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Who is exercising??

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I am doing my old power 90 dvds. I love them. I couldnt work out yesterday...I had a huge migraine...but I plan on getting back today. I always have so much more energy during the day. My son is still on vacation with his aunt...but when they come back I plan on having him start with me. We may also start the c25k program. I think he needs it. He is going to do the civil air patrol and they guy told me they work out each meeting and need to be in shape!

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Great job on the swim!!! You are getting really fast!


I had a quick run today. I'm training for my 1/2 marathon and today was only 2 miles. The program I'm using is great so far. Each week you walk or run 6 days. But, one of the days is a short 2 mile run and one is a fast walk of 3 or 4 miles.


I'm currently signed up for:


Sept: 10K in my hometown (running it with my kids who all signed up for the 5K)

October: Detroit Marathon Relay (I'm running the 7 mile leg)

Nov: 5K Turkey Trot in Detroit

January: Half marathon in January (my boys are also running a 5K here)


I'm thinking about a triathlon in March, but we'll see!!! What are your next races Cheryl?

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Sept: 10K in my hometown (running it with my kids who all signed up for the 5K)

October: Detroit Marathon Relay (I'm running the 7 mile leg)

Nov: 5K Turkey Trot in Detroit

January: Half marathon in January (my boys are also running a 5K here)


I'm thinking about a triathlon in March, but we'll see!!! What are your next races Cheryl?


I'm only signed up for a tri next weekend. It's a short "beginner" tri though. 250 yd swim, 7 mile bike, 2 mile run. We tried to get my girls to do it with me, it's a women only race, but no go. The older one was a no from the start. The younger one hated me the day I made her run 2 miles. She quit after that.


I did figure something out about my dds and running though. They have no endurance, really, because the sports they participate in require them to sprint here and there but no sustained running. (Basketball and soccer.) Sure you can run several miles during a soccer game but it's in 50 yd sprints at a time.


I looked at doing the Marine Corp marathon. No further talk about that yet though....

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I'm only signed up for a tri next weekend. It's a short "beginner" tri though. 250 yd swim, 7 mile bike, 2 mile run. We tried to get my girls to do it with me, it's a women only race, but no go. The older one was a no from the start. The younger one hated me the day I made her run 2 miles. She quit after that.


I did figure something out about my dds and running though. They have no endurance, really, because the sports they participate in require them to sprint here and there but no sustained running. (Basketball and soccer.) Sure you can run several miles during a soccer game but it's in 50 yd sprints at a time.


I looked at doing the Marine Corp marathon. No further talk about that yet though....


That's my ideal tri!! I wouldn't be too intimidated by the swim. It's the swim that's scary for me!


Interesting about your kids. Makes sense though. I started the couch to 5K with my kids. At first I was dragging them along. The oldest was always better than the rest of us and has continued to be VERY fast. Today we ran one mile, walked 1 minute, ran 3 minutes, walked 1 minute, ran 5 minutes. We got in two miles! Next week we run the whole thing. Just two miles, but better than what we were doing!! The boys now get up willingly to run with me! (Well, the 13 yo runs WAY ahead of me!!)


So, another marathon?! When is it? I'm using my 1/2 this year to decide if I can run the full next year.


Just got back from my jog. Wasn't able to jog for the full time today, so I ran for 10 minutes, walked for 3 minutes, then jogged another 10. I'm calling that good enough.;)


You did great!!! Those first couple months are hard! Getting your stamina up there is hard work! You ran 10 minutes straight - twice!! That's awesome!

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I run 4-5 days per week. Today should have been a run day, but I didn't get to it. Mondays and Wednesdays I am taking a class at the local community college. I have to be running by 7, or I don't have enough time to get ready. Today, I had to run to dh's work before I went to school, so I didn't have enough time. I may run tonight. If not, tomorrow for sure. I love running in the cooler temps!

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LG, are you doing the Race for the Cure 5k? I'm running it on the 12th! Very excited...my first "race" in years and years. It's taken me a long time to get here, but I'm feeling really good now and will run a 10k in the spring!


No, I had no idea about it. The one I am doing is sponsored by a neighboring city to promote fitness. So far, it's only me and two skinny teenie boppers with large feet.

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I did figure something out about my dds and running though. They have no endurance, really, because the sports they participate in require them to sprint here and there but no sustained running. (Basketball and soccer.) Sure you can run several miles during a soccer game but it's in 50 yd sprints at a time.


I looked at doing the Marine Corp marathon. No further talk about that yet though....


That's when I quit sports, when endurance was required. Softball and field hockey were fun, until highschool when the coach required that we run long distances for practice. That's when I quit. :tongue_smilie:


Good job on your improved swimming time. Enjoy your tri.

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I've recently discovered that I do love to workout and I miss the days when I don't. Usually go to the club 3-5 days a week and workout for 90 mins in some combination of cardio/cardio-weights class/"gentle flow" yoga (which should be named power yoga.) If I haven't exercised in a while I'll take a 2 mile walk at night.


It was a great Great GREAT feeling to get a compliment from my dr yesterday at having lost almost 10 pounds:D

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I started exercising on an exercise bike July 7th after years and years of doing nothing. I started out at 5 minutes a day. I have bad knees from sports injuries and a car accident. The engine ended up almost on my lap. I need to start out slow and easy.


Well today, I have biked for 20 minutes with 2 minutes each of warm-up and cool-down. I went 3.4 miles:D and burned 92 calories. The calorie counter has to go. IMHO:glare:

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I used to run all the time (treadmill) until I started having issues with my knee. Aerobics is kinda sporadic for me but I do yoga every morning (I'm crabby if I skip it) and it gets the job done. :001_smile:



I had to quit running and aerobics due to my joints; they're not built for it. I used to do speed walking (not the same as power walking) but can't with my dc very easily. You do what you have to do. I need to get to the weights before I go through menopause, though, to help prevent osteoporousis (sp) since that runs in the family. But I'm happy that I have reached the point where it feels good to be doing crunches, etc, and that I miss it if I don't. I'm only doing it twice a week (it's enough) because I don't have much time. The weight program only takes 30 minutes twice a week, but it's working it in, and I'll do it at a different time.

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