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Since you all helped named her - announcing Hadassah Grace!

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She arrived on September 3, weighed in at 7 lbs, 1 oz, 22 inches long and really surprised us after having five boys in a row! She's beautiful and doing well! Thank you all for helping us with the name. My boys are calling her "Dassi" which someone here suggested as a nickname and it seems to fit her well.


After seven births, you would think this would all be routine for us, but I had had seven, natural labors, (a few inductions with pitocin thrown in) but nothing too invasive - not even an epidural to my name. Dassi decided to flip to a breech position on Monday after I took a fall in my living room and no amount of persuasion by me or by my drs. would change her mind. After they tried to flip her and her heartbeat went all flooey, it was decided that a c-section was the way to go. After I shed a few tears, it went pretty well. I will say that comparing the two methods, I'd say delivery day is easier with a c-sect but the days afterward are easier with the natural labor!



I would post a picture but have absolutely no idea how to do it.

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Yea! Congratulations!


I've only had c-sections, so I don't know any different, but one advantage of it is that you're supposed to take it easy for at least a few weeks. So, milk it for all it's worth. (no pun intended....I don't even know if you're breastfeeding!) Enjoy this precious time with your little one while you let the others do the mom jobs. It goes by so fast.

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