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Everything posted by footballmom

  1. Yes, I would recommend that book with your situation. Just like you aren't responsible for your sibling, you also aren't responsible for your parent and their inability / unwillingness to set boundaries. The book will help you see how to just focus on "your stuff". :)
  2. Love reading everyone's traditions! Every year there are Bath and Body Works products in the stockings and candy - I try to have each child's favorite candy in theirs. The oldest usually eats almost all his chocolate truffles on Christmas Day lol. My stocking is usually empty or DH will try to scramble a day or two before Christmas to find things to go in there. He's just not a planner.
  3. What about a puzzle for each guest or a Mad Libs book?
  4. Honestly, I don't mean for this to sound harsh, but you need to protect your own child and TF's needs are beyond what you and your family can provide for TF right now. What does your child want to do? I think getting some distance between your child and TF is what needs to be done on your side right now. That's all you can control. Yes, there might be fall out but TF and TF's parents need to use their energy and resources towards getting TF help not towards friend fallout. Just my 2 cents.
  5. Big hugs. We went through this in two waves - DS asked to try school the last two months about two years ago, we brought him back home the next year and then this year all three went to PS. Two are in middle school. I will be honest - I basically broke when DS went the first time. I was mourning so many things and I had a really hard time with it. Fast forward to now and while there are many things *I* don't love, my oldest two are really happy. The youngest isn't in a bad situation, but would rather be homeschooled again and we will bring him home either after Thanksgiving or Christmas. It helped me get through the transition to remember it wasn't permanent - if it didn't work or they didn't like it, I would be happy to bring them home. Good luck!
  6. To me, in this one situation, I probably wouldn't report it and I don't know if I would say anything. It sounds like mom isn't receptive to help/being approached. But, you were there and you have the background, so really you need to make the decision. My read is that her putting him outside while she cleaned up the water is a strange way to address the behavior and doesn't teach a lesson. As long as he was only outside for as long as it took her to clean up the water (5 minutes or less), it gave her a chance to cool herself a little. Maybe saying he was safer out there was a poor choice of words / sarcasm or maybe it was the truth. It just sounds like the mom needs some tools.
  7. DS got one last year when he was 5 and it is really cute. The whole hatching thing was REALLY cool. It does interact with you so the eyes will change color to show you how it's feeling - scared, cold, happy, etc. It was so sweet to see DS dote on his hatchimal. It also "grows" in stages - so baby, toddler, etc. It will sing and you can play games with it. DS doesn't play with it very often now, but it was something he really enjoyed for several months.
  8. I understand. I also have the same "blessing / curse" of a good long term memory. Hugs to you.
  9. Honestly, I would reply but not in a way that would look for or open up any future communication. I think it is *so hard* in our digital world to open ourselves up to vulnerability by reaching out and then not hear anything back. You are not responsible for his feelings and it's hard to guess his motivation for contacting you, but I feel like a reply is a decent thing to do. "Hi John, thanks for reaching out. I am well and I hope you are happy and settled in life and wish you well. Take care, Jane" or something generally along those lines. Just my two cents.
  10. I can't recommend Elderberry Syrup strongly enough to take for the flu instead of Tamiflu. Tamiflu's side effects are very unpleasant and one of my kids recovered within 36 hours from first symptom to flu a diagnosis to recovery by following the intensive dosage schedule of Elderberry Syrup.
  11. My oldest DC is recovering from pneumonia. He's been sick for two weeks and is finally cleared to go to school next week. Doctor specifically told him no physical activity for 2 weeks. She also said he most likely is no longer contagious even though he is still coughing quite a bit. I know my DS isn't the same as this dancer, but I would say that if the dancer was able to produce a doctor's note to the studio owner that she was cleared to dance, that's all she can ask for. Your DD (and you) will have to decide what she is comfortable with. I would make sure my child was getting as much extra rest and good nutrition as possible, though, just to be extra sure.
