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Can I wear this dress to a wedding?

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My baby brother is getting married in August. :001_wub: I bought a dress last summer that I've only worn once, and I would like to wear it to the wedding. My best friend says "no way, too much white", but my SIL says she thinks it will be perfect.


Here is a pic:




Tell me what you think!!


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Will you have a wrap of some kind? I think it would be perfect with a black or yellow wrap. It's not solid white or something and Summer weddings make light colors and white backgrounds inevitable.


It has a yellow sweater that goes with it.

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I think it would be fine. My Aunt showed up to my wedding in a pure white (see-through) dress, and proceeded to talk about her wedding plans(her's was 3 weeks later) the whole reception to anyone who would listen. I think as long as you don't do that you will be fine lol I think you will look awesome in that dress without taking the bride's thunder

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another *sure* ---wear it!


but i do think asking your future SIL is a wise move......:D


Uh-huh, me too, on both.


I don't think a white (or a black) background floral was what the rule was meant to address. But I would ask the bride if there is any doubt.

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That's really cute! My brother-in-law got married last summer and his bride-to-be asked me to be one of the bridesmaids. (Where's the teary-eyed smilie?) All the bridemaids except the matron of honor (who was heavily pregnant) wore white knee-length dresses with black embroidery on them.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I was *way* to excited on my wedding day to notice what anyone else was wearing, let alone be annoyed because of what colour(s) they did or didn't have on. ;)


(nor would I have cared anyway!)



I just told my dad to NOT wear the Lime Green Polyester suit to my wedding :)


So he wore the tan corduroy one. :lol:


It's a good thing he's so cool!

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Where are the controlling ones who tell EVERYONE what to wear?


I have never been to a wedding like that, but I have heard of weddings where everyone is supposed to wear black or white, or of weddings where you're supposed to wear the assigned color that goes with your table 'to make the pictures go better.'


OTT (over the top!)

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