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Yes, Sir! Yes, Ma'am!

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Wow! I reached a new level of parental mortification today. We were out in the yard, and it started getting hot, so I said to Child #1, "Put that away here, put this away there," and gave simple orders to the twins. They all went to work as I finished hanging up the last of the laundry. A minute later, from clear across the yard, I heard my firstborn yell, at the top of her lungs,



My neighbor was out in his yard and heard this -- he burst out laughing. Where is a hole in the ground large enough for me to crawl into?


Now, where did THAT burst of compliance come from? Unreal. :blushing:

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Wow! I reached a new level of parental mortification today. We were out in the yard, and it started getting hot, so I said to Child #1, "Put that away here, put this away there," and gave simple orders to the twins. They all went to work as I finished hanging up the last of the laundry. A minute later, from clear across the yard, I heard my firstborn yell, at the top of her lungs,




My neighbor was out in his yard and heard this -- he burst out laughing. Where is a hole in the ground large enough for me to crawl into?


Now, where did THAT burst of compliance come from? Unreal. :blushing:

:lol::lol:Too cute!:lol::lol:

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The above-mentioned child is the same darling who did this little scenario the other day:


Me: Sweetie, come work on your math facts.

Her: Okay.

Me: (Shuffling the +0s and +1s together). Ready?

Her: Oh, no, here it comes.... (moaning)

Me: Do you know what I just did?

Her: Yes, you just shuffled together the plus-zeros with the plus-ones. Oh-woe, Oh-woe, I don't know if I can doooooooooo this.... :svengo:

Me: Oh, quit the drama and do the math.


Her: (under her breath) More like quit the math and do the drama!


(Note: She DID get all her math facts, which I knew she would, it was just the DRAMA that had to happen before we could get down to math. What is this drama thing that girls do?)

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That's too funny! For me, it's my son who has to have the drama. He's 21 and he still hasn't outgrown the need to make everyone in the room roll with laughter!


At the age of 13, he could no longer hold in his laughter at my best Mean Mommy face (you know the one you give your kids when you really want them to know that you are seriously ticked off). He burst out laughing and explained that it was impossible to take me seriously when I looked at him like that. There's nothing worse than getting a good mean mommy face ready to use, and then remembering that it will inspire laughter, not fear. LOL



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