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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. I keep having these visions of you washing worksheets by hand. I'm afraid getting paper wet is generally not a good idea. :tongue_smilie:
  2. Instead of starting my own thread I am going to resurect this old thread to ask a question. I'm using the Librivox recording of Famous Men of the Middle Ages along with SOTW2 with my son. He loves history and wants to do it every day, the first subject of the day. Since we don't have to read it ourselves it's really easy to get to no matter how many chapters are planned for the week. Does the poster I quoted, or anyone else, have the list of which chapters of FM match up with which chapters of SOTW2? I just matched many of them up, but I don't even know who some of the people in FM are, so I'm having to do searches to learn about them just to decide when to schedule them. I've been at it for too long, so I'm begging anyone who has the list handy to please post it! :D Many thanks!
  3. I already added 5, but I'm back with more. :D We did determine that these don't necessarily need to be healthy meals, right? Chicken or Pork Souvlaki on Homemade Pita with lettuce, red onion, kalamata olives, tomatoes, and Tzatziki Curried Rice Pilaf, Bean Soup with Kale, Downeast Maine Pumpkin Bread Lime Chicken or Shrimp Soft Tacos with lime sour cream sauce (just add lime juice to sour cream), Fruit Salsa w/ Cinnamon Chips, Brazilian Limeade Dirty Rice made with ground turkey and loads of veggies (like 3x what the recipe calls for) so I can eat it as a complete meal! frittata and Bruschetta
  4. Either on a spoon or on homemade whole wheat waffles. ETA~ Or on these awesome rice cakes that Wegman's makes.
  5. When Nik doesn't understand a concept I break out the internet links I've collected and find something that can present the idea in a different way, or a game that he can play to practice the concept. So far it has always worked. Here is a rounding game from Jan Brett.
  6. Can someone tell me more about the errors in LfC? I was planning on using it after we finish SSL, but if errors are common I'm not sure I want to start down that road. Thanks!
  7. I used Homeschool Skedtrack to plan out the year, then used those plans to fill my folders. So all I need to do is go into the program once a week and check off everything we accomplished. It takes me less than 5 minutes once per week. I do also take pictures to add to the scrapbook pages of our website, which take me longer than 5 minutes per week to do. However, that's for my benefit, not for the school district. I'm also in NY, and I think having a binder of work is probably sufficient. I find it so easy to take the 5 minutes to check things off, though. Since most of their work is in separate subject notebooks it would be much easier for me to hand the district a list of printouts of what we've covered than to dig through 6 notebooks trying to find good examples. They like to flip through their notebooks and review things, so taking things out to put in a portfolio wouldn't work well for us.
  8. Cooking Light Italian Meat Loaf with Basil & Provolone mashed potatoes or Pioneer Woman Crash Hot Potatoes Pioneer Woman Green Beans Maple Syrup Chicken mashed sweet potatoes roasted broccoli Addictive Sweet Potato Burritos Cherry Tomato Salad Firecracker Grilled Alaska Salmon Garlic Rice (without pork) spring mix salad w/ Ginger Dressing (with modifications) Paninis with roasted red peppers, prosciutto, and manchego cheese veggie soup
  9. I read your thread earlier today but had no advice to offer. Just now I came across a free online activity that might help with the number bond understanding, so I came back to post the link. It is probably too babyish for your 12yo (or maybe not, I had a lot of fun playing with it and I'm 31!), but I offer it up in the hopes that it isn't and that it might help you to help her understand a concept that she struggles with. http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/2008-09/cynnal/maths/eng/number_bonds_eng.html
  10. Isn't it fun?! I find myself singing the songs often. Nik is using his latin vocab in everyday situations, too, which is very cool.
  11. Thank you! These are two I have never seen and think we could get a lot of use out of.
  12. Marc works M-F from 7am-4pm. He has an hour lunch break that he comes home for. He only works 10 minutes away, so he's home before 4:15pm. The pay stinks, but the amount of time he gets to be home with us is worth it!
  13. I did a tag search and got a ton of results for free resources. The Free Curriculum List post is absolutely massive. HTH!
  14. This is wonderful! I think I may reformat it for use as a workbook.
  15. We were using WWE with my first grader, but he hated it. H A T E D! I can't emphasize that enough! :lol: His favorite subject is history, so I started having him narrate his SOTW readings and do copywork sentences that I write that pertain to the current chapter. He doesn't complain about copywork any more at all. It has only been a couple of weeks, so it may change. So far, so good, though!
  16. I was curious, also. I found this that I think might be what she is talking about.
  17. Here is catholicmommy's blog. And here is the thread. ETA ~ My blog post about the modifications I used.
  18. As a bit of a claustrophic I'm certain I would have a huge panic attack if I went to open the door and found out that it was locked from the inside! It doesn't matter how big the space is if I can't escape from it! I'm having to take some really deep breaths just thinking about it. *shiver*
  19. I have a child who is feeling sick, so I would ask that you drop by another time. Otherwise, I would take a shower and get dressed. Then I would wipe out the downstairs bathroom sink, which I'm certain the kids didn't do after brushing (because they never remember to.) If I had any time left I would find some snacks to offer, and put on a pot of coffee (which we keep mostly for guests.) Oh, I forgot that my kitchen sink looks pretty gross! I guess I would have my husband clean the bathroom sink while I scrubbed the kitchen sink. Or make sure you didn't go in the kitchen! :tongue_smilie: (I'm not a fan of the old white porcelain farmhouse sinks, btw. It takes forever to make the thing look clean!)
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