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So what are your thoughts for the Baby Gloton?

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There's a new controversial baby doll available for little girls. This doll can "breastfeed" off of a special halter top the little girls wear.


Everyone I know seems "disgusted" by this idea. But I'm not so sure it's such a bad thing. There are people who think that this doll will increase teenage pregnancy, but I'm not sure how that would be the result. People think that it's teaching about sexuality too early, but again, I don't see how.


If anyone here has ever breastfed a real baby and has a daughter already will tell you that their daughter more than likely already took her non-breastfeeding baby doll and mimicked her mother by raising her shirt and bringing the doll to her chest. Did this make the mother think, "gosh, I need to tell my 4yo daughter about sex, now!"? That thought didn't come to my mind when my daughter did that.


I think that if we're already making and selling dolls with bottles, than why not encourage breastfeeding too? How is having a baby that cries when it's hungry but comes with a bottle different to a little girl from a baby that cries when it's hungry but comes to her chest instead? Of course the child doesn't have breasts yet, but do you really think the little girl is going to realize that? Most likely she will feel like she is nurturing her baby, which is how she feels with bottle feeding a baby.


I don't know. I'm not convinced it's a "bad" idea yet. What are your thoughts on this?

Edited by Janna
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I saw someone say that it was creepy. Creepy for a young girl to want to feed her baby doll? Does she find bottles for baby dolls creepy too?


Just weird. I don't think it's a bad idea at all. Completely and totally natural. My daughter nursed her baby dolls <shrug> I'd prefer her to simulate what should be done rather than simulate giving babies substandard milk (and though formula filled a need for both of my children, it most certainly is substandard. Breastmilk is best for babies).


Anyway, I wish breastfeeding was the standard for all infants. I wish they could get what is best for them. I really think if our culture wasn't so wacky on this issue, there wouldn't be issues with nursing in stores or nursing babydolls.

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I think the halter top is just weird and unnecessary.


I am very pro-nursing....and encourage my dd to nurse her dolls, but this one won't be on the Christmas list. Not b/c I'm agains't nursing or think this doll is bad....I think there HAS to be a better way to promote breastfeeding...:tongue_smilie::lol:


....my dd is just happy "nursing" her little cabbage patch baby...:001_smile:

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I read that article and just kept getting madder and madder! How in the heck can a little girl mimicking mommy feeding a baby cause her to get pregnant any earlier?? My 3 yo dd breastfeeds her baby dolls when they're hungry. Isn't that the same thing (minus the top that comes with that doll)? I really think that doctor who was quoted in the article needs to quit thinking of breasts as sexual objects.


That said, I don't think the halter top is necessary and we won't be buying one. But I see nothing wrong with it!!!

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I think the halter top is just weird and unnecessary.


:iagree: I don't have a problem with marketing a doll that promotes nursing, but the strap on contraption is a bit weird to me. I guess I don't see the point (it's not like a Mom has to go buy anything to strap on to nurse her baby, you know?).

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Before I saw the link I wasn't so sure about it. I bf'd my 3 but I wasn't sure I'd buy a doll like that. I watched the link and it doesn't look creepy at all. I remember when my dd would bf her dolls while I bf'd my youngest. I didn't find it creepy at all. I thought maybe there would be actual female parts on the halter. That I would have found a bit creepy since I always tried to cover completly while bf'ing. Not with a blanket just with my shirt.


I still wouldn't buy the doll though because I don't like dolls that do things.



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I watched the video demo :glare: and the sound effects were awful. Man, that kid has some suction! I think little girls will naturally see their mommy nursing their baby sister/brother and just understand that's how they get fed, without having to strap on a plastic flower vest...

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I watched the link and it doesn't look creepy at all.


Yes, I think the video was helpful in showing how the girl was very nurturing and caring, acting just as if she had a bottle feeding baby. That same look of concern on her face when the baby was crying, the same gentle burping...definitely helped make it less "creepy".


I understand the thoughts on the halter top. I guess I'm thinking back to how my dd mimicked my (futile) attempts at breastfeeding when she was 4yo. For one, she would lift her shirt up completely, exposing her ni**les and then place her doll right *there*, lol. If anything, *that* was uncomfortable for onlookers, you know? So having a halter that minimizes the lifting of the entire shirt is...helpful, LOL.


