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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. Seriously! I had a ridiculous urge to say, "Move along? Move along?! You're not my mom. You can't make me!" :lol: Oh dear, it's going to be a l o n g day.
  2. Subbing. My 7-year-old just asked to learn about WWI.
  3. THIS is what I want out of homeschooling! I just talked to Nik and he is totally agreeable to starting a morning basket and trying what you posted above. I'm sure it will take some major balancing, and I'll have what I've already planned for the year to fall back on if it doesn't work, but I'm going to try really hard to make it work. Thank you for posting these details!
  4. This is the only one that we've read. I don't know if a 4 year old will understand it or not, but it's worth a try. Germs Make Me Sick (Lets-Read-and-Find-Out-Science)
  5. I don't have any suggestions for an 18yo, but if anyone needs a song for a photo montage for a little one I love, love, love In My Arms by Plumb.
  6. :iagree: http://sheppardsoftware.com/ is awesome!
  7. That is a lot of writing for a seven year old! (I see many other posters have mentioned this, but I felt it was important enough to reiterate.) My son turned 7 yesterday. I've included a sample of his copywork below. I realized afterwards that he missed an "n" in penguin. Aside from his daily copywork, which is usually about the amount of words shown above, he writes for math and history or science. He is miserable if I have him do more writing than that.
  8. Who needs pie when there is stuffing and gravy?! Ok, if I have to choose I'll go with pecan.
  9. Sweet potatoes, curried couscous, and maple syrup chicken. A breakfast of leftovers!
  10. :lol: I think I could give Explode the Code another try, but 100EZ Lessons is definitely going as soon as I get a chance to sell it! One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?
  11. When I met my husband he was 19 years old. He had brown eyes. Sometime in the last 14 years his eyes turned hazel. Really bizarre! I understand the comments, though. My eyes are brown, Marc's are brown->hazel, and we have two blue-eyed boys. Yes, they are his children.
  12. Does anyone have any resource suggestions for this chapter? I've found awesome online links for every other chapter, but I'm coming up empty-handed on this one. Thanks!
  13. Thank you! These look awesome! I love the Sixty Symbols videos, too. Some of those will come in handy for our astronomy studies this year.
  14. Teach Your Child to Read in 100EZ Lessons and Explode the Code.
  15. Thank you! I've downloaded the first few classes and we're going to just start using it as a supplement to our other studies. He is a first grader, so I'm going to start with Class 2 and see how it goes. My son really prefers to use many different sources for math to keep things interesting. He also loves stories and colorful texts, so I know he's going to enjoy this!
  16. These look like something my boys would love. Thanks for the links! Can someone tell me how the grade levels match up with American levels? Class 1 looks very easy, so I'm guessing it isn't equivalent to grade 1.
  17. Pound cake and Nutella?! Oh, boy, I am going to gain sooooo much weight if I keep opening these Nutella threads!
  18. I've never heard of him (although I did go to school with a David Garrett, so I had to check out your post to see what it was all about). I love it! Thank you for the link!
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