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Do you do school outside?

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The few times I've tried it, it really hasn't worked because DD7 is distracted by wanting to play or wander. I also find it hard to read aloud because DD likes to sit next to me and read along. However, I'm really wanting to take advantage of the beautiful weather we're having and sit out on the patio.


If you do school outside, how do you make it work logistically?



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I, too, only opt for outside work when I'm not in a hard-core homeschool mood. We use clipboards for worksheets, or use chalk on the driveway. And I love doing science outside...even just reading the info sheets seems more organic when outdoors. :)


Soon enough we'll be cooped up inside because of the cold.

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We do. We probably should more often. I always figure if she starts playing it's all to the good. I often have a hard time getting her to play outside. Our biggest problem is that it's only pleasant in the morning early, but that's also when the moquitoes come wandering off the golf course, out for blood.

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We do reading, PE and lunch outside. We also do messy science labs outside if the weather is good. We don't do anything else though. Those things let us take some outdoor breaks in our day, but either don't require concentration or are easy for my kids to concentrate for. I would never consider doing math, science study, social studies (other than a living book) or writing outside.

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Yes, we love to school outside, but it is in short spurts as someone else mentioned. When they were smaller, they used to get so distracted but now they're so used to it, they much better able to focus. And it doesn't get that windy here, so don't have to worry about papers blowing.


I would suggest while they're little, just do little spurts, and maybe incorporate some activities outside that correspond to the lesson.

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The only outside schooling we do is PE ;) AKA free play. hehe Sometimes I'll let them go wild with sidewalk chalk and I'll request certain things get drawn or written (to reinforce lessons) or sometimes while they hop on stepping stones, we'll do counting or the alphabet or something....


Our weather is rarely mild enough to school outside on a regular basis until about October :)

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We school outside fairly often. I hate being stuck indoors. My son regularly does some subjects on the back patio, at his whim. So long as the work is done on these days, I don't really care where he does it. WHen we MOVE school outside, we go with the understanding that there WILL be distractions, and that it won't be as efficient as schooling indoors. But isn't that part of the point of taking it outside? :) change of scenery, change of pace


I try to have a game plan so that the kids know what to expect. "Okay, first we're going to read 2 chapters, then we'll picnic [our version of narrations is done during this time - lots of discussions on what we've just read and summarizing it]. After our picnic you can play on the playground for about 15 minutes, then we'll head over to the creek to finish up math."


We move around the park, so that the transition back from play to school is less about "aw, man, I want to keep playing" and more of a natural segue (they'd have to leave that play spot anyhow). We have a reading and picnic spot; then not far away, we do prayers in the volleyball pit; we do math down by the creek; etc.


Knowing what to expect, and having a general "outside school" routine helps us balance school with play on those days. Plus they know that whatever work isn't done is tacked on to the next day, so my son tries to manage his time efficiently. Some days he'll chose more play than school outside, and have a loooong school day the next day as he makes up his work. I'm okay with that, so is he. Most times, though, he strikes a self-imposed balance and gets most of his work done outside.

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It's a lovely image, and occasionally we can do something like reading aloud in the hammock, but mostly we go outside during school to run in the field next to our house or take the dog out. I always get such a grateful, joyous feeling when I see Nature Girl out running and being "free," which she can't do when she's at the school down the road.

We are building a tree house--maybe we will school in that a little when it's built! I can envision her doing some independent work up there, at least!:D

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