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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. My jaw DROPPED when Medina used that as his closing line after going on and on about how innocent the bill was. I was like, are you even listening to yourself?
  2. The situation with my son was such that there was 1 doctor very much responsible (the perinatologist) and another doctor (my regular OB) who was not at all responsible for his poor outcome. We investigated suing and the law firm basically said it was an all or nothing deal. We either had to sue both or neither. We decided not to pursue it. I couldn't stand the thought of suing a doctor who had taken such good care of me.
  3. That’s kind of a tough situation. I would probably set up the adult boys in a room together. The girl and 17yo can split time in the other room, but when she is home, one of the adults needs to take the couch and give up a bed for the 17yo? Idk if that’s a good plan or not.
  4. The ob I had for my last birth had a sign posted and a form to sign that stated that due to the high cost of malpractice insurance, she stopped carrying it. It wasn’t a release of liability, IIRC. Just an acknowledgement that you’d be suing her limited resources rather than the insurance policy. I thought that took balls.
  5. So I watched the opening and closing and can I just say that Kevin Kiley is the MAN. I think we should flood him with thank you letters (or maybe some campaign donations).
  6. HSC? But I definitely think CHN has eclipsed them as the secular group. Probably because CHN’s convention is so huge now.
  7. I was really impressed with whoever was running the Parents United 4 Kids FB group. She or he really took the bull by the horns. I think the organized calling spree was brilliant and really sent a message. That’s what killed Eggman’s bill. The cherry on top was the turn out at the capital. I had several friends there and I was so proud of them. Thanks for the recap!
  8. I can’t even imagine this problem, but I live in 1300 sq ft with 5-7 people depending on who’s home. My plan when we have a free bedroom is to move the computer from the family room to the spare. We’ll also set up a secondary room for my SN guy so he and his nurse can hang out in there instead of my bedroom (he sleeps right next to me). That’s 3+ years away. For you? Make a She-room!
  9. This cracks me up. Like an animal deterant for teens.
  10. and bawling like a BABY. My gosh.
  11. They look too small to fit over both unless you hold it in place.
  12. That’s weird. I used to sit at swim practices, but that stopped around 8. I’ve never sat around watching a baseball practice. I think sometimes it’s because it takes more time to drive somewhere else than just wait around. And if you’re there, you might as well watch...? Maybe? Try not to worry about what other people think. We’re rarely right when we project thoughts and feelings onto other people.
  13. I filed an extension today. I’ll do taxes after the semester is over. I cannot spare the brain power right now!
  14. This might be the perfect mission for Stitch Fix. I’ve seen a lot of dresses like this in reveals.
  15. She's a professional with a reputation to uphold. I doubt she'll allow the baby to be a distraction. This allows her to better represent her constituents by not being pulled away from important things happening on the floor by a hungry baby. I trust her.
  16. I think a floral maxi with a (tasteful) slit would be the epitome of resort chic. Rompers are very in right now, too. I do not have the body type to pull one off but you may!
  17. I'd let him sleep, but don't be surprised if he pulls off an A anyways. That's what my kid does. Then the natural consequence becomes a natural reinforcement of bad habits. <insert bang head against a wall emoji>
  18. That eight-legged thing? What magnification? There’s a reason I don’t look at stuff from my house under our microscope- shudder!
  19. My gut is to stay. If you didn't have the built-in rental income I might have answered differently, but it's hard to imagine a housing situation better than that. If you move, you'll lose all the tax benefits of owning, too. And the Fafsa benefits.
  20. Stay strong, girl! You’re doing great. Labs are the absolute best. They’re the doggiest of all the dogs. You’ll be endlessly entertained.
  21. I think the issue is the length of the skirts. The neckline on the dress looks killer, and I totally see your waist. If the skirt and dress ended at or just above the knees, I think they would give you a great silhouette. I cannot wear halter or high neckline styles like that DR. They do something weird to my proportions.
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