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Lego Organization: Anyone organize/store by colors? Thoughts on this?

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Ds 8 is starting to really get into legos. Oh, the millions of pieces. :blink: An organizational nightmare for this hyper-organized mom and her organized-challenged son! :001_smile: A friend shared that they had tried several systems and decided to have 5 buckets: black/grey, orange/yellow, green/blue, white/brown, red/purple/pink/other. They keep directions in a final 6th bucket. Anytime the kids want to build they can go straight to the needed color and search.


At first they tried to organize by theme: Star Wars in one bucket, racers in another, castle in another... She said they all ended up getting mixed up anyway, creating more frustration. My ds already has a low frustration level with this. He loves the legos and the building but the searching drives him nuts!


This color system seems logical to me and the best thing I can think of but I wanted to see what others thought who are much further advanced in the lego world! :bigear:

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My mom and I just reorganized my sons legos by color last summer. It works great. We have buckets for








Purple and other various colors.



Then he has a smaller one for all the people and special things, like the frogs from his Harry Potter sets and things like that.


It's been great. Now when he gets out that random set of instructions and it calls for a certain size green piece we've already helped him by weeding out all those other colors. We used to have them all in one big bucket but he has so many lego sets the bucket that held them all was big enough to bury a grown man in. So you can imagine how hard it would have been to find that one green piece that's the size of a cheerio.

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Since organizing by sets doesn't usually work for long you are left with color or shape. I always thought that little boxes of some kind for each size would be the best but my son would rather dig through than take the time to put them away. Let us know what you find out.

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We have our Lego collection organized by size. We have the rubbermaid type under bed boxes filled with very small, small, medium, large and extra large (such as the bases, ships, etc). We also have separate small bins for minifigures and their accessories and one for animals.

When you are building something and looking for a particular piece it seems easiest to us to find if they are sorted by size. Color would work for regular blocks but once you get into all the tiny, special pieces it might not be practical.

We like the under bed boxes for two reasons. They fit under the train table and they have a wide enough surface area that it's easier to sift through everything - it spreads it all out without having to DUMP it all out.

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I have a friend who recently organized by color with little drawers from IKEA for each one.


The only problem I have with this is that my kids don't use the instructions. They build the thing once, it lasts for a while, but mostly they like to take it apart and combine them create their own. When they are building the Phantom Droid 17, they don't know (or care) what color the piece they envision is. My only idea so far is to dump all the Legos into a 3ft by 3ft rolling drawer for under their bed. They are all mixed up, but at least they can see most of the pieces and it adds the additional challenge of playing I Spy Lego Edition :D . I would like to group them by type (ie flat wing-ish pieces in one group) -- but there are way too many types!


I'm hoping there's a better way!

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My ds's lego teacher organizes her legos by type/shape. She uses the gallon tub for the bricks and plates, and the art/craft organizers for the smaller and more specialized pieces like gears and axels.


At home, ds just keeps his in tubs. No organization at all, and he always seems to know where everything is.


Also, he keeps one tub for his current project. So if he's got a new kit or working on his own creation he keeps all the pieces in there.

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I forgot to mention we also have small bins for things like wheels, windshields, etc.

Drawer organizers and tackle boxes work very well for sorting out the little, tiny pieces such as weapons, gold coins, helmets, etc.

The small boxes and bins nest into the large under bed boxes.

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My son organizes his by color but it took him a while before he felt the need to do so. When his collection was much smaller and fit in one large shallow bin (like an under the bed bin) he just kept them all together. As his collection grew, he started organizing them. When his colors outgrow the current bins, and truthfully they are fairly close, he wants to get more bins and organize by color and shape. But he's a diehard Lego fan with huge creations out all the time. :)

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the Container Store.


I bought them on sale a couple of years ago, and they have been great.


We sort by size, color, shape and type :tongue_smilie:


All of the pieces which are 2x2 or larger go into one large plastic bin.


Others go into these containers with categories like windshields, wheels , steering wheels , seats, Lego men.


The remaining pieces are sported by color or shape, depending upon what makes the most sense.


Very tiny parts, such as "one bumpers" go into a "special parts" box (the smallest one shown in the photo).


This winter, we had a "Lego marathon weekend", and built about 40 Lego kits within a period of 3 or 4 days. It was great to be able to locate all of the parts we needed in relatively short order.


We try to keep kits somewhat together; the system above is for all of the miscellaneous Legos found in bins at the Lego store.

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My uber-LEGO geek brother uses a few bins for blocks by color and larger blocks (like boat parts) and a tool/screw organizer for the smaller parts. When we were kids we just dumped the Rubbermaids or went pawing through them. Dumping them made a lovely noise I fondly remember to this day... :)

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Aaron chose to do this when he was older, and Ben has now done it. As long as they go back in the drawers, I don't care how they are organized. I'm not sure how long Ben will stick with it. Aaron did for a while, but then he decided he was too old for them and packed them away.

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Wow. My Lego monsters could never be bothered to separate by color or size. I am happy they get into tubs instead of on the floor to be discovered by parental bare feet on the way to shut the windows after dark. Ouch. We have the flat under bed boxes. Since they are shallow, it is easier to find things than deep buckets. DD would probably have a system, understandable only to her, of course:). And, of course, this system may also include the game pieces to Pretty, Pretty Princess and Hi Ho Cherrio to boot.

