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Enough about Michael Jackson

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I had the rare opportunity to watch tv tonight and it seemed that every channel I went to was talking about Michael Jackson.


Yes its sad he died so suddenly. I feel horrible for his children. My children lost their father to a sudden heart attack so unfortunately I have some idea of what they are going through.


But enough already.


Lets get back to what is really important.


When is my backorder from Rainbow Resource going to arrive?

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My husband and I had a rare opportunity to go to dinner (alone) last night. The warm bread, the caesar salad, and the prime rib arrived.... and during the entire meal, I had to look at Michael Jackson! :ack2:


I had to sit facing the bar and the TVs were on a news channel. I kid you not... constant Jackson... NO NEWS!


Dinner was nice but it would have been perfect without MJ!

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I actually did watch some of it last night, as I hadn't had a chance to prior.


What bothers me, and this bothers me with other non-famous people die to, is how everyone comes out of the woodwork just "loving this person" and what a "great person they were" and "how much we admire this person".....blah blah blah.......but what did you do for this person when they were alive?


MJ had some serious issues, and I think alot of people, especially famous ones, distanted themselves from him so as not to get his bad press. Now these same famous people want to be on TV talking about how much they loved and admired him. Ick.

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I had the rare opportunity to watch tv tonight and it seemed that every channel I went to was talking about Michael Jackson.


Yes its sad he died so suddenly. I feel horrible for his children. My children lost their father to a sudden heart attack so unfortunately I have some idea of what they are going through.


But enough already.


Lets get back to what is really important.


When is my backorder from Rainbow Resource going to arrive?


My husband threaten to remove our dish box and throw it in the streets.:D He had a fit because he thought I was deliberately changing the channel to watch another report on Michael. Every other channel had something to say about Michael. This doesn't surprise me one bit. Michael is going to bring them revenue.

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MJ was a musical genius! I have enjoyed watching all the reports and 'flashbacks'.....





It is important to note the darker things in his life too. I loved him as a kid, I remember memorizing all of the lyrics on the Thriller record I had. He made a lasting impact on modern music that shouldn't be forgotten no matter how troubled he may have been, he had a great talent. We just have to keep it real.

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Well, if you want to keep it real, he might have been a talented performer, but he also was accused of molesting young boys, and admitted to sleeping with children. He was a sicko.



:iagree: Child molester trumps musical talent in my book. The man passed away, and it's sad but we don't need this 24/7 coverage. What drives me crazy is these "devoted" fans crying their eyes out about how much they're going to miss him. They didn't even know him!


Enough. There are other things happening. On a positive note, at least Jon & Kate got a little time to themselves since all the press was in LA.

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It's normal TV behavior when a person of his fame passes unexpectedly. If you don't like it, turn off the television. Problem solved.

I will say, tho, I do understand the aggravation, sort of. I thought carrying on over a week's worth of President Reagan's death/ funeral news was a bit too long, also, then I took my own advice and felt much happier!!


Reagan actually made a hugely positive impact on our world. That is much different than a pop icon dies.

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Well, if you want to keep it real, he might have been a talented performer, but he also was accused of molesting young boys, and admitted to sleeping with children. He was a sicko.



And all that surgery he had. I was a kid when he was a kid and remember what he really looked like. I'm not interested in how great someone was musically if their ethics and morals are so questionable. Same goes with Elvis Presley, who was a huge womanizer, on drugs, etc. It might be true that MJ didn't have a real childhood, but he still made choices he didn't have to make. I do feel badly for his children, but I also felt badly for them having him as their father.


Now, he may not be a musical genius although he is talented and has a good voice, but I can respect Donny Osmond and no longer feel embarassed that I had a huge crush on him when I was 11 and 12.


The media has this hype on for revenue, as someone else mentioned.

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My husband and I had a rare opportunity to go to dinner (alone) last night. The warm bread, the caesar salad, and the prime rib arrived.... and during the entire meal, I had to look at Michael Jackson! :ack2:


I had to sit facing the bar and the TVs were on a news channel. I kid you not... constant Jackson... NO NEWS!


Dinner was nice but it would have been perfect without MJ!


Have you heard of the universal tv "off remote?" You can only use it for turning off TV's. I want one.


