vehicle inside and outside, is responsible for maintenance on all vehicles, bikes, etc., does yard work, does home repairs, and is responsible for all grocery shopping. I wipe down the kitchen counters and table, keep the inside floors clean, dust, and do all the laundry (Laundry is something that I just can't give to anyone. Everytime I have tried something of mine gets ruined:glare:). Oh, and I also work 3 half days each week at the Kumon Center.


I also organize and lead things like swapping out seasonal clothes and putting out any seasonal/ holiday decorations. Last week I swapped out clothes. Yesterday I put the fall wreath on the door and put out a few Halloween things on the entry table. Last night I asked dh to pick up a new entry mat next time he is at Walmart or Sam's.


However, I see my main responsibility as being the emotional caretaker of the family. I am the communicator who makes sure that everything flows smoothly; whereas, dh is the leader and provider. We back each other up, but honestly I care very little about and trust him implicitly regarding things like major purchases (TVĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s, mattresses, washing machines, etc) and vehicle maintenance and he cares little about the details of and trusts me implicitly regarding things like education, child care, and the daily running of the home. Our clearly defined roles and ability to trust the other with their roll allow our home to run fairly smoothly. Have I mentioned that I love my family!


We work together and we take care of each other; therefore, we all (including the kids) have lots of free time. Recently I have been spending some of my free time here.


Probably more than you wanted to know-




This is great advice. And I think this is where I am lacking. I need to involve my children more in chores and household projects and get them more independent in their work.


thank you for you advice.

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Especially the long controversial ones.


I have to ask, how do you all have time to homeschool?


Am I missing something? Is there some trick?


It takes me almost ALL day to homeschool my children, keep my home clean and cook meals.


How does everyone have so much time to be on the computer? I would really love to know this. I want to get all my stuff done and play on the computer too.


Any tips would be great!


There's no secret mystery. Some people spend more time on the computer than you do. Some people enjoy debating controversial issues that are important to them. They obviously do that rather than spending as much time on other things as you do. What's confusing about that? :confused:

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Especially the long controversial ones.


I have to ask, how do you all have time to homeschool?


Am I missing something? Is there some trick?


It takes me almost ALL day to homeschool my children, keep my home clean and cook meals.


How does everyone have so much time to be on the computer? I would really love to know this. I want to get all my stuff done and play on the computer too.


Any tips would be great!


(I haven't read the other replies yet, so sorry if this has been duplicated)


hmmm, can you stay up later at night? That is usually when I get my extra time to be on the computer.


If it takes you almost ALL day to school your kids, then you probably won't get the extra time to play on the computer. :( How old are your kids? Do your kids get any free time - or do you use their free time to get your stuff done?


One way to simplify is to try and simplify your meals, maybe put something in the crockpot in the morning.


Another way, is to maybe as your kids are reading, you can get a few minutes online.


I have it kind of easier than most because my kids do a half day at a private montessori school. So my kids aren't physically here are all day plus they are so little their school doesn't take all day.


When my kids are home and they have free time, I usually throw in a load of laundry, then check the forums... run the dishwasher, clean the bathroom, shower... check the forums. etc. So if I post once at 2:15 and again at 3:45, I may not be on the computer the entire time... I may show up, post (sometimes without reading the other responses like in THIS thread LOL) and then I'm off to get the chicken pounded for dinner and the potatoes washed etc.

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There's no secret mystery. Some people spend more time on the computer than you do. Some people enjoy debating controversial issues that are important to them. They obviously do that rather than spending as much time on other things as you do. What's confusing about that? :confused:


But being able to do both! That is the question of the thread. I know there are people on here doing it all. How?


I know people that have extensive blogs and also get everything else done. And are on forums.


Its not just the time, but also being able to concentrate to read and type while your children are in the house.


After reading this thread, I really think multi-tasking and delegating are key. Both of which I haven't been doing.


Or reading after hours at night.

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(I haven't read the other replies yet, so sorry if this has been duplicated)


hmmm, can you stay up later at night? That is usually when I get my extra time to be on the computer.


If it takes you almost ALL day to school your kids, then you probably won't get the extra time to play on the computer. :( How old are your kids? Do your kids get any free time - or do you use their free time to get your stuff done?


One way to simplify is to try and simplify your meals, maybe put something in the crockpot in the morning.


Another way, is to maybe as your kids are reading, you can get a few minutes online.


I have it kind of easier than most because my kids do a half day at a private montessori school. So my kids aren't physically here are all day plus they are so little their school doesn't take all day.


When my kids are home and they have free time, I usually throw in a load of laundry, then check the forums... run the dishwasher, clean the bathroom, shower... check the forums. etc. So if I post once at 2:15 and again at 3:45, I may not be on the computer the entire time... I may show up, post (sometimes without reading the other responses like in THIS thread LOL) and then I'm off to get the chicken pounded for dinner and the potatoes washed etc.



This is also great advice! You are really good at mulit-tasking I could definitely learn a few things from you. :001_smile:

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My 6 and 7yos finish Mommy-intensive schooling in an hour or two and all of their work is usually done before lunch. My 11yo needs a "watcher" more than a teacher, but usually winds up with about two hours of my undivided attention.


I sleep from about 11 to 6.


I spend about an hour preparing for the next school day.


24-4-7-1 = 12. Figure another 6 hours or so of family activities, other hobbies and general goofing off and I've still got 6 more hours on my hands. If I spent those 6 hours a day cooking and cleaning, I'd throw myself off a bridge! :lol:

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Well, this thread got off to a rocky start, BUT I am really enjoying all the great advice now! Thank you all for all the details you are giving for how you do everything throughout your day. And how you carve out time for the reading and fun stuff. I have learned alot.



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