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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. I would probably bring in a professional mold abatement company for at least an assessment.
  2. My first thoughts are anxiety and/or auditory processing difficulties. Probably both, but I think the auditory processing can often be the cause of the anxiety.
  3. To me, it’s “normal†messy. My family room looks similar on any given day. ETA: funny, I’m looking around the room and we even have a back roller sitting in the middle of the floor. I voted yes, but I actually feel different about “is this messy?†vs “is this a mess?†To me, the the second statement is stronger. I would say it’s messy, but it’s not a mess. Just to be difficult.
  4. We’re in the middle of the same thing for my grandparents house. It’s so hard. (((Hugs)))
  5. Casava flour? I've heard that makes a good substitute. Mostly, she's probably going to have to get used to not eating bread-like products. ETA: this is the brand my friend raves about http://www.ottosnaturals.com/faq/
  6. If I get a referral from one of you, does that wave my first styling fee? Cuz if you have a code like that, you should PM me :-). I just ripped 1 of my only 2 pairs of jeans and I think it’s time to give SF a shot.
  7. I feel like we always search everywhere and then end up at Ross, where we find the perfect dress for $20.
  8. I think that’s pretty standard. Super outdated, but not unheard of. When my grandparents paid off their house, the bank made the last payment for them and sent them congratulatory flowers. Some banks are better than others.
  9. IME, most scholarships are academic merit and based on straight up GPA and test scores. Extracurriculars seem to only made a difference if you are applying to a highly competitive school or going for a scholarship in a specific area (then they have to be extraordinary- not just volunteer, but actually found the organization, etc). I would not freak out about this.
  10. They’re so comfy for casual wear, but my problem is that they’re too heavy for a lot of walking. I can feel the strain in my knees (probably coupled with the lack of arch support). I can wear them for normal days when I’m in and out of the house, but not days when I’m out a ton.
  11. My very American thought- can you sue them for emotional damage toward you?
  12. Yes. Give yourself a break. If it’s awful, you can always withdraw.
  13. Curious if our family is weird in this. I always hear about people turning their thermostat down at night, but we actually feel better turning it down in the day. I keep it at 66 during the day and 68 at night. If we keep it lower overnight, we're all miserable and freezing (there are also a couple of genuine medical needs that seem to do better with the thermostat up a little). During the day, we're all moving around and can very easily keep it a few degrees lower. Do any of you use the Nest "smart" thermostat? Is it worth it? I kind of like that it learns your family's patterns. Would love some reviews.
  14. It's crazy because it feels like NorCal hasn't gotten a winter this year. We just got some rain after 2 months of sun. We've had 25" of rain since July. Last year we had 85" for the same period. Last year was insanely heavy, this year has swung the other way. Normal is 40".
  15. I don't think my answer is going to help you much, but yes, I'm comfortable. I've driven a full-sized van for 14 years now and it makes regular trips into the city. I only get into trouble if I have to parallel park it. I can parallel park just fine, but not in the tightly packed spaces that are usually portioned off by the tiny city cars. It's also too tall for a lot of garages, but I always manage to find something. The driving part is easy.
  16. Same. We don’t have any other options. It’s technically the garage wall, but I was still concerned. So far it seems to be fine.
  17. It sounds like national parks could be your thing. Utah- the mighty 5 California- Yosemite, or a coastal tour?
  18. So much love headed your way. I’m so very sorry.
  19. That sounds kind of nice to me right now. My 1st physio exam was not too hard until we got to the essay questions. YIKES. It took a full page for each one. She wants DETAIL.
  20. Leuchtturm1917 https://www.leuchtturm1917.us/notebook-medium-a5-hardcover-249-numbered-pages-squared-navy.html?fee=19&fep=1432&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_6mp9ZbV2QIVAWh-Ch007gpREAQYASABEgKpcfD_BwE Amazon sells it but this link has all the colors together. I’m about to start my third. They sell an add on pen holder.
  21. I think she got uninvited many years ago. It was kind of a big deal.
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