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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. I don't know that I would delay it. The dog is in pain. I would just explain that you brought the dog in because you could tell she's in pain and that the vet and you and your dh decided that the most loving thing to do would be to help her to not be in pain anymore. I wouldn't even mention the bite. If the kids bring up the bite, I would just say that it wasn't because of the bite, it was because the dog was in pain.
  2. Truthfully? We just jumped. If you have income and you know you can afford housing, the rest generally works out. We've done several big relocations over the years and there's only so much you can find out via research. I think the biggest thing I would want to be certain of is your employment. It sounds wonderful!
  3. Yeah, that ruined it for me. I didn’t enjoy that short at all.
  4. Yes, I was glad we didn’t bring my son. The strobe effect is definitely a trigger.
  5. You know, just thinking about this more, I tend to be the nice parent who wants to work within the system. My husband tends to not give a crap what people think of him as long as things get done. I recently realized that in the end, my son needs me to get things done, not be liked.
  6. I would go over her head and insist that her boss personally take on the task of managing your case. She's not trustworthy. Don't be nice.
  7. I can hardly type a response. I pressed enter at the end of a paragraph and the whole paragraph disappeared. Then I went to retype it and the cursor kept moving itself into the middle of my previous sentences. I finally gave up.
  8. I wouldn’t put it on your kids to tell them to stop if you’re not even willing to have that conversation. I think you need to just say something. It doesn’t need to be threatening, just “Hey, quit that.” Or don’t put your kids in a position to be alone with them.
  9. I made my mom a grandmother at the age I am now (38). I’m trying to figure out the math on great- grandma by 50. Three <17 pregnancies?
  10. Have you ever lived up here? I'm a native Southern Californian and I really love living in NorCal.
  11. Most people aren’t fleeing the government, they’re fleeing the COL.
  12. That fishing game was one of my very favorites as a child. I can't believe it's still around!
  13. My husband had a traumatic injury to his ulnar nerve which developed into CRPS. I have learned more than I ever wanted to about that syndrome and I feel compelled to tell you that you are at risk. I would highly recommend seeing a chronic pain doctor about aggressive treatment. Are you seeing any coloration changes in your skin anywhere along the nerve (like on your hand)? Any changes in hair growth?
  14. This is the very top of my reasons that I think we'll always live in CA. The programs for the disabled are WAY better here than any other state that I'm aware of. I have my fair share of complaints about California, but this state has taken GOOD care of my son.
  15. Oregon and Texas have been pretty common exodus endpoints, but I've also heard Idaho come up several times lately.
  16. When we sold our house in Florida, it was the guy who saw it in shambles and boxes who purchased it. You know the stage of moving where everything that’s nasty gets kicked up from under your furniture and the corners of the house? That was the stage we were in. You never know!
  17. Or at least go with Paul or David or something. But Greg?
  18. Netherlands data: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=10&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjR_9308sTbAhWRxZ8KHdW4DQsQFgh4MAk&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.consciencelaws.org%2Farchive%2FStatistics%2Fnetherlands-euthanasia.xlsx&amp;usg=AOvVaw3H_9oN7yEhkwHc8lJGCWzH
  19. Very interesting article. It’s like a case study of the national issues.
  20. Hmm, IDK. The main rules when we travel are do not drink anything that's not bottled. No ice. No fruit or veggies. You can get an rx antibiotic from your dr to travel with. That's a standard thing they issue for "traveler's stomach." As for the asthma, I'm not sure if there's any way of knowing how reactive you'll be there.
  21. I hadn't considered that but it's an important point. A quick search pulled this up- military members compose 18% of suicides while making up 8.5% of the adult population. https://www.usveteransmagazine.com/2017/09/05/shocking-military-suicide-rates-identifying-signs/
  22. That's interesting. I live in an area where there will always be someone richer than you. Seriously, my friend lives on waterfront property with a sweeping view of San Francisco and one day she was talking about her neighbors who have multiple homes and remodel all of the time and commenting on people who are "wealthy." I was kind of stunned at how different her view of her own wealth was in comparison to my view of it. But obviously, there has to be something more. Very few of us ever perceive that we're keeping up with the Joneses.
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