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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. :iagree: Here's hoping that you all have your babes in your arms VERY soon!
  2. Oh my, how precious! Congratulations! I hope things are finally moving along for you, AngelBee! And if they are't, I hope you are able to get plenty of rest.
  3. Easy labor vibes! I can't wait to hear the birth story!
  4. My son just finished level 1 of MM and he also had a hard time with the telling time chapter. He breezed through the rest of the book, but we had a lot of frustration over that single topic. I'm thinking that with my other children I will introduce the topic, but if they seem excessively frustrated we will skip it and try covering it again at the end of the year, or possibly even a year later.
  5. I would guess that you aren't boiling them long enough. If you don't boil them long enough they don't set up. If you boil them for too long they get dry and crumbly.
  6. I'm happy to hear that nursing is going well and that she will be home soon. I'm so sorry she didn't get the birth that she wanted, and hope she is able to come to peace with it all.
  7. Bummer! I highly recommend that you start using something like http://www.delicious.com/ to keep track of your bookmarks.
  8. My BIL and SIL have an awesome deep cabinet at their condo for the board games. Our board games are in a trunk, on a shelf, on top of the freezer, and scattered wherever my 5-year-old leaves them! I would love to have a cabinet like my SILs, but my husband doesn't make as much money as she does. :tongue_smilie: I'm off to check out the threads a PP linked to so I can find a better system.
  9. :grouphug: I'm so glad you got him there in time! I've been through the same thing with my grandfather and I know how scary the rush, rush, rush no-time-to-think-about-what's-happening can be. Remember to take care of yourself, too.
  10. Our absolute favorite alphabet book is The Book of Shadowboxes: A Story of the ABCs by Laura Seeley. This is one of those books that I'll buy a copy of for each of my kids when they have children of their own.
  11. Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History Horrible History Horrible Science and Calvin and Hobbes comics! lol Nik spends HOURS every day reading from these books. Other books that I find myself putting away often (I need to work on getting him to put the books away when he's done with them, but he always insists he was still reading it) are: Smithsonian Institution's Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife (This book is huge and very heavy.) The Usborne Science Encyclopedia
  12. My SIL owns an organic cloth diapering and fabric company. She sells wool covers made from the softest wool interlock. I'm excited to be pregnant again just for the excuse to get my hands on more of that wool! lol They come with a lifetime guarantee on snaps and elastic, too. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the link because I'm related to the owner, so if you're interested send me a PM.
  13. I'm also in the Northeast and almost all of our family doctors are white and, I assume, American-born. Those that I don't know the background of and may not be American don't advertise the fact and not one of them has any sort of accent that would lead me to think they may have been born in another country. Not that it would matter a bit to me in any case. Our last doctor (he was my favorite general practioner ever, but he moved his practice) was born in India but he is an American, not a foreigner. :tongue_smilie: Our optometrist is a white American male, dentist is a white American female, obstetricians are two white American males and one white American female, family doctor's office consists of a bunch of white American males and females and one Russian male. Frankly, a little ethnic diversity would be welcome!
  14. :grouphug: PMS cravings are so irritating. I might be able to make you feel better, though. I'm pregnant and I ate 4 big bowls of Frosted Flakes yesterday. One for breakfast and the other three for snacks! lol
  15. I got it all put away in the bins on Monday when I was feeling ok for the first time in weeks (first trimester and all of the lovely morning sickness that accompany it). However, it is still sitting in my living room. We live in a 100+ year old house with practically no closet space. We have no attic or garage and a basement that is partially fieldstone so it stays too wet for storing things. That means that our closets are very carefully arranged to maximize the space. Marc hasn't had the time to get it packed back into the closet until after the boys' bedtime, and since the closet is in their room he can't really be making a huge racket to get it done. Hopefully it will get done Saturday. If not, I'm donating all of it except for the tree decorations, tree skirt, and Christmas quilt! lol Having another baby means we're going to have even less space for storage and after looking at all of this stuff for a week I'm wondering how important it is to me.
  16. I just stopped taking Lexapro due to pregnancy. It was the lowest dosage, but the doctor still had me take half of a pill every day for a week, then 1/2 of a pill every other day for a week. I had about two days after that where I felt off and then I was fine.
  17. Yes, I've started planning for next year because we have a baby due in August. I know my summer will be consumed with baby preparations, so if I want to get anything done next year I need to start the planning now.
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