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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. I bought it and was so overwhelmed by it that I barely touched it.
  2. I have how we do artist/picture study and composer study on my blog. Artist/Picture Study Composer Study
  3. I've had good luck with this recipe when made in muffin tins. Italian Meatloaf with Basil and Provolone
  4. Dawn, you're a genius! I have all of our favorite recipes in my recipe box, but it never occured to me to write down the ideas for meals I don't need a recipe for. Between this plan and the filing thread I'm going to be set for the year!
  5. I don't know. It's 65 degrees here and yesterday I saw trees with orange leaves! Feels like autumn to me!
  6. I've ripped up a bunch of books. I bend the book open wide until the binding starts to break in a few places, then I pull the pages out a chunk at a time. It's easier with some than others, but I think the biggest have taken me less than 45 minutes to rip apart and 3-hole punch. They'll have some of the glue residue on the edges, but it usually pulls off easily. ETA~ I've read too many horror stories of the office stores cutting the book wrong and ruining them, and using an exacto knife sounds dangerous to me! lol
  7. Literactive is free. We tried the Reading Eggs trial a long time ago and I didn't think it was worth the cost. With my 2nd child I came across Literactive (I think it was a recommendation by another WTM poster) and we're enjoying it. But I'm cheap when it comes to online subscriptions. lol
  8. I love to make a double or triple batch of Addictive Sweet Potato Burritos for the freezer. On hectic evenings we can just microwave them to reheat and have a salad on the side. It really doesn't get much faster than that, although they do have to be made in advance for it to be so quick! The recipe states that it takes 50 minutes from start to finish if you're making them and baking them to eat right away.
  9. So I made them last night and this morning we had them for breakfast! My children were stunned when that's what they were served. They are so used to Mom not letting them eat too much junk that cookies for breakfast was a bit of a shock! lol Now I'm off to start school. We'll see how it goes after a junky breakfast like that. The peanut butter made for plenty of protein, though, so maybe it won't be too bad. Right?! :-p
  10. Don't get rid of it! I'm reading it right now and it's very cute.
  11. *groan* Now I have to go make no-bake cookies. Why did I have to read this thread?!
  12. There is also A Burgess Bird Book Companion by another WTM poster. And the Cornell Ornithology Feeder Birds Coloing Book pdf.
  13. I agree! My mom has carpeted stairs and they are such a pain to keep clean compared to my wood stairs. And frankly, falling down carpeted stairs hurts just as much as falling on the wood stairs.
  14. Oh, wow! Do you have room for me to move in, too?! Love all of the ROYGBIV stuff!
  15. :iagree: Although we only have one year under our belts I've been reading about homeschooling and what would be a good fit for our family since before I was even pregnant with my oldest son. I spent his kindergarten year learning his style and pace. That has made the filing system work so well for us. We're only starting week 3 today, but I am confident that this will continue to work for us for the entire year, and likely for many years to come! It is certainly not for everyone, though, and the sooner you figure that out the less work it will be for you. It is a LOT of initial work! Be glad that you figured it out so soon.
  16. Subbing! My 6 year old spent the hour-long car ride back from Grandma's today trying to turn a couple of rocks into a spear point so his uncle can protect his cows from bears. :lol: Uncle Mike has a gun, and a nice barn, and has never seen a bear on his property, but it was such a cute gesture. He's determined to make some sort of stone tool, so I may as well glean some Hive wisdom so we don't maim ourselves doing it!
  17. Thank you! Do you think it would be weird if I asked for these for Christmas? Not as a gift for the kids, but for me? lol
  18. Subbing for ideas. Marc's grandmother just turned 92 and her party is tomorrow. We always give her Scotch, because she drinks a glass or two every night, but that is such a predictable gift at this point. And since it's a gift, we usually give her the expensive stuff, which she recently told us is a waste of money since she doesn't mind the cheap stuff that comes in the gallon jug! :lol: I need a new idea so I don't have to resort to buying cheap liquor!
  19. Thank you! It looks like Bryce Hixson has a blog, too! http://www.seriouslyfunnyscience.com/ There are some cool things there.
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