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Little House on the Prairie -- for boys?

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Ooh, thanks so much I had forgotten about Jim Kjelgaard's books!



My pleasure. :) We are enjoying the book very much, but I could see how a boy would be all over it. A young man who can track and has his own gun and a great dog? What's not for a boy to love?? ;) :D As an aside I have to say though that I was surprised at how intelligent the dog is in the book. My Aunt had 3 Irish Setters when I was growing up and she always said they were the dumbest dogs ever! hehehe

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My boys (10 and 5) Love, Love, Love the Litttle House Books! We are reading through them right now and are in On The Shores of Silver Lakes. Every day they beg me to read 4-5 chapters. They love the descriptions of Pa and his adventures, Laura and her scrapes, and the old fashioned way of eating and living.


We started with Farmer Boy, then moved on to the ones with Laura. The only story they may not care for is the last one when Laura and Almonzo are courting. My oldest son loved them too when he was young and read them all the way through. He did say he found the last one boring.

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Thanks Virginia.. maybe we'll try the first one. Sometimes I find this really hard, because I really have to try and predict what's going to go over well and what isn't -- it's expensive to get books later and would be very awkward/costly to return. Do I buy one? More? The whole series? What if I buy them all and they hate even the first one? What if I buy the first and they really like it and want them all?


Maybe I should look into trying to beef up the children's library here.

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Why wouldn't Little House be for boys? Just because the main character is a girl? My DS (11) loved the Little House books; he appreciates a strong and likable lead character, regardless of the gender... :confused:

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My 8 year old is less likely to admit loving them because the main character is a girl, but he does. :) We read Little House on the Prairie together and he read Silver Lake and Plum Creek on his own this past year. He's also enjoyed Secret Garden and Little Princess. A well-told story will draw most children in I think regardless of gender.

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We just finished a year of a Prairie PRimer co-op and we had one boy in the group. He seemed to like the series as much as anyone else. One of the moms had a good point that Pa is actually a HUUUUGE part of the series (especially the earlier books) and he does all kinds of many things that a boy would be interested in. And, of course, Laura is not a frilly, prissy girlie-girl, which also helps. She helps with the animals and gets in all kinds of tomboyish scrapes. :D

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My son loves the Little House Books. I started reading them to him several years ago when we were participating in a farm program that showed life on a working farm around the turn of the century.


I've read them to him several times, we've listened to the audio version of them, and he has read through the series by himself once and just reread Farmer Boy.


He also really enjoyed Caddie Woodlawn. That was also a read aloud first, that he went on to read himself. There is a sequel called Magical Melons that we're having trouble finding, but has more stories of the Woodlawn family.


I agree with the previous posters, that just because the main character is a girl, doesn't mean that the story is "girly" or automatically unappealing to boys.


Good luck! It must be difficult to decide which books to purchase without seeing them ahead of time when it is so expensive.

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My DS (7) read LH in The Big Woods, and Little House on the Prairie this year and really enjoyed both of them. Indians, hunting, the digging of a well, wolves all intrigued him. I was only planning to do Big Woods, but he insisted on reading LH on the Prairie too.

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My almost 8 year old son LOVED them. We read the whole series over the last few months. He actually asked if we could start reading the "Rose" series next. In case you don't know, that series is about Laura's daughter.


I think you said you were going to try the first one, and I have a suggestion for you. I think the first one is not one of the best, I would encourage you to read the first few. They get better as they go(with the exception of the last one, which was not really finished by Laura Ingalls Wilder) and you certainly get more invested in the characters.


I hope you and your son enjoy them.



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Did your boys like Little House on the Prairie? Was there something else you used that your boys liked better? A lot of the "prairie" books I'm seeing seem targeted towards and/or about girls...


My boys *love* Little House on the Prairie. We've read Little House in the Big Woods and just finished up Little House on the Prairie together. They're 7 and 9 and can't wait to start the next book.

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Farmer Boy is one of *my* favorite books of all time. And both my boys (and my dd) loved it. Start there. We recently read aloud These Happy Golden Years (the one about Almanzo and Laura courting) when we had a snow day with no electric. We were all enthralled (me, dh, dd 15, ds 12, ds 9)


These are great books. Don't miss them! ;)



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Farmer Boy is one of *my* favorite books of all time. And both my boys (and my dd) loved it. Start there. We recently read aloud These Happy Golden Years (the one about Almanzo and Laura courting) when we had a snow day with no electric. We were all enthralled (me, dh, dd 15, ds 12, ds 9)


These are great books. Don't miss them! ;)






I LOVE Farmer Boy too! I wept at the end:blush:



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My older ds (about6-7 at the time) loved the books. We didn't finish the series but did read most of them. Younger ds started enjoying them last year (around age 5-6). I thought Farmer Boy would be the big hit and while I think it may have been for my older ds, not so for younger ds. He love Little House in the Big Woods and then we only got half way through the second book. I'm thinking just now maybe we should go back to these. Thanks for the reminder. :)

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Wow, thanks to everyone for chiming in. I'm ordering the set, hopefully it'll fit in my luggage coming back. I figure at least one out of my three kids should like them, and if not I can sell them to somebody here...


Thanks again!



Not to throw in a monkey wrench but Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow might be nice for a boy too. :) I agree with everyone else about the Little House series. They're wonderful books. I couldn't put them down when I started reading them with my dd. I stayed up late at night reading ahead so she wouldn't see me. hehe I just HAD to know what happened next. :D

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Haven't read all the replies but my ds's loved Little House at about the same ages as your ds's. We did them as read-alouds. Their least fave was Little House on the Prairie. The thought it was a bit slow. We didn't read The First Four Years. The audiobook versions are wonderful!


They also loved Caddie Woodlawn.



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