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Has anyone used Gerber cloth diapers for diapering?

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I have decided to use cloth diapers this time around, and am really clueless about quality. My local Walmart has started carrying Gerber prefolds, and they are about 1/2 the price of the prefolds I found online (www.bluemountaindiapers.com). I have heard that some diapers are of better quality than others, though. So I was wondering if anyone has used the Gerber brand for diapering and what you thought of them. Are they worth the savings? Or would it be better to get the different sizes as baby grows? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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I have never used anything but Gerber prefolds. I thought they were just fine. I folded the top under a bit when the babies were wee ones and by the time they were toddling, the prefolds fit just fine. I used them on dd#2 and ds#1, both of which potty trained relatively early, so size wasn't an issue-they were out of diapers by early 2's. But, I wasn't looking for anything other than cheap in my diapers. Oh and I used them for 2 kids, then passed them along to my sister who used them on her two.

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I've used them on two kids now. I can't compare with more expensive brands because Gerber prefolds and flats are all I have, but they've done well. Some of them have developed holes, but I just whip out my sewing machine (at some point over the next month or so - there's never any time when I find the problem!:lol:) and zigzag it up.




Mama Anna

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I don't have experience with DSQ diapers (yet! still trying to talk dh into placing that order!) But for my 1st dd, I did use the Gerber prefolds & other brands. Out of the store boughts, I liked Gerber the best. Out of the Gerbers, I decided that I *did not like* the ones with the cushy sponge insert down the middle, but I did like the ones that were just plain material prefolds with a thicker layer in the middle. I liked these OK, although my dd soaked through them in a short amt of time (she was a heavy pee'er). I'm not sure if DSQs would've worked better, but from what I've seen, they do appear to be thicker and more absorbent.


A word about diaper covers...I found from my experience that the Gerber & Dappi brand diaper covers found in stores were NOT all that great. Dappi's were way too small for my somewhat chubby girl. Gerbers fit OK, but I didn't like the texture and wanted something softer. Also, the fit wasn't great - the velcro scratched her tummy, and I didn't like the fit around her legs. I ordered 2 Bummis Super Whisper Wraps & loved those - soft & not too tight around the legs. I should've ordered more, but I spent those cloth diapering years switching between the Gerbers & Bummis (while cursing those darn Dappis). I've seen Dappi get rave reviews, though, so maybe it works on the tiny skinny babies, or something.

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I think, like anything in life, you pay for quality. You can "get by" with the cheaper prefolds, and if you don't know anything different, think they do a great job. The high quality prefolds are SO much better, for absorbancy, softness.


I think it's interesting that those who used Gerber said, if I remember right, that's all they used, and Gerber was fine. Not knocking them, just saying, they couldn't really compare then.


I used both, bought the indian prefolds, and was given Gerbers as part of a gift. I threw the Gerbers into my stash, the more the merrier. The Gerber's were quickly taken out of the stash and relegated to "rag" duty, as whenever we had a leak, it was Gerber.


I always recommend doing the best quality in diapers you can afford. It will make your life easier. I know, it can add up with all of the other baby things to buy, but cloth diapering is still a HUGE savings over sposies. Plus if you keep the cloth diapers in good condition, believe it or not, there is a good re-sale market out there, to recoup some of the cost. Or if you plan on having more babies, then of course, the re-use thing is a benefit. That's how I sold my DH on the idea ;).

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Back in the day when *you* were a baby, that's what most people (like me!) used. I was happy, babies were happy, and I don't see any reason to pay the ginormous amounts of money those specialities diapers cost. Goodness!!! Oh, and get Gerber plastic pants. They're also inexpensive and they do the job.


ETA: Get the gauze prefolds, not the birdseye.

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ive used them and they were fine. i also have a diaper stash to sell and ill let it go cheap cause well, i need to get more books....i have wool, thirsties fitteds, and much more. pm me if your interested to work something out...


ootherwise youll be fine. i have some snappis if ure interested :)

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We did you prefolds but for the most part used fitteds or all in ones (just like a disposable as it has the cover and diaper all together) There are some sites that sell them used. I used to think this was weird, but people usually take really good care of them and I just washed them in vinegar or boiled them if they were not all in one's. This is a great work at home mom site for all sorts of things, especially cloth diapers. http://hyenacart.com/ There is a section in the forums at hyenacart http://hyenacart.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=4&sid=822d02f333b16fbecc03d9d7410fb52a or they have a spots corner too. Also I got them used from www.diaperswappers.com


There is nothing cuter than a wee baby in a fun, cushy cloth diaper!

