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Everything posted by Ann@thebeach

  1. yes and it includes DC# if you purchased it-love pp shipping! :001_smile:
  2. Loved it! I've read 2 or 3 of the later books and enjoyed them too. Kids didn't even comment on the names or some of the older references to things, it was just part of the story to them.
  3. We are a family of 6 and have an Odyssey AND a Suburban. We mainly have the Suburban to haul the camper though ;) I drive the Odyssey on a daily basis and DH drives the Suburban to work. The Odyssey gets much better gas mileage and is easier to maneuver in parking lots and I couldn't live without those automatic doors-seriously! When you are hauling bags of groceries or carrying a baby/toddler the auto doors are essential now that I've been spoiled by them. The Suburban has a little more storage room in back and it does have bigger back seats for adults but that's not really an issue with us. Whenever we go anywhere as a family or weekend trips we always take the Odyssey because of the gas mileage. If mileage was the same then I'd probably take the Suburban on the longer trips because it has more room and the front seats are comfier ;) but for daily use I'd still stick with the Odyssey for the convenience of the little things that I'm used to now.
  4. A month ago I wouldn't have cared about the streaming but then Dh discovered it and has been watching some car series every weekend and I've caught 3 movies myself via the "instant" option. So now I think we'll go to the 1 DVD option (now 2) and keep the streaming.
  5. Definitely Costco! Not only do they have a better selection IMO, we get cash back on our purchases there-$100+ money free each year is worth it! We also have their Amer Express which ALSO gives us cash back-it was about $300 this year! So it pays for the membership and we still get free money :) They also take ANYTHING back with no questions asked which is great. We've only had to return a few things but it was easy.
  6. I 2nd sparkpeople.com !! I really think it's a great resource and it's free! I've used it for about 5 yrs and I credit the support there with my last round of weight loss after baby #4. They have a bunch of free short workout videos too that are great for just starting out or when you just want a short workout. I big key to starting out is starting slow and building up. Don't try to do it all at once. And be consistent! Try for 4-5x a week of some type of exercise even if it's just 20 min. I do light weights 2-3x a week and cardio 4x a week or more. My cardio is only 25-30 min on the elliptical usually so nothing killer. But it's enough to maintain my weight and I don't count calories or anything like that. I like Kelly Coffey Meyer weight lifting DVDs (she has 30 min ones that I like) and Jackie Warner is good too for 30 min toning DVDs-I sweat bullets but get it done in 30 min with Jackie and see results! Good luck! ETA: AM/PM Stretch is great for stretching it's by Gaiam. They also have a AM/PM Yoga I think and a beginner can definitely do it.
  7. Sadly, I'll admit I already bought some $1 washable markers at Staples this week and I had a coupon for the big paperclips that I had to use :rolleyes:
  8. I like Sarah Ivanhoe (lots available and probably at the library too) and Yoga: Gentle Vinyasa Flow with Zyrka Landwijt. YogaZone also some free 20-30 min session on line-just google them. Look for yogayak on youtube.com for free and she some short sessions you can do at home.
  9. Sorry, but I don't really think of Ohio as the Midwest at all and never really understood how they named that conference. I think of the Midwest being Ill, IA, NE, MN, WI, MO. The Chicago or Minneapolis area would have been great areas for Susan to visit or even the Kansas City area. The Omaha, NE area is quite central too for this area with a major airport. Ohio is not remotely close to these areas so it certainly would not have been a duplication KWIM?
  10. First off-I LOVE Legoland. As a parent, I think it's better than Disney because it's smaller, easier to navigate, and has more to really DO. Here are some tips: -The food is decent but VERY expensive-more so than other parks like this IMO. So if that's a big deal, pack a lunch in a cooler and then just get your hand stamped and go to your car to eat. -I think they close at 5pm? They used to but maybe not in the summer. Anyway, it's definitely a full day park so get there early when they open. -they have a water park so decide ahead of time if you want them to get wet and pack accordingly. If not, avoid that area entirely. ;) -the 3D shows are a nice break from the heat but they can fill fast so go early if you want to attend a certain one. -one smart thing they have is a play area (legos, of course) in some of the waiting areas for rides. The parents can stand in line and the kids can play in a central area-wonderful idea! Save these for the end of the day when patience is shorter. there are lots of photo ops-be sure your battery is charged :) Have fun!
  11. Some of these may have been mentioned but I wanted to reply quickly because I'm going through this right now with my best friend. She's not close so I can't visit and sit with her-she's 4+hrs away and we both have small children. But I HAD to do something. So I send her a card each week-sometimes silly, sometimes serious. She said she really loves the cards. I've been sending them since November when she started chemo. She said some days they come at exactly the right time. I'm still doing this and feel terrible if I miss a week so I went and addressed and stamped a bunch of cards and they sit on my desk so I just have to write a note in them and mail each week. I get cards at the dollar store 2 for $1 so it's not a big expense but means a lot to her. I send her e-mails often just to say hi. I offered to order meals for her but she has some diet restrictions. This might be something to check into for your friend though. I also send her books. She said Love, Medicine, and Miracles was a favorite that I sent. I send her all types of books hoping that something will interest her and distract her for awhile. I wish I could do more. We only talk on the phone every few weeks but I let her talk about whatever and just let her take the lead. This has been good for her because she can vent about her dr or mother or husband or whatever with no judgement from me and she said this is helpful. I also call her parents (I'm friends with them too) and ask them if she's "really" OK and ask them if there's something I can do. I also think you need to ASK her what she might need. And ask often. She may say "nothing" but if you keep asking she may come up with something. I feel so helpless since my friend has been through 2 rounds of chemo, surgery, and starts radiation this week. I just keep calling and sending cards and doing what I can.
