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Who takes facebook quizzes?

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I think they are a blast.


I'm a Rohirrim Belle who doubles as a bounty hunter. I like obnoxious dogs, am predisposed to be a serial killer and would get along with Serverus Snape, (even though I am a Gryffindor). I know children's books and a little bit about food. I am a bear, and should live in the 50's.


How about the rest of you?

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Love Quizzes...and typically they are dead on.


I'm 1950's, Peace in Fruits of the Spirit, Phoebe from Friends, Belle and the Beast, a Blue M&M, Mary Ingalls, Anne Shirley, a Humble/Supportive Wife, should be named Moon Willow and Aine, Crunchier than Grape Nuts, my eyes reflect Pink, I come from the planet Arcturus, Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins, my superpower should be Invisibility...ha!, Dory from Nemo, Doris Day, a Ninja, Spock, a Revolver, my old lady name is Ethel, I'm the Professor of Gilligan's Island, To Kill a Mockingbird is the book I am, I'm a left handed/Left Brained person, should be a Brunette (I am), I'm Euler's Equation, a Warm and Loving Wife, should have lived during the Revolution, I am Rory of Gilmore Girls, a Deep Thinker, TV Mom Clair Huxtable, the Element Aether, have the Love Language of Time and Attention, Truly Reformed 90%, should live in a Trendy Traditional house, a Dixie Sweetheart, Sandy from Grease, ADHD is my kind of crazy, I'm defined by Chuck Taylors, an Orchid, a Green Tea Frappuccino, Extreme Granola Parent, a Lovely Lady, M'Lynn from Steele Magnolias, Father Mulcahy from M*A*S*H*, Lynette from Desperate Housewives, Crispy Bacon, a Rose, should live in Charleston SC (I'm from there), the What Was I Thinking?! Mom, Sophia from Golden Girls, the colour Green, should drive a minivan (I do, but need a 12 or 15 passenger!), should have 4 to 7 kids (I have 7), am a Mermaid, Burger Van Burgers, an Old VW Bug, should vacation in the Desert, am Barq's Rootbeer, Jack from LOST, the Band Boston, Southern and Proud of It, Cinderella of Disney, the Theologian John Calvin, Grapefruit, Ruth from the Bible, Moses from the Bible, Elmer Fudd, The Princess Bride movie defines me, Chicken, the Philosopher Blaise Pascal, I am Spring, the colour Violet from the Crayola Crayon Box, and a Wolf.


Think I've taken enough quizzes?

Edited by mommaduck
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I think they are a blast.


I'm a Rohirrim Belle who doubles as a bounty hunter. I like obnoxious dogs, am predisposed to be a serial killer and would get along with Serverus Snape, (even though I am a Gryffindor). I know children's books and a little bit about food. I am a bear, and should live in the 50's.


How about the rest of you?


But what I really want to know is what is your patronus? :D I like them too. I could be Minerva Mcgonagall at Hogwarts, should evidently be in Hufflepuff and live in Middle Earth as a hobbit. My flower is a lily and the country song that defines my life (according to the quiz folks) is Lonestar's, "Amazed." Ah, such fun. :D

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But what I really want to know is what is your patronus? :D I like them too. I could be Minerva Mcgonagall at Hogwarts, should evidently be in Hufflepuff and live in Middle Earth as a hobbit. My flower is a lily and the country song that defines my life (according to the quiz folks) is Lonestar's, "Amazed." Ah, such fun. :D



The bear was my patronus! I got fb so I could keep up with ds in college. I used to hate it but it's growing on me.

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I love them. My latest one said I suffer from paranoid/schizoid personality but my bff, who is a psychiatrist, assured me it wasn't true. LOL My aura is red, my Nintendo character is Samus but the philosopher I'm most like is Aristotle, and my periodic element is gold. Depending on what show you watch, I'm most like John Locke, House, Ross, or Michael Scofield, but I belong in Heroes.


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The bear was my patronus! I got fb so I could keep up with ds in college. I used to hate it but it's growing on me.