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I changed my sister's Gerber diapers in the mid-80s. Unless they've changed A LOT in the past couple of decades (and I don't know if they have), I wouldn't even consider using them. In fact, I *didn't consider using them, lol.


I'm not the biggest fan of using prefolds to begin with (I'm lazy and prefer pocket diapers), but the DSQ Chinese and Indian prefolds really are work horses. I keep a couple on hand to stuff pockets, and sent the majority of my pf stash to my sister, who is loving them. They haven't lost a bit of absorption power in the past 2 years!

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Cloth diapers are the best. Then you decide what you like and who will change your child:-) I used lots because I became addicted:-)

First, the Gerber are horrible. I think they're different than when they were first out. Gerber does have Diaper Service Quality Diapers, available through Diaper Service places, and you'll want those...if you go Gerber.

Second, if you're the only one changing, Gerber DSQ with Super Whisper Wraps, as I saw mentioned before are Great. Wool wraps, especially for summer (just diaper..and wrap when it's hot:-) and wool wraps at night are great!

You can make wool wraps easily, by using things like soft wool sweaters (good will) Pendelton Shirts (I like to felt them before I make them out of these...)

If you do a search for making your own diapers, you'll find a ton of info... If you want links that I've used:-) pm me and I"ll send you more info than you want. If you just wanna buy some diapers....there's a link that was just going on here that was about Costco wipes, where I listed that there are cloth diapers for sale on Costco, too.

For diapers that stay nice, I like diapers and covers separate, or sometimes there are things called "Almost All in Ones...." You want the diaper to be able to be washed on HOT and the cover..you won't want to do that.


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Another vote here for something other than Gerber. I loved the unbleached indian prefolds from granitesmith on eBay. For newborn covers, I liked the newborn proraps (also sold at granitesmith) and bumkins (a little pricier). As baby gets older, I prefer the Bummis Super Whisper Wrap mentioned above or their Super Brite.


And I don't think I could have used prefolds without a snappi - I'm not the pinning type lol


More than the nylon covers though, I LOVE wool! It can be quite pricey though. For me it was worth it.

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I started using cloth with chinese prefolds. They had worked very well for us..I think they leaked more and my kids took them off. I used them with snappies...but my dd was crawling by 3 months and running by 6...so they didnt work for long on MY kids. My kids just slid out of the prefolds.


But after trying so many other diapers...If I had to do it all over again, I would start with Sandys Diapers or Kissaluvs. THey sell packages that end up being very cost effective. My dd fit the small size until she was potty trained. I never had to purchase the large. I bought a few toddler ones for training pants. When we finished using them we sold them all. I could use a Sandy's diaper or kissaluv at home without covers and my dd's bum could breath. We only used covers outside the home. I thought I would throw that out there just in case.

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I think, like anything in life, you pay for quality. You can "get by" with the cheaper prefolds, and if you don't know anything different, think they do a great job. The high quality prefolds are SO much better, for absorbancy, softness.


I think it's interesting that those who used Gerber said, if I remember right, that's all they used, and Gerber was fine. Not knocking them, just saying, they couldn't really compare then.


I used both, bought the indian prefolds, and was given Gerbers as part of a gift. I threw the Gerbers into my stash, the more the merrier. The Gerber's were quickly taken out of the stash and relegated to "rag" duty, as whenever we had a leak, it was Gerber.


I always recommend doing the best quality in diapers you can afford. It will make your life easier. I know, it can add up with all of the other baby things to buy, but cloth diapering is still a HUGE savings over sposies. Plus if you keep the cloth diapers in good condition, believe it or not, there is a good re-sale market out there, to recoup some of the cost. Or if you plan on having more babies, then of course, the re-use thing is a benefit. That's how I sold my DH on the idea ;).


How did the indian prefolds work? We are looking at the unbleached indian prefolds also, so I am curious since you mentioned using them.

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I haven't read all the posts, but wanted to add my $.02.


I've used both the Gerber brand and chinese prefolds. I MUCH prefer the chinese prefolds!!! They are softer, absorb so much more, and last much longer. I've got some from when my 8 yr old was an infant that would still be usable as diapers and not just rags. But the Gerber brand fell apart during the first year of use.


As far as covers go... my favorite were the nylon pull-on style. I had some from Alexis (called feather-lites I think) and Bummis (never, ever leaked if the diaper was completely tucked in). Vinyl doesn't breathe so my dc always got diaper rash if I used a vinyl cover, but never got a rash with a nylon cover.



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The *real* 100% cotton Gerber pre-folds actually worked *great* for me. But beware, there are some that have a little foam insert in them, and those are totally worthless. ... But the real 100% cotton ones are great. They're not as big or bulky as the Chinese prefolds you can buy online. So yeah, they aren't quite as absorbent, but they also don't create gi-nor-mous cloth-diaper bums.