I hate restaurants with TVs. Has anyone ever thought that dinner should be with the person you are there with and not the TV? It's like our entire culture can not live without it. I am so over it. Go out to dinner - watch TV. Go visit family you haven't seen in years - TV must be on in background even though no one is really watching it. Go to the dentist office - watch TV. The doctor's office - watch TV. The waiting room anywhere - watch TV. It's *every*where. What did humans ever do without them?


A friend told me that out west he knew lots of people who had no TV. Maybe I need to go there, because in Tennessee people look at me like I have grown 3 heads right before their very eyes when I say we don't have cable. And at that time our rabbit ears actually brought in three channels. I am glad we get nothing now!


I remember eating sushi years ago with my (at the time) 4 year old dd in Ft. Lauderdale. CNN was on. Ummmmmm, I don't want to see murder and mayhem while I am: a-eating and b-with my kid. Are we that stupid that we can't be still and quiet EVER?!?!?!?


Next it will be all over the magazine check out area. Michael jackson and then his kids. Now his kids will forever be hounded by the stalkers....I mean paparazzi.

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I hate restaurants with TVs. Has anyone ever thought that dinner should be with the person you are there with and not the TV? It's like our entire culture can not live without it. I am so over it. Go out to dinner - watch TV.

I remember eating sushi years ago with my (at the time) 4 year old dd in Ft. Lauderdale. CNN was on. Ummmmmm, I don't want to see murder and mayhem while I am: a-eating and b-with my kid.


This is a pet peeve of mine. Taking my kids out to a restaurant, and having to try to arrange to sit where they cannot see the TV. Or going to a Dr. office and asking them to turn the TV off or put it on something Kid Friendly. Do YOU want to explain to my children what an erect**** is and tell them that they don't have to worry about the dangers, because they won't have one? Do you want to explain to them why that guy is stabbing the daylights out of that man, and then come to my house tongiht around 2 AM when the nightmares start up? Ah, didn't think so....



And back to the topic. Yesterday, Fox News covered Michael Jackson. and Michael Jackson. And Michael Jackson. Even in their report about Farrah Fawcett's funeral, they stated...Fawcett died yesterday, just XX hours before the collapse of MJ. Um, ok. And what did she die of? Oh, yeah, cancer. Maybe we should learn about that particular cancer, warning signs, risk factors, etc? Oh, never mind, we'll just learn more about MJ's debt, freakish lifestyle, mental illness, (aka 'issues') and whatnot.


I did like his music and dancing. And if I could just watch Thriller and Billie Jean a couple of times, that would be fine, but the baby dangling thing was shown SO MANY TIMES. That just made me nauseaus.

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Reagan actually made a hugely positive impact on our world. That is much different than a pop icon dies.


I think depends on who you are. People who own radio and TV would venture to say that anyone who can bring in the ratings is worth covering.

A child without a father and social security gets cut while they are still in highschool would not think Reagan was so hot. And then again, the same kid might LOVE the King of Pop. In the end it boils down to ratings.

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What did he do that had such a huge impact on music? Please this is an honest question and by no means meant to be snarky or witchy. I just don't see how he changed music and would really like to know what I am missing. To be honest and fair I don't what Elvis did that was so different. I am honestly looking for an answer not trying to create a huge debate.

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It's amazing to me how wide-spread this story is. We have TV here with a lof of American channels and so they all had Michael Jackson stuff on, but, then so did all the Spanish channels. There were vigils here and every single store and radio station was playing his music all day long. Couldn't get away from it.


I know that he was a controversial figure in his later years--I agree that a lot of his "charm" wore off for me after Thriller--maybe Bad. But, people here, at least, are a little more removed from all of that and still remember him as the guy who broke all barriers in his music videos. The guy who was an amazing dancer and singer. The guy who wrote and produced a lot of great stuff, musically. They still appreciate him.


It's amazing to me to see it. I think of him as American. He's an American icon, an American entertainer, someone who the world gets to see from time to time. He was more than that, which is, for some reason, astonishing to me.


He was an extremely talented musician and entertainer. He was a very sad individual. I can understand the out pouring.

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I watched the NHL draft last night.


When it was the Rangers' turn to select, the personnel paid tribute to one of their young prospects who passed away early this year, suddenly and unexpectedly, of a heart ailment. During a game in Russia.