  12. Buy used, buy from amazon seconds (sold from OM), and yes, you can buy the guide/syllabus and use some of the other books from the library. I bought both my OM 4 pkg and OM 7 pkg used in the last few months. The OM4 was half price and is in perfect shape and the OM 7 was probably half and is in fair to good condition but I don't mind that. There is a yahoo group-I think it's "waldorf supplies" or something close to that that sells a lot of OM used. That's where I got a lot. You can also find it here on the FS boards.
  13. A Held Baby is a Happy Baby :001_smile: All mine have been held as much as possible too. With my last 2 I discovered baby carriers and they were carried even more. I think pouches and APLX carriers are the best inventions EVER! There was a study done a few years ago about babies being left in car seats for 8hrs+ a day! I found this terribly sad. That's why we always have used a convertible car seat so there is no risk of complacency and using the "baby bucket" too much.
  14. I've watched some youtube videos like this one: Yikes-I'll never look at an AG doll the same ;) But the idea of taking her all apart scares me! And I have this vision of a lumpy body that will never look right again. Like a Frankenstein AG doll :001_huh: However, between postage and "surgery" it wold cost $50 if I sent it to AG to have it done which is not gonna happen when I only pd $60 for her. And we have 2 dolls so it's likely this may happen again some day. So I guess I'm looking for some confidence to try this....anyone done it and happy with the results?
  15. It's being used as a doorstop at the moment-it was the heaviest thing handy ;)
  16. We had 2 local hs sales with 2 different hs groups. There are no table fees but one takes care of all the sales and they get 10% of the total. One was terribly attended but I still made over $100-however, one item was $65 and one was $20 so I didn't sell much overall. But I did have a big tote of yarn for $1 a skein and that was a BIG seller-go figure. The other sale was much better attended and is traditionally the "big" one around here. But you have to enter each item on the computer so it's not worth selling a bunch of $1 items. These items go to paperbackswap or library donations for me. I took 2 large totes of items and only brought home half a tote full so that's good. I didn't make as much money because more items were around $2-$5 but at least it's better than nothing. I think people are buying more "package deals" and being more specific in their purchases instead of "trying out" a bunch of different things-like I used to do.
  17. I think that pretty much sums it up ;) We'll celebrate our 20th anniv this fall.
  18. Yes! I'd like to see this....it must be fascinating to see the variety of lost items. I rec'd an empty envelope once that was supposed to have 3 cloth diapers-that must have made someone scratch their head :001_huh: Never did get the diapers.... I bet it's like the airline luggage stores-they keep the stuff for so long and then sell it. :glare:
  19. I had never heard of it but honestly, I'm not at all surprised. We live in a society of instant gratification and "what's in it for me" so why not have an affair? I mean, hey, I'm only going to think of me-not my husband or family. Life is short! I must think of me. How sad!! :glare: I certainly don't think it's right or agree with it, but it just goes to show how low people can sink....and we wonder why we have the problems we do in our society-here's one indication.
  20. Just wanted to urge you to watch for yeast/thrush that may develop from the antibx. You definitely don't want your nursing relationship to be compromised with all this. The probiotics can be given to her as a powder on her tongue which may help counteract the antibx. Do more research on this for your own knowledge. Good luck! Hope all are well soon!
  21. I've sold things for 10 yrs and never had any issues until this year as well. The PO is opening media mail more to check for fraud (why can't they use some sort of x-ray machine!) but then it seems things get lost or pkging is beat up and items are damaged. PO claims it's not their fault because it's their "right" to inspect. OK, fine-but then pkg it back the EXACT way I had it which was perfectly secure! I've only been selling bigger ticket items in the last few weeks because of all of this but then I use priority mail most of the time and always get DC and have gotten insurance the last 2 times for items over $75. I'm sticking with local sales when I can now. I'm using paperbackswap.com a lot more now and have really good luck there. I've used them for about 3yrs or so and I've only had 1 book go missing out of probably 150 bks or so. It's been worth it for me.
  22. I'm not sure why there is the big need to do it all together? I'm not getting this other than the fact that you've all wanted to homeschool. Why doesn't everyone try it on their own for a year? You can still get together once a week for a few hours for a co-op type thing for 1 subject to see how the group dynamics work. If I was going to embark on such a huge commitment to educate my children, I'd be worried about my OWN kids before my friend's kids. I'd get a year under my belt with my own kids to see how it worked out and how the multi-age management worked out for myself. Only then, would I consider adding in others. And even though you said you all have the same parenting styles, etc-I'm sure you will be surprised that you don't behind closed doors. This is a sure way to test your friendships and if you are all aware of this, then at least you'll be prepared for the inevitable issues that arise. And they will. It sounds like your mind is made up though. I don't know when your public schools start but if you can do August as your "trial" month then at least you'll have a better idea if this is doable at all. If not, then those that want to, can still attend school or at least homeschool in their own home. I'm not trying to be negative, but realistic. Homeschooling is HARD work with our OWN kids whether it's 1 or 5, but educating (it's not homeschooling when it's others' kids) your friend's kids is beyond anything I'd risk.
  23. One can never have too many bookshelves! :001_smile: If my bedroom was wall to wall bookshelves I'd be in bliss :tongue_smilie:
  24. Check out Jackie Warner Xtreme timesaver DVD. Similar intensity to Jillian but I like Jackie better. She has other workouts too. If you want core and arms you should try this: (click on the video clip) http://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/Forza-Samurai-Sword-Workout-DVD-Ilaria-Montagnan-p/1040.htm She is awesome and so are her workouts! My arms were like jello after this and my abs kicked in the next day. It seems easy from the video clip, but just try it! The site I linked is great because you can see good clips of all the workouts and she has free shipping over $19.... she has some ballet type ones too on her site.
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