Yeah, I enjoy the interaction on a different level there. My patronus was an elephant! LOL It makes me think of Horton Hears a Who coming to defend me. LOL

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I love them too! I can't remember all my results but my Michael Jackson song is Black and White, I am paranoid and have OCD, my hair should be blond, my husband and I are most like Lucy and Desi, my crayon color is orchid pink, my dessert is cheesecake, my celebrity twin is Kate Hudson (lol), I am a travel trailer kind of camper, my life's game is Scrabble, I look 16, and I ALWAYS get that I should have been born in the 40s!!!


It's interesting that most of them are right!

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Oops, I'm a late comer, but I love those darn quizzes! I recently found out I'm Bob the tomato, I would be in Hufflepuff, my patronus is a hedgehog or something weird like that, I'm Esme Cullen, a Caramel Macchiato, my hidden talent is the perfect ear, and my deepest darkest fear is being trapped (I had no idea lol!). Need I go on?


What I really wonder is if my friends really care about allof this stuff when it posts on their wall?

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Ack! I don't like that I'm always the one with an unfavorable opinion!


I used to take the Fb quizzes - and loved them!


But then I read that when you take a FB quiz, you are letting the makers of the quizzes and the Fb "powers that be" take information on your info page as well as any photos, info about other apps you use, notes, you name it - from you as well as your friends to use for their purposes. They use this information and sell it to businesses trying to make determinations about products, etc. It's similar to surveys. You may have noticed yourself when you took a quiz or opened any kind of application, that the window before entering says it will take those things "or anything else that it needs to work" in which you have to "accept". You can read more about it directly on FB: when you are on your page, go to "settings>privacy settings>applications". Or, you can read articles about it here and here.


The lack of privacy, even if you have your settings set to private, makes me nervous. I don't even want to put up photos anymore since I can't control when my friends use apps and therefore my info is taken.


I did enjoy those quizzes though, even if they were ridiculous. ;)

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Ack! I don't like that I'm always the one with an unfavorable opinion!


I used to take the Fb quizzes - and loved them!


But then I read that when you take a FB quiz, you are letting the makers of the quizzes and the Fb "powers that be" take information on your info page as well as any photos, info about other apps you use, notes, you name it - from you as well as your friends to use for their purposes. They use this information and sell it to businesses trying to make determinations about products, etc. It's similar to surveys. You may have noticed yourself when you took a quiz or opened any kind of application, that the window before entering says it will take those things "or anything else that it needs to work" in which you have to "accept". You can read more about it directly on FB: when you are on your page, go to "settings>privacy settings>applications". Or, you can read articles about it here and here.


The lack of privacy, even if you have your settings set to private, makes me nervous. I don't even want to put up photos anymore since I can't control when my friends use apps and therefore my info is taken.


I did enjoy those quizzes though, even if they were ridiculous. ;)



The questions on many of the quizzes are the same types of questions used for security purposes for retrieving passwords (pet's name, favorite candy, favorite color, etc.) I don't want to share this type of personal information with people I don't know -- I don't even know who is getting it, much less what they're doing with it.


Yuck. The quizzes are no fun for me.

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I detest them with the core of my being, I'm not remotely interested in anyones answers to them and I wish I could rid myself of the darn things on my home page. I'm quite sick of having to ignore each and every quiz.


Just call me the Facebook grinch.

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I detest them with the core of my being, I'm not remotely interested in anyones answers to them and I wish I could rid myself of the darn things on my home page. I'm quite sick of having to ignore each and every quiz.


Just call me the Facebook grinch.


I'm with you. I have a couple of friends who take every quiz...I always hide them, but you have to hide each and every quiz and these same friends always find new ones to take. I wish FB had "hide all quizzes" option. At one point I opted to hide both of these friends, but I missed some pretty important news that one of them posted, and I know the other friend also posts semi-important stuff too (invites to events, etc.) so I gave in and "un-hid" them.


I love seeing pix of what my friends are doing, and reading about even their mundane day-to-day stuff. I want to know if you went to the beach today (even if I wasn't invited!). But I don't care that you should be living in Paris, or that the military weapon you are most like is an M-16, or that you remember more about 80s music than I do. Sorry.

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Some of them are hilarious but others are just plain annoying. I don't understand why people just HAVE to publish them. Have they not seen the *option* not to publish? I love the status updates but I don't care what house a person should live in, what Jedi they are, or what Disney princess they resemble. :)

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