I loved my Gerbers and would absolutely buy more if I had another baby.

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I bought bleached DSQ prefolds from granitesmith on ebay when my oldest was a baby... they have gone through 3 kids and are in great shape. The youngest used them the most because I preferred fitted for the older 2. However, I did buy some unbleached indian and chinese prefolds from www.diaperware.com and LOVE them. They are much softer than the bleached prefolds and they fluff up.


Definitely go with a snappi. Also, if you get on the kissaluvs email list, about 4 times a year they open their outlet and sell off their fitted seconds for way cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. I have a ton of their seconds and love them.

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One more advantage of Gerber: drying time. My Gerber cotton prefolds would dry in a single dryer cycle. The Chinese DSQs took a minimum of two. At the time, I was putting quarters in a machine to dry my diapers, and it was even more of an issue than it would be for me now, but we're still talking about a fairly significant difference in energy use.


I did like having a few Chinese DSQs around. They were especially great for night-time, etc. But I found the thinner, slightly smaller Gerbers were more versatile for me. I still have a few around that I bought at least 9 years ago and used for some of the time with two different kids and then used as rags since then... I think I'm only down to one or two now though. :)

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also KEEP OLD DINGY PREFOLDS> they fit perfect in the swiffer sweeper! i use them to mop, then wring them out. i dont buy the actual swiffer wet things, just prefold and whatever i use to clean :)


What a great idea! I hadn't thought of that, but I guess they would be just about the right size. I'll have to keep this in mind for when I am through w/ the diapers. Thanks for the idea!

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I tried them and they were a waste of time and money. Every single time I picked up my child, I had to change my shirt because it was wet. I was about to give up cloth diapering until a friend gave me few high quality diapers to try. What a difference! You get what you pay for. The best diapers I ever had were the ones I made - 2 layers of diaper flannel with a terry panel sewn in between the layers in the "important" area. No leaks

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Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


FWIW, here's my experience.


I cloth-diapered with whatever diapers came my way. The ones I bought were probably from Walmart. I had both prefolds and the big gauzy non-folded ones. I usually used a non-folded one custom-folded (different for boys vs girls, ya know?) inside a prefold inside a plastic pant. I don't remember different sizes, so I can't help you there. I usually line-dried, except in winter when the snow was too deep -- sunlight, even indirect, eliminates the need for bleach :)


Worked fine for us.

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I have decided to use cloth diapers this time around, and am really clueless about quality. My local Walmart has started carrying Gerber prefolds, and they are about 1/2 the price of the prefolds I found online (www.bluemountaindiapers.com). I have heard that some diapers are of better quality than others, though. So I was wondering if anyone has used the Gerber brand for diapering and what you thought of them. Are they worth the savings? Or would it be better to get the different sizes as baby grows? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





Oh, please don't use Gerbers....try Indian prefolds from Little Lions. They are super super absorbant. Much better quality. I wish I had used these from the beginning. They are really not that much money.

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I tried them and they were a waste of time and money. Every single time I picked up my child, I had to change my shirt because it was wet. I was about to give up cloth diapering until a friend gave me few high quality diapers to try. What a difference! You get what you pay for. The best diapers I ever had were the ones I made - 2 layers of diaper flannel with a terry panel sewn in between the layers in the "important" area. No leaks


Is there a special kind of flannel that you use for diapers? Or is flannel just flannel?

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Thank you all so much for the advice. I think I have pretty much decided against Gerber prefolds, and will most likely be using unbleached indian prefolds, and some fitted diapers I have found second hand. Thnaks again for the help and advice. Any advice or tips is always welcome. Since I am so new to this I know there is a lot more out there that I don't know yet.

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I used ub indian pf's and they don't really cost any more than Gerber, yet are SO SO SO much better in quality, absorbancy, and softness.


I don't like the Gerber pins or covers either. Dritz pins or snappi's and Dappi *Nylon* pull-ons are really the same $, but much better quality.


If you need help pinning, PM me. It's a dying art LOL!

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Is there a special kind of flannel that you use for diapers? Or is flannel just flannel?


I happened upon diaper flannel at the fabric store. One small detail that I forgot - you should preshrink the fabric before cutting:). I ended up with smaller diapers than I had intended. I also made sure that I found cotton terry cloth - it is way more absorbent than the blends or poly terry. I had purchased a sampler pack of diapers from a mailorder company so that I could try out different diapers. I made a pattern from the ones that I liked best. I used my mom's serger to finish of the edges, but I am sure that most modern sewing machines have a decent stitch that would work.

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