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Who all here schools year round?

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We school year round, but move to maintenance mode in the summer, meaning that we do anything that might be forgotten at half strength. This always means math and sometimes other things, like foreign language, grammar, and spelling. My little one requested that we do science this summer and the older one is reading Jane Eyre to get a jump on literature in the fall.


What this looks like from a time standpoint is that any day where they don't have something else going on we do school for a little less than half the time that we would normally do it during the year. For the big one this means about 2 hours and for the little one it means 45 minutes.

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I always want to take the summer off, but since we started hs'ing we have done work in the summer. My kids do so much better with the schedule in the AM's. We are doing math, ETC and Latin right now. We are getting ready to travel for 2 weeks and I wasn't going to take math with us but I may, lol :tongue_smilie: I had planned a normal school year but rethinking it and will most likely start something in August and be doing all our subjects by September.


So yes, we school year round but it's a lighter routine in summer.

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Year round here.

July is review of the history with new books and start to transition to the next, and a re-do of all our favourite science hands on, and start to transition with some eyeopeners to pique interest. Today I got out the sight word cards I gave completely up on about February, and kiddo buzzed through them in front of Papa. He was laughing, I was laughing, and Papa was justly amazed. What fun!

June is prepare and then test month.

1 August is our new year.

In the summer we hop right on our daily school work to allow more time to run and play outside, and kiddo goes to bed later and gets up later.

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We go year-round with a month off to fit in all of the summer camp, summer reading program, and parks activities. Most of our month "off" could easily be counted as school, but I play up the idea that it's a break to make us feel like we got one:001_smile:

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We school year-round, but end up paring back more than I like in order to accommodate my heavier work schedule during the summer months.

We photograph and print on-site for a fair number of charity golf tournaments between June and September, and though we generally plan to do school work while we're out, my boys usually end up visiting with people, delivering photos and cruising the golf course.


On those days we spend at home, we generally do the same amount of work

as during the regular school year.

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We've always gone year-round. But we do take a good 2 week break in September for a vacation when all the P.S. kids go back to school. :tongue_smilie:

And we take more time during holidays to go easy and lite.


We are able to take things more slowly and go off on tangents to our studies. Like the extra time we've spent studying WWI. I know we need to move on though....


I think it helps in retention if we don't have a 3 month break. It does make it hard when we have an absolutely lovely weather day but it can give them incentive to get their work done quicker.

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We go year-round-ish.


We started back last week. We typically take all of June off and plenty at the winter holidays.


We go all year round and take all the breaks that we need/want to.

I would be too stressed out if I tried a more "traditional" schedule. "Life" happens too much ~I know it would throw wrench after wrench into a more formal schedule.


This way, I don't feel guilty/overwhelmed/anxious/etc. if we feel like skipping school to take a trip/ have some fun/ or just have a break.

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We school year round, but move to maintenance mode in the summer, meaning that we do anything that might be forgotten at half strength. This always means math and sometimes other things, like foreign language, grammar, and spelling. My little one requested that we do science this summer and the older one is reading Jane Eyre to get a jump on literature in the fall.


What this looks like from a time standpoint is that any day where they don't have something else going on we do school for a little less than half the time that we would normally do it during the year. For the big one this means about 2 hours and for the little one it means 45 minutes.


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We go light in the summer. I try to wrap up in mid-May. The end of May is very light- maybe just a little math and some free reading. In June definitely math and required reading. In July I begin to ramp back up. This year our official start date is August 3.


Except this year the oldest hasn't done math since the June 13 ACT.



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We do! We take days off here and there for vacations or people coming to visit us - but for the most part, we truck along on a normal schedule.


I'm more apt to take more time off in the fall when it cools off so the kids can play outside more frequently. Right now, it's too miserably hot for them to want to do much more than walk from the house to the van unless it's after sundown. (106, or whatever it's been, will do that to a person!!) lol

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Year round here as well.

We call the next new grade in the Fall same as everyone else in traditional school.

Our breaks happen when life offers us opportunities to do other things or we are busy with a move or a baby.

I will do school in the evenings or on weekends as well. We do on average 2 to 4 hours at a time. And I car school as well. (We'll review and recite while driving).


I like it this way because we have less stress than trying to fit it all in 9 months and then forget everything in 3. I am a very relaxed schooler -although my dd doesn't see it that way. (She's only ever known alternative schooling and has no idea what her friends mean when they complain. The closest she ever came to traditional schooling was at a Montessori for 3 years when I was in nursing school).

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My kids do best with the structure and something to fill their morning. We take off in the summer for camps and swimming lessons and during the school year for holidays, visits, and local school breaks. Math, grammar and SOTW continue through but subjects with 30-some week schedules (English and Science) are left to the school year.

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We do 4 day weeks year round taking Friday's off for co-op and playgroup. We take 2-3 weeks off in May, a week in July, 2-3 weeks at Christmas and a sometimes we take time off for the weeks of Labor or Memorial day.


I usually get in around 200 days of school including co-op day. It works well for us as we started out with this schedule, there are no neighborhood children and it keeps us focused and moving forward.:001_smile:

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Last year, I tried a Tues/Thurs schedule for summer. That was my plan this year as well, but I realized the day goes better if the kids start the day with the structure of the school desk. And also, Nutmeg's math suffers if we go too many days without it. Our summer is marked chiefly by NOT running all over the place for ballet and piano lesson. So we are doing more "fun" things in the afternoons, or nothing at all (which is the most fun for me!)

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