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We now have them divided into clear plastic shoeboxes. It makes for a smaller amount pulled out each time. For cleanup, he just scoops them up and throws them into a shoebox. No sorting necessary. I did try to keep his mini figures separate, but finally gave up on that, too.


We still end up with the floor covered in legos sometimes, but cleanup is much easier and less overwhelming for him.

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Our favorite way to store them over the years has been a large round circle with a drawstring around the edge. The Legos stay on the bag which opens out into a big play area. I don't care how long they stay out, as long as they stay on the play mat. When they are Lego'd out we just pull the cord which gathers everything into the "bag" and put it in the closet. Sorting is fabulous for play value but a nightmare for us when it comes to clean up - so they often either didn't get put away, or didn't get played with because clean up was such a hassle. But then my kids have to have the top removed from the hamper if I expect their clothes to get anywhere near it, much less in it. :glare: And, I am an old mom and have mellowed considerably - maybe too mellow...;)

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I spent over a month sorting lego parts into neatly labeled boxes (even with little corresponding pictures on the labels ) for my then 7 year old. It was a true labor of love.. that l was so pleased with..


It lasted all of a week.. :glare: and then returned to it's jumbled mess.. So.. until HE can do it himself.. they stay all commingled :lol:..

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I spent over a month sorting lego parts into neatly labeled boxes (even with little corresponding pictures on the labels ) for my then 7 year old. It was a true labor of love.. that l was so pleased with..


It lasted all of a week.. :glare: and then returned to it's jumbled mess.. So.. until HE can do it himself.. they stay all commingled :lol:..


That is exactly what I am afraid of - doing all this work and it will be too complicated for ds8. He has ADHD and organization is a real challenge for him. That is why so far, I am leaning towards the stacking Box for Blox. All he has to do is scoop and dump them in, then shake them down. That may be the best we can do right now. :)

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ok, i LOVE that sifter stacker!!


but yeah, we'd need about ten of them too ;)


We have a couple of bigger tackle boxes that hold the smaller specialty pieces.

Most other pieces are in those shallow underbed boxes. It's easier to dig thru a wider shallow container than a deep one.


I *do* go thru and help the boys sort the tackle boxes every 6 months or so. I find it therapeutic AND they are slowly learning to do it themselves!


can someone link those previous threads about lego organization? I am being called away.....

Edited by Peek a Boo
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We have a library card catalog cabinet that we keep our in - they are organized by size. It's been great. They use the shelves that pull out to build and the top to store projects.


It's easy to drop the parts in each drawer - when we used buckets it's was hard to get them in there and keep them organized. The drawers have gone much easier. It's been organized now for several months. Sometimes we get strays but it's 95% organized all the time.

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When we got our 5 yo "girlie" Lego's for Christmas, I had them all sorted by color and size neatly in little Gladware boxes inside of a big rubber tub. That lasted about a week, and I was way more picky about it than I should have been, so much so that Legos stopped being fun for her. So now they are all dumped in a lidded tub. And you know what? She's been more creative with them since the big dump.

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My boys (7, 8 in July) love Legos. In fact, they are playing with them right now:) After Christmas I decided that they had so many that we needed to do something about it so I bought an under the bed box and then about 5 or 6 (however many fit inside) smaller boxes to organize by set (star wars, indiana jones etc). They don't like this idea, they would much rather store them in those zipper storage bags and carry them around the house with them.


I like the sort by color idea and those organizers are very cool! Hmm, I see a summer project coming on :lol:

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Our favorite way to store them over the years has been a large round circle with a drawstring around the edge. The Legos stay on the bag which opens out into a big play area. I don't care how long they stay out, as long as they stay on the play mat. When they are Lego'd out we just pull the cord which gathers everything into the "bag" and put it in the closet. Sorting is fabulous for play value but a nightmare for us when it comes to clean up - so they often either didn't get put away, or didn't get played with because clean up was such a hassle. But then my kids have to have the top removed from the hamper if I expect their clothes to get anywhere near it, much less in it. :glare: And, I am an old mom and have mellowed considerably - maybe too mellow...;)



mil has this. Its denim and is from my dh's childhood. Its cool.



Yeah lego organisation by color/ shape isnt real high on my list of things that need to happen around here.

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We, uh *I*, tried to organize them, but they ended up all mixed together again. I tried the "dump and sort" method, but while they got dumped, they never got picked back up. So I tried the plastic under bed storage box (Wal-Mart $16). It's fantastic! It's shallow enough so that they can rummage through their legos, but big enough to hold most of their collections. For the sets like the big Star Wars or Harry Potter stuff, they pretty much leave the 'shells' of the sets set up and on a shelf in ther rooms, and the smaller pieces like people, wands, animals, and other "set specific" accessories mixed together in a smaller bin---like a deep shoe/sweater box ($4 at Target---also clear plastic). While I now have these bins in the middle of the floor, the individual legos have at least stopped finding their way under my bare feet! It's a cinch to clean, too....just push them under the bed! That's my preferred method of cleaning, anyway! :lol::lol:

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