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Everything posted by Ann@thebeach

  1. It's our first time out this season and it's so late! We were camping by the end of April last year. It's been so cold or raining here this spring :glare: We have reservations this weekend so we are going no matter what! Supposed to be rainy Sun/Mon but hoping for the best. We typically camp 2-3 weekends a month from April through October. I admit, I'm not a "true" camper-no tent for me ;) We're camper people all the way! I like a mattress to sleep on and a chance to get out of the rain if needed. We have a big travel trailer for our family of 6 but we love it-it's been a great investment for us. Despite the fact that we had to trade in the truck for 3/4 ton suburban to pull it :001_huh: I know, not very environmentally friendly.... Anyone else?
  2. Did you find the other parts of the curriculum overly religious in nature at all? I'm very interested in this program but want a balanced or more secular history. I'm fine with Christian content as the part it played in history, just not interested in a history from only that viewpoint. Thanks!
  3. I agree with the guitar suggestion. My son is doing this now and picking it up very quickly. He's enjoying it and gets him doing something else other than Legos and computer ;) He's also doing an "apprenticeship" with a friend this summer that is remodeling his house from the studs. He helps once a week for about 4 hrs and he's really enjoying it. He's done a little plumbing, drywall, positioning cabinets, and power washing so far. I really think this might lead to something in the future for him. Have you asked you son what he might be interested that is "out of the norm" for him now?
  4. Thank you! What a wonderful idea and fun thing to learn about. Do you have a schedule for this? hint, hint :)
  5. I agree, it would be a disservice to her to switch from something that is working well when you've already tried many others that don't work for her. There are many hours in a day to use the computer, get creative. Maybe she does her math in the evening instead of day or maybe only 3 days a week and she doubles up lessons, or maybe she does math while the younger one takes a break between subjects. Ask her what her solutions are-maybe she has a good idea ;) Anyway to get another computer donated or a very low cost? Rebuilt ones are sometimes very cheap (few hundred dollars) and would be fine for TT work. Good luck!
  6. Oh darn-just 7th gr? I was hoping it was closer to 9th grade. I already have next yr set and didn't need it for 7th. Oh well, I'll browse through it more to see what I think. I guess I can always sell it if needed ;)
  7. I've heard all these rave reviews about K12's Human Odyssey so when I found one at Half Price Books for $18 I thought I should buy it. I have vol 1-pre-history to 1400. Since I didn't use K12 I never read that closely about the usage of it so now that I have it, I need some help. Now what? Do you just have the student read it independently? Can I find a syllabus anywhere for it? Is there a list of historical fiction anywhere that corresponds to it? Finally, what grades is this "ideal" for? Is it for junior high or high school? Thanks Ann
  8. I think this is great for kids that struggle a little more with handwriting. My son used it. My DD has nicer writing and she really liked "Pentime." I thinks it's one of those hidden gems of homeschool materials.
  9. I'm in the same boat right now. Pd for something May 6 and have not rec'd. I actually just wanted the DC to be sure it was mailed since I know media mail can be slow but hadn't rec'd any info. I e-mailed 2x and finally got a note that there was illness in the family and would mail it priority. I don't mind waiting but I won't wait past the pp claim deadline! Check on the claim time frame and tell her you'll file a claim, bet that will get it mailed. ;) I also understand things happen, but I gave them my hard earned money and I expect them to fulfill their end of the deal in a timely way. Inform me of your plans and I can understand delays, but don't ignore me :glare:
  10. Just so you know-the priority code is ABOVE the coupon cope box. You can enter the 2 codes in the separate boxes. You can't enter 2 different coupon codes but these are different kids of codes-one is priority and one is coupon. Just FYI :)
  11. Thanks so much! I checked locally and they had one 75% off :hurray: They also had an environmental science kit too and it came to about $13 -woohoo
  12. New editions of Pre-Algebra and Algebra are being released in July. They will have new content so will likely be significantly different from any previous editions (2005 and 2004 respectively). Geometry was 2005. Algebra 2 was 2004.
  13. This is why I sold my current pre-algebra and waiting on the new one. Not only will the grading be easier, but I'm encouraged by the "new and expanded lessons."
  14. How do I find out which ones are $10 other than checking the price on every one :confused: I did enter the priority code. Thanks!
  15. But what the heck does 40 pounds translate too-and it's the shipping that would get ya! And I wouldn't get the on-line aspect would I? Or is it a CD type thing?
  16. Interesting you would say not enough story problems because we just tested this week and I thought my son would struggle with this area. He aced it! I was surprised. He did miss many of the fraction questions though in the basic math area :glare: So we'll be beefing that area up with Key to fractions I think. Not that TT doesn't teach fractions, it's just an area that my son has a harder time with. That was the only area of math he missed though. He just completed TT 6 and started TT 7 a few weeks ago. (he also did TT5 FYI) My son really likes TT so I really like TT ;) I think if you really want a high level math program that you'll be doing calculus in 10th gr then this is not for you. if you want a good basic math that will give your child a well rounded math education, this is a good choice.
  17. I just got an e-mail that ALL DVDs are 70% off through Sunday, May 22, at midnight ET! There is no special coupon code needed. But in case the prices don't show up, use priority code: 58240 If anyone has a free shipping code-please share :)
  18. This looks really good. I don't understand how to register/purchase though. The register page says "not found" What would I look for if I was going to look for it used? Are you selling yours ;)
  19. Did you do it every day to complete it in 1 semester? I like the idea of doing it 1 semester and then I could do a full science explorer book (or 2) the next semester. Honestly, I have to admit I do better with these types of programs over a shorter time period. I'm more likely to complete a program over a semester than the whole year, we seem to slack off with non essentials in the spring :blush:
  20. IKEA! They have the best multi-use furniture. They have this small table with a drop leaf that my son used has his desk for a few years when we started out in gr 1. It was great because it was small but we could bring the leaf up when working on bigger projects. It's his lego table now ;) http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10160074 Book shelves galore! You name it, they have it. They also have a wire shower curtain "rod" that I use for art work with little clips hanging on it. Since it's wire I could clip it to the length I wanted. They have tons of office stuff that I love from magazine holders to white boards to CD holders. If you have one within driving distance, it's worth the trip!
  21. did you still do a separate science program and/or history program? I've had this complete program for 2 yrs and haven't done it but think it looks great! I WANT to do it. I was waiting for my DD to be old enough to do it with her older brother and I think this fall would be perfect timing. My problem is that the older DS starts 7th grade this fall and I feel like I HAVE to get certain science and history sequences started to maintain a schedule through high school. **I'm editing my post after reading some more posts about this. I think I'm going to stick with my plan to do a separate history but add some general science to this program. I think DS need a good basic science overview before starting into the other sciences. Any ideas for a good general science (secular) I could add to History of Science?
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