  12. Thanks everyone. I took him back to the doctor today and she started him on an antibiotic and said she is going to treat for pneumonia. She also did some more blood work including Lyme. He was down another 1.5 pounds this morning.
  13. I'm so sorry. Sending prayers for his family and for you and his community.
  14. Happy update! It worked out for him and he got good news :) Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!
  15. I know you can't diagnose him through the computer screen without examining him, yada yada, but please help me try to make sense of what is going on with DS. He's 13 and last Saturday he said he wasn't feeling well but didn't have a fever. He rested for a couple of hours, felt better, and played in a rec sport game. Came home, went to his best friend's birthday party feeling fine and called a few hours later that he wasn't feeling well and wanted to come home. Picked him up and he was running a fever and said he felt achy. Immediately got in bed. We took him to the doctor Tuesday and they checked him for flu, strep and bronchitis. Everything came back negative. By Wednesday he still was running a fever (always between 101 and 102.5) and has lost 10 pounds. He is really low energy and isn't eating much even though we are offering anything he will eat (Ben and Jerry's, bananas, soup, you name it). He's not sleeping all the time, but is definitely napping throughout the day. Thursday we take him back to the doctor and the quick screen for mono comes back negative and doctor said his spleen doesn't seem to be enlarged. His fever was just over 100 all day yesterday. Today he seemed somewhat alert in the morning and ate a piece of french toast and a donut. Tonight, his fever is back to 101.5 and he wanted to go to bed around 7:30 without any dinner. Is there anything I should have the doctor test for that we haven't considered? Could this be "just" a virus that has to run its course? Doctor did draw blood for mono but we haven't gotten the results back yet. I'm getting very concerned about the fever for an extended period of time plus the weight loss. He really didn't have it to lose.
  16. Thanks all. I don't have an update yet. Really praying for something - especially good news! - today.
  17. Intentionally vague for right now, but DH is expecting some feedback this afternoon for something really important to him that impacts us. Could you please please send some prayers / positive thoughts that it goes his way? He could really use it. Thanks!
  18. Okay, I will make myself vulnerable and admit I use the Lash Boost. It is I think $135? shipped. Yes, in US dollars, not cookies lol. But it makes my 40-something eyelashes significantly longer and fuller and I stretched the tube out for 5 months. I don't wear make up on a regular basis and it's been nice feeling like my eyes stand out because of longer lashes. I've had a couple of friends push their R+F business, but I just breeze by it on FB or wherever they post - along with all the political threads, etc :)
  19. Did they tell her specifically to bring those documents or are those the ones that you chose from the list provided with the I9...because, yeah, it isn't legal to tell someone WHICH of the I9 forms of id to bring.
  20. I just started posting within the last few months, but I'm a long time lurker :) All of mine went to PS this year after 8 years of homeschooling. There are pros and cons, but the kids have adjusted very well and they are happy. I would not be disappointed to bring them home in future years and I can't quit this board :)
  21. I'm sorry. Yes, it is exhausting. DH has been looking for a job for a few months and it is mind blowing the experiences he has had / treatment he has had from other people. You feel so vulnerable looking for a job to begin with. Sending you good vibes for a job to come together in your wheelhouse!
  22. That is hilarious! My kids had the same affliction until I implemented the $5 rule. Yes, I will help you look for (insert lost item). If I find it before you, you will pay me $5 to get it back. Significantly cut down on the requests to find lost things...
  23. My kids all went to ps this year. It is not what I *wanted* but my pt work has been ramping up and with DH not working we need the money. The kids were all excited to go and they've been really happy so far. The middle school was very pleasant in working out their schedules to place them in accelerated classes and they love it socially. They've even been getting themselves up, showered, fed, etc without any prodding so that's a win. The only downside is my youngest is super bored. It's ironic - last year at home he was bored because I could finish with him so quickly and spent more time with the older kids and work, and this year he's in ps and bored.
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