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Everything posted by Ann@thebeach

  1. I agree. I can't believe the stories my DH comes home from work with! And he works with upper level management! The personal stories they tell would make me cringe at having to do deal with them on a business level after knowing what they share.... :001_huh: Makes no sense to me that they want their co-workers knowing such personal stuff. I had to yell at my DH for sharing some of the details of my homebirth. Like I really want to face them at a company picnic now that they were told of such personal stuff! :glare:
  2. We have a mix of the topics: Sound and Light Motion, Forces and Energy Human Biology and Health From Bacteria to Plants Chemical Interactions Chemical Building Blocks I didn't buy these topics for any specific reason-this is just what they had at Goodwill ;) My son wants to start with Motion, Forces, and Energy.
  3. Thank you all for providing my evening entertainment :lol: I only opened this thread because I couldn't figure out why there were 10 pages on a carpet question :001_huh: Now I know! :blush:
  4. Right now grades 3-7 are automated grading. As the PP said, Pre-Algebra and Algebra will be available in July with the automated grading. So you'll have to watch for the "2.0" in the title to be sure these 2 are auto-graded in the future if you buy used. They are working on the last 2 programs to be auto-graded too I read somewhere, but have no details on this.
  5. I have 6 of the books that I want to start using now and through next year for my now 6th grader (7th grader next yr). My editions are 2000. I've looked through some of the old threads but still not sure what I need to buy to go with it??? It looks like I can get: -Lab Zone Easy Planner-this is a planning guide for the teacher?? -PHSE Lab Activity DVD library-short videos of all the labs -Science Explorer Video Explorations by Discovery channel-like little field trips of the subjects? -student workbooks for each book-haven't read anything about these-are they needed? ---------------------------------------------------------------- So I think I want the Lab Activity DVD library because that would be handy. DO I really "need" any of the other things besides the main book we are reading? Finally, do you let your student read these on their own and report back to you or how do you implement? Thanks!
  6. Thanks, I had not thought about SL Core 100 but it looks really good.
  7. I found 6 Prentice Hall Science Explorer books at Goodwill for .99 each! They are pretty common at homeschool curriculum sales too if you have some in your area.
  8. If you stick with TT you can definitely "catch up." My son just finished TT6 2 weeks ago (he started in Sept) and we do a 4 day school week many weeks. He just started TT7 this week and we go through the summer with a 3-4 day school week too so he'll probably finish up shortly after Christmas this year. We are adding in some Life of Fred books to TT also so this might add some time to spread it out more evenly for us. Even if you only do 2 days a week in the summer I bet that would be enough to get you caught up. Some of the TT lessons are shorter too so you could occasionally do 2 lessons. If you stick with it and are consistent, it shouldn't be a problem.
  9. So do you think this is a stand alone program for 1 yr of geography or as a supplement with another program?
  10. I'm trying to flesh out a plan for middle and high school history. Our past history has consisted of SOTW CDs, historical fiction, and "A complete world history" for grades 4-6 (just a typical basic text) This is for an "average" boy who reads well and needs a little more variety with his studies. I'm trying to mix more related books/videos/audios in with his subjects when possible. We use mostly secular materials or make christian programs secular for our needs as an FYI. For 7th gr this fall: Hakim's History of the US using Hewitt's syllabus http://www.hewitthomeschooling.com/book/bsingle.asp?i=2852 8th grade: Possibly Sonlight's core 5/Eastern Hemisphere-looks interesting and a unique program and books 9th grade: SWB History of the Ancient World + related materials (syllabus for more materials?) 10th grade: SWB History of the Medieval World + related materials 11th grade: ? maybe SWB will have another book out? or Notgrass or other 12th grade:Amer govt/econ-resources??? don't have a program yet I really like the idea of the Notgrass American History program because of the lit supplement. We would just leave out the bible portion. But I'm not sure when we'd fit this in? Maybe 11th grade? I originally thought of moving to Sonlight and starting with core 5/Eastern Hemisphere and moving through the cores through high school (except for bible) just so we'd have a "plan." But I've read so many differing reviews on their high school cores that I thought maybe this plan might be a better place to start. I will also be adding in geography in 7th, 8th, and determine after that where else to add it in. I'll be using Trail Guides for World Geography for sure, not sure what else is good? I'd appreciate any feedback or ideas you might offer. Thanks!
  11. Since it's brand new, I don't think many can say they've got a lot of experience with it yet. I just ordered it but have not received it yet so I'll be curious to see how this gets resolved.
  12. Nuetrogena-I've used many of their products for years and really like them.
  13. With the detail and neckline on the dress I'd skip the necklace and go with a nice gold/pearl bracelet of some type and pearl earrings. It's a great dress, don't bog it down with too many accessories.
  14. Like another member posted, we have done a hodge podge of science in the elementary yrs. Now I need to start planning things out a little better since we are starting middle school. DS is in 6th gr this yr and we are doing McHenry's Elements. Planning on doing Elemental Science Biology for Logic Stage next yr with my 4th and 7th graders. Not sure after that. I have Hakim's History of Science series and 6 of the Prentice Hall Science Explorer books. Not sure how I'll use these yet. What do you have planned for science through high school?
  15. Thanks for asking this, we are in the same boat. What exactly is "physical science?" I have a few things that I thought fell under this and want to know the "official" word on it. My DS is in 6th this yr and we are doing McHenry's Elements now in prep to get on a more "formal" schedule next yr.
  16. Yep, it's just a "boy" thing and it doesn't matter their age. Just last weekend I came in the backyard (granted, we do have 4 acres) and DH was standing there taking a leak. I said "what are you doing?!!" He said "what does it look like?" :001_huh: All 4 of my kids were there and not paying attention at all, like it's a common occurrence. The thing that makes me laugh about this most, is that he's a director at his work and people look up to him. So the opposition of these pictures cracks me up. If they only knew..... :lol:
  17. But he has no idea where he might want to go. Are state college requirements pretty standard if I went with them? Or even community college?
  18. My son will be in 7th grade this fall and I need to start laying out some high school plans so I know where we're going and what we need to do now as a foundation. We are currently in IA. We are moving to CA in the next 3-6mos. I have no idea what state we'll be in when my son graduates. My DH has moved us every 4 yrs for the last 8 yrs for work and it looks likely that will continue. So how do I plan when I don't know where we'll be? I could just plan on CA for now, but I really think we'll be somewhere else by the time DS is in his senior yr. Are states that different? Thanks for any tips!
  19. Very cute! I actually found a vintage memory game like this with birds on it and my kids could care less but I love it!
  20. It depends on the store but we've always negotiated a lower price or at least free shipping for big purchases. The more you buy, the more they will come down.
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