I also think that girls enjoy having stuff be as real to life as possible. I can understand the desire to make a baby make the right suckling noises. Are there babies that make noises while eating from a bottle? If there is, the suckling noise shouldn't be much different.


I understand that it's "weird". I agree with that-but only because of our culture. But I like the *attempt* to encourage breastfeeding, even if it is going to be controversial. If nothing else, perhaps it gets the ball rolling.

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I'd rather stick with an ordinary baby doll, and let my kids hold the baby as if it were nursing. The top/prosthetic breast thing *is* a little creepy, in my opinion, and at the very least wildly unnecessary. For goodness' sakes, one of the things I *love* about nursing is that it doesn't require any extra "equipment"!


And I avoid dolls with sound-effects too.


I don't know that I find it "offensive". But I certainly wouldn't want one for any of my kids.

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I read that article and just kept getting madder and madder! How in the heck can a little girl mimicking mommy feeding a baby cause her to get pregnant any earlier?? My 3 yo dd breastfeeds her baby dolls when they're hungry. Isn't that the same thing (minus the top that comes with that doll)? I really think that doctor who was quoted in the article needs to quit thinking of breasts as sexual objects.


That said, I don't think the halter top is necessary and we won't be buying one. But I see nothing wrong with it!!!




I read an article about this doll as well and I was furious to read some people think it will promote teen pregnancies. If that's true, then ALL baby dolls would make little girls want to go and get pregnant, not just the breastfeeding ones. Ridiculuous. And as others have pointed out, my dd's both "breastfed" their baby dolls, too...without the help of some themed toy. Does that mean my dds are more likely to get pregnant as teens? Gosh, maybe I should've bottlefed my kids to prevent teen pregnancies....

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I'm not convinced it's a "bad" idea yet. What are your thoughts on this?


I don't know about a bad idea but I wouldn't buy one. Not one of my three children ever drank from a bottle so obviously I'm very pro-nursing. However, as others have said, I don't see a need for the product. We chuck the baby bottles whenever we get a new doll and my daughter just discreetly nurses her babies by lifting up her shirt. :lol:


My sons, who also love to play with the babies, just hand their dolls to dd whenever they need to be fed. :001_huh:



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I read an article about this doll as well and I was furious to read some people think it will promote teen pregnancies. If that's true, then ALL baby dolls would make little girls want to go and get pregnant, not just the breastfeeding ones. Ridiculuous. And as others have pointed out, my dd's both "breastfed" their baby dolls, too...without the help of some themed toy. Does that mean my dds are more likely to get pregnant as teens? Gosh, maybe I should've bottlefed my kids to prevent teen pregnancies....


Wouldn't you love to know the statistics of teen mothers who bf vs bottle feed? I'll betcha way more teen moms use bottles. Just a hunch.

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I think the halter top is just weird and unnecessary.



I agree. It does seem strange.


My kids did what the OP posted: they lifted their shirts and pretended to nurse their baby dolls (even my son -- hee hee -- he was 3 and I thought it was cute, though I did explain to him that only ladies can make "mama milk").

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I can't stand electronic dolls that make sounds. I don't care for the 'pasties' on the halter, it just LOOKS weird, LOL. I have no problem with girls breastfeeding their dolls, but I'd rather keep electronics out of it. The mechanisms of the doll are NOT natural, IMO. None of my babies slurped at the breast, but you could hear them swallowing. If they went so far as the make a halter that interacts with the doll, why didn't they just go ahead and put nipples on it (that could go in the dolls mouth)? That would be more 'real'.

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I can't stand electronic dolls that make sounds. I don't care for the 'pasties' on the halter, .


:iagree:I found the pastie flowers kinda strange/gross! I have never purchased an electronic, pooping, peeing, vomiting doll. They aren't anywhere near the correct grossness anyways...they don't smell bad enough!


