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Everything posted by Ann@thebeach

  1. No grades here. I'll need to do them for high school but until then, nothing.
  2. Thanks, that's a helpful list. Wish I would have known about the Oshkosh, WI one earlier and I might have been able to work that one in. There's a MN one coming this Sept though so I may plan on that one.
  3. Do you mean like a charter school? They would be the only ones that could technically give you credits. Otherwise, you can assign credits to their classwork depending on amount of work and time they work on it. Many programs will say a specific course is worth x credits though. Remember, many collages will only accept credits from "the last 4 yrs of study" so you have to check out the requirements for each place you're interested in.
  4. Any of the books by Ina May Gaskin. Can't get more natural than her ;) http://www.amazon.com/Ina-Mays-Guide-Childbirth-Gaskin/dp/0553381156/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1304222946&sr=1-1 For my last home birth I also liked: Mind over Labor -there were a few parts that were "out there" but it was a great book. http://www.amazon.com/Mind-over-Labor-Breakthrough-Handbooks/dp/0140467629/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1304222802&sr=8-1'>http://www.amazon.com/Mind-over-Labor-Breakthrough-Handbooks/dp/0140467629/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1304222802&sr=8-1'>http://www.amazon.com/Mind-over-Labor-Breakthrough-Handbooks/dp/0140467629/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1304222802&sr=8-1'>http://www.amazon.com/Mind-over-Labor-Breakthrough-Handbooks/dp/0140467629/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1304222802&sr=8-1 and Active Birth http://www.amazon.com/Mind-over-Labor-Breakthrough-Handbooks/dp/0140467629/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1304222802&sr=8-1
  5. Specifically MN, IL, or WI? I'm in Iowa and there sure aren't any here! We used to have a small local one but that hasn't been done in almost 2 yrs. I so miss the WHO conference in WA :nopity: I'd love to make a trip out of it if there was a good one around here that I could drive to. Thanks for any ideas!
  6. Can I only buy this from Hewitt? I didn't see it at RR and have not been able to find it used anywhere. I'm just looking at LL7 right now but if we like it I'll buy more. Thanks for any info!
  7. Another thanks! I appreciate your time and effort writing this!
  8. I really like Penny Gardner's list and have used it a lot. The BF History of Science is next on our list now that both my oldest kids can do it.
  9. I guess we better get reading! ;) We've only read about 20 of those (some via CD)....that's what happens when your son gets stuck on a huge series like Hardy Boys!
  10. There isn't anything else with as much inventory-except many amazon. CBD would be next I suppose but still not nearly the inventory as RR. I agree about Timberdoodle but again, not nearly the inventory-but a great company! There are a lot of smaller homeschool book sellers but by the time you pd postage for each you'd be paying way more than RR.
  11. Thanks! I love the daily log idea and telling him it's his "work log" should make it sound "grown up" to him. I love the idea of adding in sketches of his work too. Great!
  12. I've read a bunch of reviews and it looks like a great book-I ordered it for $9 used. I also ordered this book: http://www.amazon.com/Art-Construction-Principles-Beginning-Architects/dp/1556520808/ref=pd_ybh_3?pf_rd_p=280800601&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=1501&pf_rd_i=ybh&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0PSXRYS8XSFHB02124E6 I also found this site: http://www.teachengineering.com/
  13. Thank you! I've been thinking of doing something similar to this so this is very helpful! :thumbup:
  14. Great job! But I have to admit, I don't know what the test is..... ;) Do tell!
  15. I would say it's definitely too old for a first grader. The songs are fast, the words get technical, and it would just be too hard to understand at that age. Maybe 4th grade would be a good place to start? But 5th and 6th is probably the right "target." We only have one and I like it but it took a few times listening for me to catch everything.
  16. http://twomorrows.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=78&products_id=616 This is the one for older kids/adults. My son has gotten the free one and the subscription one for kids in the past. He'd like a little more now. But it's $57! :001_huh: Are they worth it??
  17. My son's guitar teacher bought a "fixer-upper" and her husband is a contractor so he's doing all the work himself. We stopped at the house today and he's done all the demo but just starting to fix plumping, drywall, floors, etc. Then he'll move to painting, installing cabinets, fixtures, etc. It will be a 4-5 mos job. My son (he's 12) looked around a lot and was quiet the whole time. When we left he asked if I thought Ted would let him work on the house with him. He said he liked to build and fix things but didn't get to do it a lot at home. I thought it was a great idea and we talked about working vs tinkering and how serious it would be to work with power tools etc. He was really interested. So I called and proposed this "apprenticeship" for a few hours 2x per week. They loved the idea. Ted will be a great teacher because he explains everything in great detail (usually way more than I need to know LOL) and my son is an auditory learner. My son is pretty strong for his age so I think he'll be able to handle some of the "grunt" work (as in- lift and grunt -LOL) I think this will be great to really see how my son does following someone else's direction and to see how hard he'll work. It'll also give him an idea if this something he wants to pursue as a career. Has anyone else had their child do something like this? How did it work out? As far as linking this to his education....are there some construction or home repair books you can suggest??
  18. When I was in 8th grade I declared I wanted to be cultural anthropologist! ;) Most of my teachers had no clue what it was! I ended up in Social Work but took 2 anthropology courses in college. Cultural was a very interesting class and I enjoyed it. Physical was HARD and a lot more science based. For ex, you had to tell if a leg bone was from animal or human and a male or female (not so hard) and it's age(hard part). No advice but it's a great area to study.
  19. Thanks for resources. We are lucky enough to have friends in most of these jobs so DS has a good idea what they are and been able to see the differences (and the realities) of the jobs.
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