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Everything posted by footballmom

  1. What are the other medical insurance options? We've always carried health insurance through an employer. DH was laid off recently and we were planning on extending our coverage through Cobra. We've already met the deductible for the year so it made sense. Today we found out based on the size of the company and not living in the same state as their office, he will not be eligible for Cobra. He is not having a lot of luck in his search. I am freaking out. Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. Yeah, I have thought about trying to remember it could just be a season. I'm so anxious about everything - especially giving up my super flexible PT job because it has made hs'ing workable. My oldest is 13 and youngest is 5. Leaving them while I work in an office all day to then homeschool at night would not be fair, afterschooling probably wouldn't be realistic given the schedule we have with sports in the evenings. Sigh...DH and I need to find a way to get on the same page and align our priorities.
  3. Thanks for the replies so far. DH does not feel called at all to homeschool. His perfect would be that we both work FT.
  4. Welcome to the world little Rosemary! Congratulations!
  5. Can you please share your experience with me? DH was laid off a few weeks ago and he is aggressively looking for a job. I've been working PT for several years. It is hard to juggle with hs'ing - especially as the kids get older - but I love hs'ing them and bringing in some income has made this HCOL area manageable. With DH out of work, and the insane cost of health insurance, it makes sense for me to look for a FT job since it took DH several months last time he was laid off. What I do is pretty "in demand" and I have interviews lined up for next week. I'm really struggling with this. I know it's the "right thing" from a financial perspective but would be heartbroken to give up hs'ing. Sooo.....if you went back into the workforce FT because of circumstances, can you share your experience with me? The good and the bad? I think hearing from those that have done it could be helpful. Thanks :)
  6. I agree with the PPs that suggest you need to be more direct about it. I would probably reply back to the email invitation versus giving a direct response in a group setting when it isn't directed at you per se. My reply would be something along the lines of "Thank you for thinking of me. This isn't something that I am interested in right now. If my needs change in the future, I will definitely let you know! I hope these continue to be a success for "Mary" as she builds her business!"
  7. I think I'm probably the last person in my area to try R&F haha and took the plunge in December by buying one of the packages. i needed to replenish the less expensive items after two months because I ran out, but I'm still using the more expensive creams - they've gone a long way. I've never spent this kind of time or money on my skin care and I've never had great skin. I am seeing results and feel more confident about my complexion. I'm a fan!
  8. I heard it was a single serving sized box 😇
  9. My goal this week is to stop trying to eat my feelings :) I'm aiming to run 3 days this week and do some 21 day fix videos on non-run days. I struggle with portion control and sugar, so hoping to get those in check this week.
  10. OP, you've gotten a lot of great advice here and I'm glad you were able to set a boundary. This board has been a wealth of information to me as I figured out just over two years ago that my mother is NPD (long time lurker before posting). It is so validating and crushing all at the same time to have so many experiences and emotions with your parent snap into place in an instant once that NPD light bulb goes off. I think it's really hard IRL to get support from close friends unless they understand NPD themselves. DH totally sees it and supports me as I figure out how to navigate this with my mom and not allow myself or my children to be sacrificed on the altar of her NPD. I do feel very blessed that MIL is so "normal" and loving. Hugs to you as you continue to go through this journey.
  11. Thanks everyone - I really appreciate your prayers, advice and support. To give more info, DH hasn't been at this job very long - less than 18 months. He's getting a small severance package, and I'm grateful he's getting something. It took him almost 6 months to find this job after his position was eliminated with his previous company, so I feel very fragile since it feels like we *just* went through this. He does have a good Linked In profile and an updated resume, so tomorrow he will start networking and applying like crazy. He works in technology though he isn't technical. The biggest thing that hurt him in his last search was not having a degree. Some companies won't even interview you without one which is discouraging going into this. Right now, he is completely set against relocating as this is the only area he has ever lived and he has family here. I work part time, though I don't have an option to go full time with this job so I will be job hunting for something full time too...sigh. I'm praying mightily. I don't want to give up homeschooling, but working part time and schooling has pushed me to the edge some days and I know I can't scale full time workand schooling. DH does not feel called himself to homeschool so swapping roles won't work. I'm just so sad and stressed.