I am a totally pro-bfer, and just find this sort of thing unnecessary. My girls have been bfing baby dolls just fine without it.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I think the whole thing is silly and funny at the same time. If parents don't like it they won't buy it, what's the big deal? Who cares what some "expert" says. I wouldn't buy it myself.


This actually brought some fond memories back. My oldest SON is the only child that pretended to nurse baby dolls and he used his elbow, lol. It was so sweet.

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I was a teen mom. So that's what causes teen pregnancy! :lol: I did play with those dolls that do "stuff" as a little girl....that must have been it!


I was a bf'ing teen mom though, bottlefed as a baby :D


I like the concept of the breastfed doll, but the halter creeps me out.

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I don't see anything creepy or wrong with it, but do agree that the halter is not really necessary. I am sure when I have my baby in a couple months, my 2yr. old daughter will be holding one of her baby dolls up to her chest, "nursing" it just fine without spending the $$ on that special doll.

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Yes, I think the video was helpful in showing how the girl was very nurturing and caring, acting just as if she had a bottle feeding baby. That same look of concern on her face when the baby was crying, the same gentle burping...definitely helped make it less "creepy".


I understand the thoughts on the halter top. I guess I'm thinking back to how my dd mimicked my (futile) attempts at breastfeeding when she was 4yo. For one, she would lift her shirt up completely, exposing her ni**les and then place her doll right *there*, lol. If anything, *that* was uncomfortable for onlookers, you know? So having a halter that minimizes the lifting of the entire shirt is...helpful, LOL.


I also think that girls enjoy having stuff be as real to life as possible. I can understand the desire to make a baby make the right suckling noises. Are there babies that make noises while eating from a bottle? If there is, the suckling noise shouldn't be much different.


I understand that it's "weird". I agree with that-but only because of our culture. But I like the *attempt* to encourage breastfeeding, even if it is going to be controversial. If nothing else, perhaps it gets the ball rolling.


That is what I was thinking. My dd would lift her shirt or dress to 'bf' her baby, and then I was left to make her stop (do not want her to be embarrassed by bfing) or make others uncomfortable.


I still don't see why it would encourage teen pregnancy. If anything it would make me not want a kid as a teen lol. In those days I had no intention of letting any baby do that to me, because I was selfish. The teen moms I knew all used bottles.

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I think the whole thing is silly and funny at the same time. If parents don't like it they won't buy it, what's the big deal? Who cares what some "expert" says. I wouldn't buy it myself.


This actually brought some fond memories back. My oldest SON is the only child that pretended to nurse baby dolls and he used his elbow, lol. It was so sweet.



My son nursed his dolls, too! I guess he would have loved this halter since he lacks the proper equipment. ;)


I think the doll's sound effects are weird, but I never bought my kids a doll that made noise any way.



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I've always found talking or noise-making dolls kind of creepy so I'm not fond of this one, but not really because of the feeding.


I think Gloton means Glutton in Spanish so the name is kind of odd in of itself.


My son nursed his shark stuffed animal. Probably a good thing that was just imaginary. :)

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We chuck the baby bottles whenever we get a new doll and my daughter just discreetly nurses her babies by lifting up her shirt. :lol:


My sons, who also love to play with the babies, just hand their dolls to dd whenever they need to be fed. :001_huh:




I thought this was funny, because I remember #4 (yes all my boys had their own doll) took a suck on the included bottle and chucked it in the sandbox. 3 of my 4 boys nursed their dolls - didn't have a clue about bottles.

I didn't even think THAT was creepy, funny, but not creepy.

I didn't look at the link, but I agree with the poster who doesn't buy dolls who do things. When they break, I can never bear to part with them

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3 of my 4 boys nursed their dolls - didn't have a clue about bottles.



:lol: I was just talking about this new doll with my friend, who said her 2 boys used to nurse her dd's dolls. Since I don't have boys, I never thought that they'd do it, too. I think it's sweet.


Sheri :)

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My oldest dd got upset at age 4 when her doll wouldn't "latch on" like her baby sister did to mama :lol:


I think the doll is a cute idea. The halter unnecessary, but at least it's just a decorated halter (flowers), not imitation nipples...that would be the only "encouraging growing up too soon" that would bother me, but it's not on this product, so not an issue.

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