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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. I didn't respond on the other thread, but we're one of those couples who don't feel that we need to make time for dates. :iagree: Marc works from 7am-4pm, and works close enough to home that he spends his hour-long lunch break at home with us. Although I'm usually still asleep when he heads off for work, our children are still young and in bed by 8pm or earlier most nights. We don't go to bed until 11pm, so we have three hours of uninterrupted time to be together every night. We also have that hour at lunch and nearly four other hours, after he returns home and before the boys go to bed, together as a family each day. If we spent as little time together as some others here get to, we would definitely feel the need to schedule time together for dates! I guess we are very fortunate to be in the situation we are. Now I'm off to read the two blogs that DianeW88 posted. Surprises keep things interesting, right?!
  2. Apparently I need to go back to preschool to learn my shapes! I pictured a triangle (and thought "yield") when I read the following question. Should I keep homeschooling my kids?!?! :lol:
  3. Ok, thank you! I haven't read every article yet. I really hope he's ok, though at this point it's very hard to believe he is.
  4. In the latest report that Cadam posted the link to, it says "The search began after the boy did not come home on the school bus and his stepmother called 911 at about 3:45 p.m." Would your first reaction to your child's bus not arriving home on time be to call 911? I would have called the bus company or school first, and if they didn't have a reasonable response (the bus had to take a detour because of a car accident and it was taking longer than usual to get the students home, or something along those lines) then I would call 911. Of course, maybe she did call the bus company or school and the article just isn't reporting that detail. It was just something that stood out to me.
  5. Can he narrate something to you that he has read himself, as opposed to narrating after you read it out loud to him? I cannot process a thing if someone is reading out loud to me. I have to read it for myself. My mind tends to wander, and if I don't have the words to concentrate on I find myself thinking of laundry, or the weeds that need pulling, or the guinea pig cage that needs cleaned. Ask him what he was thinking about while you were reading and see if he was even paying attention. But don't get mad at him if he wasn't! I would be willing to place a bet that he has a brain like mine and just cannot process the story unless he reads it himself.
  6. I completely agree! My parents were not at all protective....at all! But my mom still went with me to any concert I attended until I was 16 or 17. Considering the things I have seen at concerts, I would never let a young teen attend without an adult I trusted present. :iagree:
  7. I can't help with music theory, but I think I can offer some links for composer study! Oops, I need to run. Here is the link to the music posts on my blog. HTH!
  8. This post on my blog has quite a few links that might be helpful. I think I had to piece together things for the lapbook that Nik made using the lessons from Pronto Lessons (links on my blog) and other printables I scrounged, but there is one about the Iroquois from Homeschool Share. HTH. ETA~I thought I had pictures of his lapbook up, but I see that I never added them. I'm going to try to do it now.
  9. This sounds like my brother, whose first word was not a word at all but an entire sentence, "I have my finger up my nose." :lol: And he did! He is incredibly stubborn and was easily bored by school (plus excellent at puzzles and probably the biggest music-lover I've every known. I need to read this book you're talking about!) His 4th grade teacher thought he had a learning disability, so they tested his IQ and it was very high. In high school he did the very least he had to do to pass a class. He would ask his teachers for his grade average and get exactly the score he needed on a test to continue to pass the class. Unfortunately my parents didn't know what to do with him. I wish they had had the resources to homeschool him and let his potential develop!
  10. I think recovery is entirely dependent on the individual. I had my impacted wisdom teeth removed last year, at age 30, and I had no problems. I had no appetite to speak of, but when I did eat I just had Jell-O. All of the soft foods I had stocked were wasted on me, though the family enjoyed the ice cream and mashed potatoes! lol I slept for most of the first day, and on-and-off on day two. The pain meds made me very tired. I was back to eating regular foods on day three, I just made sure to take very small bites. Make sure not to use a straw and to keep the mouth very clean with salt water or the medicated rinse they may prescribe.
  11. I enjoy almost everything I read, but I HATED Wuthering Heights. I really, really hated it.
  12. That sounds amazing! Any idea what the cost would be yet?
  13. Yes! We're going to read this after we get home from the beach. We're also going to adopt our own hermit crabs.
  14. Let me go grab my bag. We're getting ready for a beach vacation, too, so I have quite a few books for my 6-year-old strong reader and his almost 5-year-old brother, who also likes to have his own books to "read"! Ok, these are some of the ones that we've read or plan to take along with us: One Small Square: Seashore What Lives in a Shell? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science) Science Nature Guides: Seashells The Blue Planet, Seas of Life: Ocean World Davy's Dream: A Young Boy's Adventure with Wild Orca Whales Octopus' Den (Smithsonian Oceanic Collection) (my boys love this book!) Sea Creatures Ocean Life (Scholastic Science Reader) Dover Coloring Books: Sea and Shore Birds, Seashore Life, Seashore Plants and Animals I hope some of those are what you are looking for!
  15. I know how sick people get of casserole-type dishes, so when I did this for a couple of friends who had new babies I took a chicken caesar salad (with dressing and croutons on the side), cheddar biscuits, and a fruit salad or strawberry shortcake. I've done it for a couple of people, and it was a HUGE hit in both cases.
  16. Has the man been found? I couldn't tell from the article.
  17. What a brilliant suggestion. Do you think it would work on a 4-year-old who can't read yet? *sigh*
  18. That's what I do! I haven't updated it in a year, but this is the blog I use to keep track of my square foot garden and you can see photos if you're interested: A Little Dirt Never Hurt
  19. I love this post! I'm going to print it out and put it somewhere where I can see it every day.
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