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Overheard at my house this a.m. *Warning, anatomically correct wording*

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I gave my daughter an assignment to study one of her favorite animals, the possum. She ran in saying "Ewwww, the male possum has a forked penis!?" and it was included in the written report. I'll have to let her know about the kangaroo!

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I feel sorry for the female possum.




I gave my daughter an assignment to study one of her favorite animals, the possum. She ran in saying "Ewwww, the male possum has a forked penis!?" and it was included in the written report. I'll have to let her know about the kangaroo!
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I gave my daughter an assignment to study one of her favorite animals, the possum. She ran in saying "Ewwww, the male possum has a forked penis!?" and it was included in the written report. I'll have to let her know about the kangaroo!
Hyena females are highly masculinized, and their vaginal canal takes an almost hairpin turn. The entrance is where the male penis would be, and in fact exits through a clitoris which looks very much like a penis (which is why Aristotle thought they were hermaphroditic). A good percentage of hyena pups die during delivery because of the turn and the sheer length of the vaginal canal. Mating is tricky, as you can imagine.
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Well, since our cats were pregnant we all watched the National Geographic "In the Womb: Cats" and we learned that the male cat has a barbed penis and that mating is actually excruciatingly painful for the female, but the penis must cut her *stuff* up in order for her to release the hormones to release her eggs.

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the male cat has a barbed penis and that mating is actually excruciatingly painful for the female,


Well. That explains the horrendous howling that we hear from the neighborhood cats on summer nights when we leave the bedroom windows open.

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Well, since our cats were pregnant we all watched the National Geographic "In the Womb: Cats" and we learned that the male cat has a barbed penis and that mating is actually excruciatingly painful for the female, but the penis must cut her *stuff* up in order for her to release the hormones to release her eggs.



Well I am in to self education, so I google and found the National Geo clip


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Well, since our cats were pregnant we all watched the National Geographic "In the Womb: Cats" and we learned that the male cat has a barbed penis and that mating is actually excruciatingly painful for the female, but the penis must cut her *stuff* up in order for her to release the hormones to release her eggs.


Barbed?? Oh, ouch!!


Oh! Poor kitty. My 8 mo old. kitten is actually pregnant right now. I flaked getting her spayed just long enough for her to get out and get knocked up. I feel so bad for her now.


We live on a farm, so we'll be keeping the kitties but she is getting spayed ASAP after queening.

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I looked up some interesting facts.


Your welcome.


A virgin queen that survives to adulthood without being killed by her rivals will take a mating flight with a dozen or so male drones (out of tens of thousands eligible bachelors in the colony). But don’t call these drones lucky because during mating, their genitals explode and snap off inside the queen!


For flatworms, sex is more like war than love. Like all sea slugs, flatworms are hermaphrodites (they have both male and female sexual organs). In this case, the male organ turns out to be two dagger-like penises that they use to hunt as well as mate. During mating, two flatworms fight (i.e. "penis fence") to stab each other, while avoiding getting stabed.


The "loser" who gets stabbed will absorb the sperm through its skin and then scoots off to bear the burden of motherhood!


Like many snakes, the male garter snake has two penises, called "hemipenes," on each side of its body. The male will try to use the best-positioned penis to mate with the female in the center of the mating ball.


With that ridiculously long neck of theirs, mating is hard work for male giraffes. So, when a male happens upon a female giraffe, he will perform a procedure known as the "fleshmen sequence" to see if she is in estrus. First, he nudges her rump to induce urination. He then takes a mouthful of urine. If it tastes good to him, then he begins to court her.


Here’s something you probably don’t know about dolphins: They have a retractable penis. And if that’s not cool enough, here’s something else: his penis is prehensile. And it swivels. In fact, a male dolphin can use his penis to explore objects just like a hand.


Clownfish can change their gender.


Snails’ genitals are on their necks, right behind their eye-stalks. Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female sexual organs, but they do not self-fertilize. Before two snails mate, they shoot "love darts" made of calcium at each other. People used to think that these sharp darts are nutritional gifts, like you give someone you love a box of chocolate.


Here’s chivalry for you: the male bedbugs don’t even bother with the female’s sex organs. Instead, a male bedbug uses its scimitar-like sexual organ to impale the female bedbug’s body and deposit his sperm!


Scientists even have a cute name for this sort of thing: "traumatic insemination." Ouch!


The male argonaut produces a ball of spermatozoa in a special tentacle called a hectocotylus [wiki]. When meeting a female it fancies, the male then detaches its penis to swim by itself to the female!


Oh my goodness. I have to stop. It gets so much worse. If you want the entire list go to.. http://www.neatorama.com/2007/04/30/30-strangest-animal-mating-habits/


There are even you tube videos that accompany some of these tidbits.


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