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Gross new food idea -- WWYD???

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SORRY FOR THE TYPO -- not food "idea", food "ITEM".


Okay, I bought some "healthy" mayonnaise. I hate it. Everybody hates it. But it was about $6 for the jar. Should I throw it out and go back and buy the good old Best Foods? Or make this an object lesson for my kids that we have to be thankful for what we have even if it is gross? I really don't like throwing food out, but...



Edited by BikeBookBread
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Yup. Return it. If you can't, I'd toss it. If its gross, its gross. No sense everyone hating their lunches, etc for the next while until its used up. It would probably cost more in unfinished sandwiches, etc than to toss the jar.

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"Gross" because it was spoilt when you opened the jar ? . . . Return it.


"Gross" because your family does not care for the brand ? . . . You're stuck unless you find a friend or neighbor who wants it. (No store will take it back on grounds of "I don't like it".)

Edited by Orthodox6
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I can't imagine how you could return it if you opened it and your family does not like it.


I would toss it. I never understood the concept of eating it because there are starving children, its a waste of money, etc. I made a recipe last week that was plain nasty. It went straight into the garbage can. I was not happy wasting the money, but there was no way I was choking it down.


My kids don't eat mayonnaise. I grew up globbing Hellmans on everything. I never had it in the house because I was always dieting and just got used to not using it.

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Oh, can you share the product name so no one else makes the same mistake? Dh has been talking of buying healthier mayo recently but I've ignored him thus far.


Spectrum...I think it's a personal taste thing. It tastes like Miracle Whip to me...MW has the same unpleasant flavor to me.


I don't believe I would ever return an item just because I didn't like the flavor...caveat emptor! But I think I will be tossing this one.

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Maybe you simply do not care for mayonnaise. (I can't stand the stuff !) Live with out it. When I need something along the mayonnaise spectrum, I use Nasoya's products.


Spectrum...I think it's a personal taste thing. It tastes like Miracle Whip to me...MW has the same unpleasant flavor to me.


I don't believe I would ever return an item just because I didn't like the flavor...caveat emptor! But I think I will be tossing this one.

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Spectrum...I think it's a personal taste thing. It tastes like Miracle Whip to me...MW has the same unpleasant flavor to me.

I don't buy Miracle Whip so I'm unfamiliar with how it tastes (I buy store brand mayo). Isn't it salad dressing instead of mayonnaise? If you contact the manufacturer and opt not to get a refund (they may offer you a coupon anyway) you might just mention that you were hoping for a taste closer to mayonnaise.

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Ok, it all tastes the same to me.




But I'm trying to be healthy, so I bought the Kraft stuff made with olive oil, and we had company. They HATED it. I couldn't tell a difference; it tasted good to me. BTW, the company that hated it was 7 years old, and got it trouble for saying how disguisting it was. Poor kid. I know she knew better. :001_smile:

Edited by bethanyniez
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Haven't read through the entire thread, but I was at Trader Joe's a few weeks ago looking for Vegannaise (sp?). They didn't carry that, but they had Trader Joe's lowfat mayo which is vegan I believe. I was very hesitant to purchase it and the woman that worked there told me if I didn't like it I could return it. (BTW, it is gross but I'm not returning because I just don't head over to TJs too much.) Personally I have no problem returning something like that. I mean when you buy mayo it should taste something like mayo IMO and if it doesn't, my return (and perhaps others) will indicate to the manufacturer that their product stinks. Just my thoughts.

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I just called the manufacturer. I told the customer service rep that I believed mayo should taste like mayo - kind of a neutral creamy flavor, and that their product tasted very much like Miracle Whip. She looked at the other non-flavored mayo versions which they make and all had the same spice mixture, so she guessed they would all taste the same. While very kind, the customer service rep had NOTHING to suggest to me: no coupons, refund, return, exchange, NOTHING. First time I've ever had a company offer nothing after I voiced dissatisfaction about a product.


I'm not super impressed...and look how many other people know now. I'm NOT passing this info along to be vindictive, it's just that word of mouth MEANS something. Besides, perhaps someone here would LOVE their mayo because it tastes so much like Miracle Whip. :D And that was the end of the conversation. I kindly thanked her and just hung up the phone.


BTW, Spectrum is owned by Hain Celestial, which is now owned by Heinz. So much for the "Little Guy".

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and I can attest that their low fat mayo his *horrible* you can return it. They have a very open policy about returning foods if you don't like them. I have never done that because it's a pain to go back just to return a jar like that.


Normal grocery? I probably wouldn't return it just because we didn't like it, though they might allow it. TJ almost encourages it.

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I've returned things when we've opened something and didn't like it. Our stores (big chain groceries) want us to be satisfied and always take back food--now, we don't return things a lot, and we don't return an empty container and say how much we hated it--but they have always been apologetic and refunded our money.

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I just called the manufacturer. I told the customer service rep that I believed mayo should taste like mayo - kind of a neutral creamy flavor, and that their product tasted very much like Miracle Whip. She looked at the other non-flavored mayo versions which they make and all had the same spice mixture, so she guessed they would all taste the same. While very kind, the customer service rep had NOTHING to suggest to me: no coupons, refund, return, exchange, NOTHING. First time I've ever had a company offer nothing after I voiced dissatisfaction about a product.


I'm not super impressed...and look how many other people know now. I'm NOT passing this info along to be vindictive, it's just that word of mouth MEANS something. Besides, perhaps someone here would LOVE their mayo because it tastes so much like Miracle Whip. :D And that was the end of the conversation. I kindly thanked her and just hung up the phone.


BTW, Spectrum is owned by Hain Celestial, which is now owned by Heinz. So much for the "Little Guy".

Yup. There are way too many conglomerates out there.


I don't like Miracle Whip either and have tossed more weird-tasting mayo than I care to recall (think every "healthy" brand at Whole Foods). Heck, I didn't care too much for the last batch I MADE because I used extra-virgin olive oil and it was a bit tangy for my taste. (I think light olive oil would have been fine). Also, my food buying club has been in a tizz for the past several months, trying to return rancid mayo (I think Hain). Yuck.


I advise the following: 1) shove the nasty mayo to the back and call it science. 2) make your own and call it home-ec. (That way, it's healthy, tasty and not rancid when you open it - just don't use evoo)

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Ok, it all tastes the same to me.




But I'm trying to be healthy, so I bought the Kraft stuff made with olive oil, and we had company. They HATED it. I couldn't tell a difference; it tasted good to me. BTW, the company that hated it was 7 years old, and got it trouble for saying how disguisting it was. Poor kid. I know she knew better. :001_smile:



Read your ingredients!!!!!

Some advertised "healthy" olive oil mayo has phosphoric acid in it.

Used to only find PA in sodas. Now they are contaminating everything with it.

(It weakens your bones and destroys the calcium in your system...among other things).

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Not much consolation in this thought . . . but I think you got $6.00 worth of a thread out of the occurrence ! :)


I DID! :) :) :)


I had to giggle a bit after I read through these replies. I have become SOOOO accustomed to just going straight to The Board rather than thinking things like this through by myself. I think I'm officially part of the Hive Mind!!!

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cmon, isn't there a recipe somewhere for chocolate cake that uses mayo? Aha! here's onehttp://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Chocolate-Mayo-Cake/Detail.aspx....there are lots of them, actually! See? Chocolate really is the solution to everything :o)!

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I saw a letter in Cook's Country this month that said you can use mayo in place of butter when making a grilled cheese. I wonder if the stuff tastes any better cooked than cold? :glare:


We buy only Hellman's (which is the same as Best Foods). I don't dare try new things with mayo or ranch dressing or the whole house would revolt!

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