  12. I would like to just curl in a ball and cry but that might scare the kids, so posting here for some support :)
  13. Thanks, Gr8lander! Question - can I follow it without doing the Shakeology shakes? I was thinking if I ordered from Amazon, I could avoid some of the MLM aspect of it by not being linked with a "coach". I would like to try it as anonymously as possible :) I'm a little intimidated because I know one person who said they couldn't walk for 4 days after the first video, but I need a "plan" like you mentioned :)
  14. I've done a few Whole30's and am having a hard time getting motivated to do another one. There are about 10 pounds that have crept on and I really want to get rid of them - this would put me back at my ideal / lowest adult weight. I think 21 Day Fix may help me with portion control / snacking that is "compliant" but not necessary if that makes sense. But, I am happy with my running routine and don't want to sideline that completely for the videos that come with the program. So, if you've taken the plunge can you share your experience? Can I keep a running routine (3 days a week about 15-20 miles total)? Thanks!
  15. DS just tested positive for Flu and I went in thinking maybe strep, lol. Your symptoms sound a lot like his so another vote to take it easy tonight!
  16. Thanks for the replies so far. Going to head out to get Elderberry in just a few minutes. He also started Tamiflu tonight too. He has a couple of things that are really important to him in the next week so praying he recovers quickly. Though, I don't play around with flu and won't risk getting others sick so we will hibernate as long as we need to.
  17. DS just tested positive for Flu A. I'm shocked. I really thought it was strep - his throat is sore and he has a temp just over 100. Was not expecting flu! If you've had diagnosed flu in your house this year, how long did it take to recover? We are just getting over a stomach bug from last week that hit everyone in the house...except the one who just tested positive for flu!
  18. I am so intrigued to know if the guest of honor knows about asking the guests to chip in for the expenses. Maybe instead of shower games they will have a laptop set up at the shower to view and contribute to the go fund me for delivery expenses lol :lol:
  19. May I ask why you don't want to try Whole30? I have done several and based on your goals, I feel like it aligns well. *To me* it is a very doable starting point - you know for sure what you can and cannot eat for just one month and based on how you feel you can add some things or steer clear of other things. The energy I feel two weeks into a Whole30 alone is a great motivator :)
  20. I completely concur with Spryte. DH is still 2 years later dealing with his Lyme and cycling through medication. It has been hard. He had many false negatives and then had a huge flare up. He saw a fantastic internal medicine doctor who felt that he needed to be treated for Lyme regardless of the test results (he also has alpha-gal so she said she knows he has had previous tick "encounters"). After a few weeks he started to feel better. He still goes through spells where he is completely without energy and very foggy. But, the right doctors have helped him manage. Hugs - I'm sure this has been a scary road for you so far.
  21. I have the forerunner 405 but my running partner has the 230 and she likes it. If you haven't had a forerunner before, I've been very happy with their customer service when I've had technical difficulties or a faulty strap.
  22. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can understand that family could be a good support to you at this time, but you may want to give yourself more time before making a costly decision. Moving the kids would be a major change for them and for you. Would it be possible to spend the summer traveling and renting through Airbnb in a couple of those locations? Maybe a month in Denver, KC and Cheyanne? Kind of a try before you buy so you could get more data and not have the pressure of getting it "right" since you haven't lived around family in so long and grief is a crazy beast. Hugs!
  23. Oh and for shoes, check out Sam Edelman flats. They are walk all day comfort and you can find them for a decent price at TJMax or Nordstrom Rack.
  24. Have you heard of Cabi before? It's a line of clothing that's sold through independent reps. Their clothes can be $ but a lot of their pieces mix and match and I've been very happy with the quality of the pieces I've bought (I am not a rep for them). The rep can be an awesome resource to try things on and give you advice on styling. They could help you put together a mini capsule with one stop shopping.
  25. I am similar weight and height to you and have had spells where I've been told my face is looking too thin. It sounds like weighing yourself has been great motivation / accountability, but your needs have changed to more maintenance and perhaps it's hard to break that relationship with the scale. It sounds like your family is well meaning, but I think it may not be realistic to put a number on how much weight you "should" gain to have you look more healthy. 5 pounds really isn't much when you think about it will be distributed all over, if that makes sense. I agree with others who suggested it could be the way your clothing is fitting too. I see in your post that you don't like snug things - I totally get it. I would encourage you to try on a bunch of jeans and find something that fits well - buy it! Well fitting does not have to = tight, and it will help you gauge where you are weight wise without a daily weigh in and it may help your family to not see you in clothing much too big for you. I hope that makes sense :)
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