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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. I can’t begin to figure out how one would hear yanny. I tried, but all I hear is laurel.
  2. I'd love to know if they did meet that requirement. The Harts didn't legally keep up with the requirements but they were still called homeschoolers.
  3. I think I've exhausted Dh's capacity to listen to me bitch about this. We had a presentation this week. We agreed to have the slides finished 2 days before, but there was some editing to do in those 2 days. The day of the presentation, one of the slackers in the group says to me, "I was on last night and no one was working on this." I looked at her and said, "That's because everyone else had already gotten it done." And TRULY, I have no idea what she was even accomplishing, because I had already gone back and fixed her slides. The whole thing was wrapped up before she even got on. Now she's telling us that she's not sure she'll have her part of the write up done by our agreed upon Sunday deadline because it's Mother's Day. Our group of 5 has 3 moms in it. She is not one of them. I am so. DONE.
  4. For sleep- try the herb valarian. It is the only thing that has worked for both dh and I (and we have very different compositions). It does not leave me feeling hung over or groggy the next day. It’s a miracle herb in my books.
  5. All I ever want is to not have to cook.
  6. I wouldn’t force them. When ds was about 8 we let him watch some questionable footage on shark week and lived to regret it. He was super afraid of the ocean after that. My approach with all my kids is to invite them to go with me if they want. My dh HATES going into the ocean and has lived a very happy life without that experience. I absolutely adore the ocean and will go in all by myself if no one wants to come with me. When we go to the beach, the kids can do whatever they want. Ds eventually decided that I looked like I was having fun.
  7. This can be totally personality dependent. Even my adult kids are friends with me on find friends and I never track them unless they’re driving to see me. Heck, I’m even friends with my own mother though we rarely have a practical use for it. No one feels intruded upon or extra anxious. (It’s also totally voluntary for the adults)
  8. I'm sorry that's been your experience with young adults out past ten! That sounds truly awful and frustrating. We've never experienced anything resembling that and I really have no concerns that my 21-year-old would ever act in such a way. Even at midnight.
  9. For adult kids? I’m (sincerely) glad that works for your home. That would be exceptionally restrictive in ours.
  10. I have a solution for the waking up and wondering if she’s home. I have dd turn on the Find Friends feature on on her iPhone when she’s home. When I wake up at 3 and wonder if she’s home, I open the app and check.
  11. Their garlic press has to be one of the best items they make.
  12. I bet yoga would be a good idea, too. Not so much for bone density, but to help with posture. IMO, the scariest part of osteoporosis is the spinal changes, but body posture goes a long way to support your spine.
  13. Do you know how long your friend was on Depo? I was on it for about 2 years and that concerns me.
  14. Something from Wicked? (I’m trying to remember if Glinda has a monologue- before Popular, maybe?). The thing about comedy is that it’s the delivery that swings it from lame to funny.
  15. What’s your realtor say? I would be more concerned about the damage than the treatment. Treatment is easy and should be completed before the sale. The damage could range from little to devastating. I would want an intense inspection to look for damage.
  16. This was my friend’s experience exactly.
  17. I’m going off of my childhood more than my current life. I’d say monthly was the norm and we were very close. Sometimes it would be more often, probably not less. But my feeling is that you can go much less often and still have a great relationship. We see my mom about twice a year and my kids are super close. We leave much farther away. I’d see her more often if I could.
  18. Either the facility massively screwed up by taking it upon themselves to invite other homeschool groups to a private event or this lady is bananas and has hijacked their event. Either way, they need to deal with it. If it’s the first one, that’s really on them, not the private group. If it’s the second, they need to take back over from the denim jumper brigade.
  19. Pro tip: I followed a link from the capsule wardrobe blog to j crew yesterday. This morning on my Instagram feed, a j crew coupon for 50% off plus 20% off plus free shipping popped up. This would bring their slacks and dress skirts down to about $30 each. I would suggest your daughter visit these websites and then see what kind of coupons appear in her social media. *I would totally share but the 50% isn’t a code, it’s imbedded in the link and I don’t know how to transfer an Instagram link. The 20% code is on the website for anyone.
  20. Group projects in college are the dumbest thing ever. I'm currently doing a solid 45% of the work for our 5 person team. Another woman is doing another 45%, with the 3 remaining splitting the remaining 10%.
  21. I'm taking an online philosophy class (shoot me now). Philosophy is not my thing. I need to get it done to check the box. I also need to take the TEAS this summer so I'm buying aalllll the study materials and hardcore hitting the books. I need to score over 90%, which is either doable or crazy. I'll know better once I get the study guides. In the fall, Micro and Anatomy. Hopefully ready to apply to nursing programs in January.
  22. I just attended a joint sprinkle. It was the first time I had heard of the term but now I see it popping up everywhere. Gifts were not expected but if you did buy them, they were more of the pack of diapers variety. It was fun and beautiful.
  23. Ann Taylor Loft online. They almost always are running 40-50% off codes. Ditto Nordstrom’s Rack.
  24. I know this isn’t really about the standing. If only it were that simple. I have 2 family members whose medical conditions affect our lives. One is my husband. It’s tough when you suddenly recognize that one more aspect of your lives is being impacted by the pain. It’s unending. I hate the pain. I hate it for him. I try to not allow my annoyance if the pain to bleed into annoyance with him.
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