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How much time each day are you here on the board?

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I didn't think I was on here all that much, but now I realize that I


Sloooowly eat breakfast while I'm reading these (drag it out to 1 hour),

Sloooowly eat lunch (another hour),

Take 'breaks' that can last between 15-30 minutes a couple of times a day,

Am on for another hour or two many evenings a week.


That adds up to maybe 5 hours a day sometimes!


Mystery of the messy house--solved! Have you ever honestly assessed how long you're here? Because I'm dismayed at my calculations and I'm resolving now to SIGN OFF!

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I totally hear you. Some days I'm not on at all. Some days I just look at my user CP. But some days, particularly when I'm having a hard time at work or can't focus on chores (or have gotten involved in an ongoing thread), I spend way more time than I should...like right now, for example, when I'm putting off the last of the unpacking from our trip last week, and the mountains of laundry, and our messy, messy bedroom, and basically cleaning the entire house before visiting family descends on Sunday.




Actually, I think I might need to go lay down for awhile now :ack2:

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We've already been PMing about how I get addicted to online things, lol... I had *just* started peeking in the General Board last week and then it was easily at least 5 hours a day for me.


I want to focus on homeschooling and family, so I'm logging out now and only logging in to post something now and then. :)

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I take 1 hour each morning around breakfast to answer emails, read 2 news sites, and take a peek here.


I return in the afternoon when it slows down (often after lunch) to check news & take a peek.


If DH is not here & kids are watching a movie or cartoon, I take a peek.


Only for summer though.... school will resume & kill some of my play time.


I guess it adds up to a couple hours per day on here & news sites.

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There was a time, many years ago, that I spent hours and hours here. There was so much to learn, and it was all so interesting!


Nowadays, though, it seems I've heard (read) the same conversations over and over again so many times that I don't feel the need to even open them. At most, I open them, scan the responses, and think, "Been there, done that." Or, "I'm not going there!".


It saves a ton of time. I generally wait until the kids are in bed at night to go through the 7-8 pages of posts for the day. It takes about a half hour, maybe an hour if I feel like posting.

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It's very easy to let it get out of hand.

Also, it can be very expensive. Things you never knew you needed (curriculum and other!) suddenly seem like essentials.


My time here easily creeps up to a couple of hours a day, but then I realise what I am doing and get off. Sometimes I have left for months at a time, and sometimes just for a few days, and sometimes I just take a day off, and mostly I just try to keep it in balance with the rest of my life and not let the housework- or homeschooling for that matter- suffer. I think ideally a half an hour a day would be enough, with an occasional hour or two when there is a long message to write or a really important thread to read.


My kids are both working fairly independently, but I find if I am not in the room, the productivity goes way down. I dont feel I can really tackle too much else, even housework, while the kids are doing their work. I need to be here for them, and I do run out of emails to read, bills to pay and other constructive things to do here in the schoolroom. So, I come here.

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I'm in and out throughout the day for short periods. If I "keep up" on things, it only takes a few minutes. And I definitely "don't go there" a lot with controversial posts. I like to subscribe to threads that interest me, so I get email alerts from those. Gotta love laptops and wireless internet.

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I keep my laptop next to me all day and evening. We use an online curriculum, the kids do a lot independently, and housework gets done in spurts throughout the day as no chore takes more than 15 minutes at a time. The computer is my only form of social contact with other adults. I've tried making friends with IRL people. My kids have tried making friends. I guess we were just meant to be on the bottom rung of the popularity ladder. We're the stereotypical kids in school that no one wants to associate with. But we haven't yet figured out why!

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