And that reminded me of how upset I was when it happened, and how very tragic it was, but also how quickly life moves on, even for us fans who were sure that kid, Alexei Cherepanov, was going to be the next big thing.


MJ's story has legs (sorry, no pun intended), but once the funeral and memorials are over, it will fade quickly. I truly hope that the custody arrangements for the kids, regardless of if there's a fight or not, remain civilized and quiet, and out of the media glare.

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I have enjoyed the music channels playing videos that I haven't seen in years. Watching them reminded me of how awesome MJ really was. I was a fan as a kid and my 14 yo dd is also a huge fan. MJ touched many lives, he did alot of good. Why do people feel that because he was "just" an entertainer, his story is not that important? I have lots of great memories of dancing to Thriller, wearing my red leather jacket, and collecting his posters as a child. I am sure many others do as well. He (and others in his industry) brought joy to people and to me that is huge.

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IIt has nothing to do with him being or not being just an entertainer...in fact, it has more to do with the fact that he was MORE than just an entertainer. His issues are nothing to be proud of and yet he's being touted as some sort of hero.


I have enjoyed the music channels playing videos that I haven't seen in years. Watching them reminded me of how awesome MJ really was. I was a fan as a kid and my 14 yo dd is also a huge fan. MJ touched many lives, he did alot of good. Why do people feel that because he was "just" an entertainer, his story is not that important? I have lots of great memories of dancing to Thriller, wearing my red leather jacket, and collecting his posters as a child. I am sure many others do as well. He (and others in his industry) brought joy to people and to me that is huge.
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What did he do that had such a huge impact on music? Please this is an honest question and by no means meant to be snarky or witchy. I just don't see how he changed music and would really like to know what I am missing. To be honest and fair I don't what Elvis did that was so different. I am honestly looking for an answer not trying to create a huge debate.


Wow... DH and I talked about this today. It was Pop music which is never long lasting & most isn't memorable. He has a few great songs and I was an early teen then. I think his biggest impact was on the VIDEOS.... Thriller was like a mini-movie & that made a huge impression on that market.


As for talent, PRINCE is a way more talented musician and performer than MJ. He is a bit of an odd duck, but has never been plagued like MJ.


Real talent will be around for many generations & are cutting edge or unique.... I don't think our grandchildren will be playing MJ records. Maybe Bob Dylan or even Elvis (first of a kind)... but not MJ.


He really was already a has-been and many doubted his London plans to resume his career. His death is tragic... but he isn't worth 3 days of news coverage.

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It is nauseating.



How about this little tidbit for nauseating.




Given all the real Americans of character who die on a daily basis, the WWII generation, our servicemen in miserable and dusty places, doctors, police officers, firemen, honest hard working American men and women, that our Congressmen should stand for someone whose behavior led many to believe that he was at least mentally ill or quite possibly a pederast is beyond belief.


In June of 2009 we lost at least 3 Medal of Honor recipients.


http://dwolfkeeper.newsvine.com/_news/2009/06/18/2943076-medal-of-honor-recipient-ed-freeman-died-wednesday-march-25th-2009-at-the-age-of-80-in-boise-idmay-god-rest-his-soul- -June 17 2009


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Edward_Wahlen -June 5 2009


http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/06/05/national/main4156551.shtml - June 4 2009



Let us hold their memory in esteem.

Edited by pqr
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  • 2 weeks later...

The media is going totally one direction like MJ was the greatest thing in the world. I will say that I wasn't a big fan of him, but do like his music. I think there is also the way this board seems to be going the opposite direction. I say again ... yes, I totally agree that the media is way over the top. I also will say that I think spending all this time and energy bashing MJ isn't much better. I realize he wasn't like all of you. It is never acceptable to be different and I don't think you are being fair to him by calling him a total freak (and that was one of the nicer comments). I too wish the media would let it go. Partly so his family can get on with their lives (especially his children) and mostly so I can not have to hear anymore bashing. I don't see why everyone (not just here) has a problem when anyone wants to say anything good about MJ. He wasn't all bad. He did do good as well. It isn't his fault the media is going bonkers ... although it seems like if we focus on the negative somehow it will ... I don't know. I just know that I think it is time for the media AND this board to move on.

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