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LOST...Do I dare start watching it?

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Let's call it a very strong suggestion. ;)


It's REALLY great. The benefit of you starting it now, is that you *could* be done the whole series in time for the last season, which starts in January. It's been a really great series, and I'm looking forward to this last season where they will wrap up all the loose ends.

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Let's call it a very strong suggestion. ;)


It's REALLY great. The benefit of you starting it now, is that you *could* be done the whole series in time for the last season, which starts in January. It's been a really great series, and I'm looking forward to this last season where they will wrap up all the loose ends.


We were typing at the same time. :D

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Start with Season 1 and if you need help along the way, we're here for you. :D


This sounds like I will need to lie a couch facing away from you and talking about my thoughts and feelings.


Oh yes, yes, yes ...... then tell us your theories.


I will have my note book and pen at the ready.

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I will warn you. After having watched the past seasons "on-demand" so to speak, it is agonizing to have to wait a week between episodes once you are "caught up". Ask me how I know?!? :tongue_smilie: And then ask me about the nights when they don't show a new episode and instead run a rerun. :banghead: AG.O.KNEE!


But yes, do start watching it now. Right now. You'll be glad you did. And yes, make good notes and maybe you can explain to us all what is going on. :D

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Yes, a marathon and then check out LOSTpedia. It is a large subsection of Wiki and almost everything on it is strictly canon so you can pretty much trust it. There are also books and tons of fans to discuss with on this board alone. I can't wait to finally get all the answers and figure this thing out.

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I'll be the (lone?) voice of dissent.


As I've mentioned before, the creator/writer of Lost was also the creator/writer of Alias. And he totally and completely botched the ending of Alias. :glare:


I'm intrigued by Lost, but I refuse to start watching it until the series is over and I get some assurance that the resolution is good.


Of course, I think I'm the only person in American who feels this way.

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I'll be the (lone?) voice of dissent.


As I've mentioned before, the creator/writer of Lost was also the creator/writer of Alias. And he totally and completely botched the ending of Alias. :glare:


I'm intrigued by Lost, but I refuse to start watching it until the series is over and I get some assurance that the resolution is good.


Of course, I think I'm the only person in American who feels this way.


But JJ Abrams isn't really involved with Lost anymore. And that was the point of negotiating a definite end date for Lost--so that they'd know when the last episode would be and could plot out the storyline accordingly.

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But JJ Abrams isn't really involved with Lost anymore. And that was the point of negotiating a definite end date for Lost--so that they'd know when the last episode would be and could plot out the storyline accordingly.


Ah. I hadn't heard that Abrams wasn't involved anymore. That might change my opinion.


(Of course, I can't start anything else until I finish Battlestar Gallactica.)


Knowing the end date far in advance doesn't necessarily mean a good ending (witness Alias), but it is a definite step in the right direction.

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Everyone else (almost) has already said it, so I'll just add mine -


YES - immediately, start from the beginning, and yes, you'll go crazy when you have to wait a week between episodes!


Don't know if it's been mentioned, but season 1 is on Hulu (and I assume ABC, too) right now - you could "test drive" from the beginning before buying the dvd's.

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